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Risk you have taken which had a positive result

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 445 with Model Answer:

Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result.

You should say:
  • what type of risk it was
  • why you took this risk
  • what the result was
and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Thank you for this nice topic. Here, I will tell you about a risk that I took, and which has bought a positive outcome for me.

In our life, we take risks very often - sometimes knowingly and sometimes not so consciously. For instance, an investment decision may be a risk we take after careful planning, but when we cross a busy street, we may not just realize that we are taking a risk. But every venture brings a new opportunity or takes turns shaping our life.

During my early university years, I decided to invest a small amount of money in the stock market in our country and keep rolling the amount while also adding new amounts whenever possible. It was a tough decision to make, and many people advised me otherwise considering the volatile nature of the stock market and the inherent risks. However, I was convinced that with careful investment decisions, investment knowledge and proper market analysis, I would do better.

I took the risk to invest money in the stock market because I thought that I should be making some kinds of investment decisions while I was still a student. As a student in the Business Studies faculty, I could not think of any better investment plan than to venture into the stock market.

Well, the result of the decision and risk was amazingly positive for me. When I completed my undergraduate course at the university, I had an enviable portfolio in the share market. I was not worried even a bit about the education debt I had as I had been able to pay it, and when my other classmates were searching for a job, I was planning to start something I had always wanted to do - my own business. It made a big difference in my prospective future career.

When I took the risk, I felt a mixture of uncertainty, optimism, as well as excitement. The amount I invested was not much but as a student that was hard-earned money for me. Now that I know it was one of the best investment decisions I have ever made, I feel proud and lucky that I decided to take it despite many people's advice not to do that.

Model Answer 2:

Taking risks can lead to significant personal growth and positive outcomes. One such risk that I took, which had a positive result, was starting my own small business. It was a leap of faith that required stepping out of my comfort zone and venturing into the entrepreneurial world.

What type of risk it was:
The risk I took was leaving a stable job and investing my savings to start my own business. It was a financial and career risk as I was stepping into the unknown and taking full responsibility for the success or failure of the venture.

Why you took this risk:
I had always nurtured a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to create something of my own. The monotony of my previous job and the longing for creative freedom and personal growth pushed me to take this risk. I wanted to challenge myself, pursue my passions, and have the opportunity to shape my own destiny.

What the result was:
Fortunately, the risk paid off, and my business started to gain traction. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and resilience to overcome initial challenges and establish a foothold in the market. As time went on, the business grew steadily, and I started to see positive results in terms of financial stability, professional fulfilment, and personal satisfaction.

And explain how you felt about it:
Taking this risk was a rollercoaster of emotions. Initially, there was a mix of excitement and fear, as I had invested a considerable amount of time and money into the venture. There were moments of doubt and uncertainty, especially during the early stages when success was not guaranteed. However, as the business started to flourish, a sense of accomplishment and pride began to overshadow any initial apprehension. Seeing my business thrive, witnessing satisfied customers, and experiencing personal growth as an entrepreneur brought immense satisfaction and validation.


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