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A challenge that you have recently faced

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 469 with Model Answer:

Describe a challenge that you have recently faced.

You should say:
  • what type of challenge it was
  • when you have faced it
  • how you faced/took the challenge 
and explain the outcome of it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I wholeheartedly believe that challenges are a part of life, and they can help us grow and learn new things. Here, I will describe a recent challenge that I have faced and the outcome of it.

What type of challenge it was:
Recently, I faced a financial challenge when I unexpectedly lost my job. It was a challenging situation as I had to manage my finances and make ends meet without a stable source of income.

When you have faced it:
I faced this challenge about six months ago when the company I was working for went through a restructuring process and had to let go of some employees, including me.

How you faced/took the challenge:
At first, I was overwhelmed by the situation, but then I decided to take control of it. I started by making a budget and cutting down on my expenses. I also reached out to my network and started looking for new job opportunities. During this time, I utilized my skills to take up some freelance work and started a small online business to generate some income.

And explain the outcome of it:
After a few weeks of job hunting, I was offered a job that was a better fit for me and paid more than my previous job. Additionally, my small business started to grow, and I started earning a steady income from it. Overall, this challenge taught me the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations and the value of a supportive network. It also showed me that taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone can lead to new opportunities and growth.

Model Answer 2:
They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. One of our teachers slightly modified this adage and told us that "If life throws you stones, make stone crafts". I think that the teacher tried to make a point here, and it was that our life is not always so rosy and we should be ready to face challenges and make the best out of the worst situations.

I know that I am not one of the bravest persons to adhere to this saying, but life certainly teaches us to be more adaptable. So, here, for this topic, I will talk about a recent event when I faced a challenge. I will also tell you how I faced it, and finally the results of it.

So here goes the story...

Six or seven months ago, my reporting manager in my previous company called me one evening and told me all of a sudden that the company was going to let go of some employees as part of its cost minimisation process. I instantly knew that I was being fired and for no apparent reason! I politely told my manager that I would leave by the next week. It was perhaps easy to say so, but I knew I had a large bank loan to repay and a family to take care of.

I did not let my family know about it as I did not want my ill mother to worry much about it. So, I went out almost every day, as if I was leaving for the office, to actually search for a job or meet someone who could inform me about a possible job vacancy. That was so challenging a task especially because I had to pretend that I was still going to the office. I sometimes went to an internet cafe and applied for some jobs or sat at a park to plan for my future. This was definitely a challenging time for me.

My hard work was finally paid off. Though I had to fight for almost a month or so, I managed a job that was far better than my previous one. Even though I missed one of the bank instalments, I could easily pay it later with my salary from the new company. I still am doing this new job and so far I love it so much. This experience taught me that when life throws stones at you, make a beautiful stone-made craft out of them!


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