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A wedding party you have recently attended

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 448 with Model Answer:

Describe a wedding party which you have recently attended.

You should say:
  • where the wedding was held
  • who was getting married
  • how it was celebrated
and explain how much you enjoyed it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I recently had the pleasure of attending a beautiful wedding party that left a lasting impression on me. It was a joyous celebration filled with love, happiness, and unforgettable moments. I would like to thank you for this excellent topic before I describe the wedding in detail.

Where the wedding was held:
The wedding took place at a charming countryside venue, nestled amidst lush greenery and blooming flowers. The picturesque setting added a touch of natural beauty and serenity to the festivities.

Who was getting married:
The wedding was between my close friend, Amelia, and her long-time partner, Michael. They had been together for many years and their love story had touched the hearts of everyone who knew them. It was a joyous occasion celebrating their commitment and the beginning of their new journey as a married couple.

How it was celebrated:
The wedding was celebrated in a traditional and culturally rich manner. The ceremony began with a heartfelt exchange of vows and rings, witnessed by their family and close friends. The couple had put a lot of thought and effort into incorporating meaningful rituals that reflected their heritage and values.

The reception was a lively affair with music, dancing, and an abundance of delicious food. The venue was elegantly decorated with fairy lights, floral arrangements, and personalized touches that added to the festive atmosphere. The speeches given by family and friends were heartfelt and filled with love, capturing the essence of the couple's relationship.

And explain how much you enjoyed it:
I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the wedding party. It was a perfect blend of emotions, traditions, and festivities. Witnessing Amelia and Michael exchange their vows and begin their married life was a truly touching experience. The love and happiness that filled the air were contagious, and it was heartwarming to see the couple surrounded by their loved ones, who were genuinely happy for their union. The celebration also allowed me to reconnect with old friends and make new ones, as we all came together to celebrate the couple's special day.

Model Answer 2:
One of my dear cousins – whose name is “Peter”, got married a couple of weeks ago. For this topic, I’d like to talk about my experience of attending this grand wedding ceremony, which I believe is one of the best programmes I’ve ever attended.

The wedding party was held in Peter’s parents’ house. Since they have a big house, they decided to arrange everything at their house, which, by the way, was a great decision, in my opinion.

Peter was getting married to Bella, his high school sweetheart and best friend. Peter and Bella are both excellent people, and I hope they’ll be happy together forever.

The celebration was grand, and the wedding gave a majestic impression to the guests. It took three days just to decorate the entire house and yard. A marque was erected in front of the house, a special feast was served to the guests and the best cook in town was hired to take care of the food. But the most attractive thing about the wedding was that it helped two dear people of mine to tie the knot to become partners in life.

Personally, I enjoyed this wedding a lot. I loved the way it was celebrated, how people talked about the bride and the groom, and how everyone was happy and looked so beautiful. It was a happy moment, and I enjoyed all of it to a great extent.


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