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Describe an unexpected gift you once received

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 449 with Model Answer:

Describe an unexpected gift you once received.

You should say:
  • when it was
  • what gift item it was
  • what occasion it was
and explain how you felt about receiving this gift.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

When it was:
One of the most memorable experiences of receiving an unexpected gift happened on my birthday a few years ago. It was a delightful surprise that left a lasting impression on me. I am so happy to be able to share this experience with you.

What gift item it was:
On that special day, a close friend of mine presented me with a beautifully wrapped package. As I unwrapped it, I discovered a personalized journal with my name elegantly engraved on the cover. The journal had a luxurious leather binding and smooth, crisp pages, inviting me to fill it with my thoughts, dreams, and aspirations.

What occasion it was:
The unexpected gift arrived on my birthday, during a small gathering of friends and family. While I was anticipating the joy of celebrating another year of my life, the arrival of this thoughtful present added an extra touch of excitement and surprise to the occasion.

And explain how you felt about receiving this gift:
Receiving this unexpected gift evoked a whirlwind of emotions within me. First and foremost, I felt deeply touched by my friend's thoughtfulness and attention to detail. The fact that they had taken the time to choose a personalized gift that resonated with my interests and reflected my personality made it all the more special.

Furthermore, the gift held a symbolic meaning for me. As someone who enjoys writing and reflecting, the journal represented a vessel for self-expression and introspection. It felt like an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and creativity, capturing my thoughts and experiences in a tangible and lasting way.

I was overwhelmed with gratitude for my friend's gesture, recognizing the effort and thought they had put into selecting a gift that would genuinely resonate with me.

Model Answer 2:
Thank you a lot for this excellent topic and the time you have allowed me to talk about an unexpected gift that I once received. Well, I'll share the story with you now.

I usually like to shop in a supermarket or a large mall if it is not too much crowded. But waiting in the queue to checkout is something I like a lot less. So, a few weeks ago, when I was waiting in a long line at a super shop's checkout point, I wasn't naturally happy or excited! However, I was waiting patiently for almost 25 minutes, and when my turn came, there was some delay which I was very confused about. In a few minutes, the manager of the store came to me to congratulate me on winning a gift!

It was an utter surprise for me as I was not even remotely expecting an announcement to win a gift. The manager informed me that as their one-millionth customer, I had won a nice coffee maker- a far better gift than I could think of!

A group of officials came forward with the coffee maker, and I was still dumbfounded. It took me a while to actually believe it. "You are a lucky customer or a visitor and won a gift" - is usually a phrase I treat as spam, or an intention to scam someone. But this time it was real, and I was equally delighted and inspired to win a really nice and expensive-looking coffee maker.


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