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Describe a workaholic person you know

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 511 with Model Answer:

Describe a workaholic person you know.

You should say:
  • who this person is
  • what the job/ profession of this person is
  • how you know about this person
and explain why you think this person is a workaholic.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
A person I know who I consider a workaholic is my uncle John. He has been working as a senior manager in a manufacturing company for more than 20 years and has always been dedicated to his job. For this topic, I have decided to talk about my uncle.

I know about my uncle's workaholic behaviour from my frequent family gatherings and conversations with him. Every time we meet, he talks about his job, the latest projects he's working on, and the challenges he's facing at work. He often spends his weekends and evenings answering emails, attending conference calls, and preparing for meetings. He rarely takes time off from work, and even when he's on vacation, he still checks his emails and responds to work-related messages.

I think my uncle is a workaholic because he seems to derive most of his identity and self-worth from his job. He is highly motivated by his work and takes pride in his accomplishments. He also believes that his job is essential to his financial stability and the well-being of his family, so he works hard to ensure that he's doing everything he can to succeed. However, his intense focus on work often comes at the expense of his health and personal relationships. He doesn't exercise regularly and often misses family gatherings and events due to work commitments.

I believe that while my uncle's work ethic and passion for his job are admirable, his excessive focus on work has also taken a toll on his health and personal relationships.

Model Answer 2:
I wish that I myself was a workaholic person because I have always admired such persons for their contribution to society. So, I would like to thank you for choosing such a nice topic for me.

Anyway, the workaholic person, I want to talk about here, is actually a former neighbour of mine whom I had known for a good 10 years before he moved to a different town. Now, it is a pity that I never got a chance to talk to him for more than a few minutes whenever we bumped into each other once in a blue moon, and that too by an accident. But, I guess that it was only natural for a senior nurse like him who didn’t, or perhaps couldn’t, find any time for even himself or his own family, since he probably worked at least 12 hours a day with virtually no weekends.

However, even though this nurse neighbour had been living in the same neighbourhood with me for almost 10 years, I came to learn about him and his profession only a few years ago for the first time when I visited his hospital – the place where he was actually working at that time – to visit a doctor. Since then, I had met him a few times, of course. But, whenever I met him, almost always at a time when rushing to his work, he never forgot to passingly remind me to take care of my health as well as that of my family members.

Now, to explain why I think this person is a workaholic, the only explanation I could give at this point is that he probably loved his work – or loved helping other people in need and distress in this particular instance - more than anything else. In fact, I have arrived at this conclusion only after seeing how happy he really is at his job. Besides, it is also possible that he just didn’t have any other options except to become a workaholic because that’s the only he could keep his job and livelihood.

Model Answer 3:

Thank you for this nice and interesting topic. I will here describe a person who I believe loves his work, and could easily pass as a workaholic person.

Who this person is:
The person I'm going to talk about is my friend's father,
Mr Johnson. He is a successful businessman and works in the marketing industry.

What the job/profession of this person is:
Mr Johnson is a marketing manager for a multinational company. He has been working in this field for over 14 years and has a wealth of experience and knowledge.

How you know about this person:
I know about Mr Johnson through my friend who often talks about his father's work and professional life. I have also met him a few times during social events and family gatherings.

Why you think this person is a workaholic:
I believe Mr Johnson is a workaholic because he is always busy with work, even during weekends and holidays. He spends most of his time in the office and often takes work home with him. I have heard my friend say that his father is one of the most hardworking people he knows and that he is constantly striving for success. Mr Johnson's dedication to his job has earned him many accolades and promotions. I think Mr Johnson's commitment to his job makes him a workaholic, but it also makes him a highly respected and successful professional.


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