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Describe a review you read about a product or service

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 523 with Model Answer:

Describe a review you read about a product or service.

You should say:
  • where you read this review
  • what the product or service was
  • what information the review gave about the product or service
and explain what you did as a result of reading this review.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

In this era of computers and the internet, people tend to read reviews of products and services whenever possible, and some people are a bit more serious about those online reviews than others. I often read online reviews when I plan to buy an expensive product, or a new product, or plan to check in at a hotel. For this topic, I would like to talk about an online review that I read about a hotel where I stayed for three nights.

Where you read the review:
I read the reviews on "Agoda" - which is a popular hotel and air flight booking web service. It was actually more than 20 reviews from real hotel guests that I read about the hotel, and I read the reviews on my computer before I finalised the hotel booking.

What the product or service was:
I took a business trip to Bangkok in Thailand, and the trip required me to stay in the heart of Bangkok to save some commuting time each day. That's when I learned about the "Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit" hotel from a colleague who stayed there and talked highly of it. I believed that the Sheraton hotel would be a bit more expensive for me, but went online to check it out anyway.

What information the review gave about the product or service:
There were at least a thousand reviews about this hotel on the website called Agoda. I read more than 20 of them thoroughly and skimmed through a dozen more. The reviews were as comprehensive as they could be and came with pictures and personal experiences from real guests who stayed at that hotel. The reviews expressed mostly positive contemplations of the guests. They include - how the hotel was so great, how delicious the food was, how to explore the nearby area, how the rooms were meticulously decorated and arranged, how amiable and professional the service personnel were, and how to make the best of the stay. However, there were many negative reviews as well from people who thought that the hotel overcharged them for average service quality and food. From their reviews, it was clear that the hotel could not meet their expectations.

And explain what you did as a result of reading this review:
After I read the reviews - both positive and negative - I decided to book a single room that had a nice view only for a night. I decided to extend my stay only if I was satisfied with my experience. Here, I should mention that my experience was good, and I ended up staying three nights at that hotel.

Sample Answer 2:

Thank you so much for this excellent topic. Since I like to read or watch reviews on different products and services from time to time, it would be easy for me to talk about one such event.

Today I'm going to talk about a review I read about a brand-new smart TV on a popular tech website. As a tech enthusiast, I'm always eager to learn about the latest and greatest products on the market, and this review definitely caught my eye. I was perhaps looking forward to learning more about my available options for purchasing a TV since I was planning to buy a new one.

The TV in question was a top-of-the-line model from a well-known brand called Sony, and the review gave a detailed breakdown of its features, design, and performance. The reviewer praised the TV for its stunning picture quality, intuitive user interface, and seamless integration with popular streaming services. They also noted a few minor drawbacks, such as the lack of support for certain apps and the high price point.

After reading this review, I was definitely intrigued by the TV and decided to do some further research. I looked up other reviews and watched some video demonstrations to get a better sense of the TV's capabilities. Ultimately, I decided that while it was an impressive product, it was a bit out of my price range and didn't offer enough extra features to justify the cost.

Overall, I think reading this review was a valuable experience because it gave me a glimpse into the world of cutting-edge technology and helped me make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in a new TV.


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