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Describe an invention that has changed how people live

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 516 with Model Answer:

Describe an invention that you believe has changed how people live.

You should say:
  • what invention it is
  • whether it is more important for older or younger people
  • what benefits it has brought
and explain how it has changed people's lives.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

From the dawn of civilization, people have invented and discovered a lot of things for their own benefit. While all of these things have helped us live better in one way or another, I think that we can put automobiles somewhere on top of the list.

Yes, indeed, few inventions have had as profound an impact on the world as the car. But, interestingly enough though, when “Karl Benz”, a German Engineer, invented the very first car around the 1880s, he couldn’t possibly have envisioned such a profound impact, apparently because they were mostly for wealthy people and families. After all, they were not only made mostly manually but often were also customized for wealthy buyers. Rather, it was actually because of the noble and revolutionary efforts of Henry Ford, a US businessman and engineer, the general public was also able to reap the benefits of this fine invention from the early 20th century.

Since then, both young and old people have owned cars and used them in order to make their life easier and more comfortable. After all, nowadays, both young and old folks play an active role in taking care of their families and businesses. Indeed, it is very difficult to ignore the numerous benefits of automobiles, and the changes they have brought into people’s lives today, whether they are young or old.

Among some of those most obvious benefits and changes are that it not only has helped them to get around quickly and at their own pace, but also has become the driving force behind the growth of oil, gas and automobile spare parts manufacturing industries. Not to mention, of course, the benefit of saving the time and hardship of commuting back and forth to work of millions and millions of workers around the world, who perhaps wouldn’t otherwise be able to earn their livelihoods while living close to their families and loved ones. Finally, it also has helped us travel to new places and enjoy our holidays, a very important aspect of our modern life today, with minimum effort and time.

Sample Answer 2:

Introduction & what invention it is:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about an invention that has changed how people live. In my opinion, one of the most significant inventions of modern times is the vaccine. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of vaccines in our lives, and I believe that they have changed the world in many ways.

Whether it is more important for older or younger people:
Vaccines are important for both older and younger people. While older people are at a higher risk of severe illness and death from the virus, younger people can still get infected and spread the virus. So vaccines have created a safer and healthier community for all ages.

What benefits it has brought:
The invention of the vaccine has revolutionized the world and changed the way we live our lives. In fact, it has given us new hope of living and not being defeated by different viruses that cause deadly diseases like influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, COVID-19 and so on. For instance, The COVID-19 vaccine has been crucial in saving lives and containing the spread of the virus.

And explain how it has changed people's lives:
Over the decades, vaccines have saved countless lives. At different times in history, vaccines have helped in reducing anxiety, fear, and uncertainty caused by the pandemic. People can now feel safer and more secure knowing that they have a vaccine that can protect them from the virus. It has also allowed people to reconnect with loved ones, friends, and family members, which has been a significant psychological boost for many. So, vaccines have had a transformative effect on the world and will continue to be a vital tool in fighting future pandemics.


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