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Describe a time when you talked to a stranger

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 443 with Model Answer:

Describe a time when you talked to a stranger.

You should say:
  • who this person was
  • where the conversation took place
  • what the conversation was about
and explain why you found the conversation interesting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
First of all, I would like to thank you for this great topic. So here, I am going to talk about a time when I talked to a person whom I did not meet before, and yet the conversation was exciting.

This conversation took place almost four or five months ago. I was flying to Auckland, New Zealand from my home country, and I had a chance to talk to an Australian environmentalist, who happened to sit beside me on the same flight. I have to say that it was a very memorable conversation.

The conversation started when I lent him a pen that he needed to fill up some forms. He then asked me where I was from and where I was heading to. Later the conversation turned to be centred around the environmental problems the world is facing right now, and what might happen in the future if we all do not play our roles.

He did enlighten me as to the gravity of our environmental problems. Practically, he talked about how our relentless exploitation has depleted many important natural resources. Moreover, he indicated that problems like global warming also stem from various kinds of pollution, the most severe of which is air pollution and how we are responsible for that. Undoubtedly, these environmental problems would be extremely detrimental to our health and affect our overall quality of life. When I asked him about how to mitigate such environmental problems, he said the decisive factor is our awareness and choice of lifestyle. Every action we take will directly affect the environment, in either positive or negative ways. He advised me to reduce my personal carbon footprint by cutting down on car emissions if I have access to public transport. He also gave me tips on saving energy as an essential way to put a stop to environmental degradation.

It was indeed an interesting and enjoyable conversation because the person I had this conversation with was an expert in the subject. He also had a great persuasion power and the arguments he presented were irrefutable. He mentioned a grave issue that we all know but do not want to talk about much. Finally, it was interesting because I learned different new information from this conversation.

Model Answer 2:

Interacting with strangers can be an intriguing experience, as it allows us to step outside our comfort zone and connect with new individuals. Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a stranger that left a positive impression on me, showcasing the beauty of unexpected encounters.

Who this person was:
The person I spoke with was an elderly gentleman named Mr. Johnson. I met him during a train journey while travelling to a neighbouring city. He was sitting in the same compartment as me, looking cheerful and approachable.

Where the conversation took place:
The conversation took place onboard the train. As the journey was quite long, I decided to strike up a conversation to pass the time and perhaps learn more about this friendly-looking stranger.

What the conversation was about:
I initiated the conversation by asking Mr. Johnson about his destination and travel plans. We soon found ourselves engaged in a lively discussion about our respective experiences, interests, and backgrounds. Mr. Johnson shared fascinating stories of his travels, family, and career, and I reciprocated by talking about my aspirations and recent life events.

And explain why you found the conversation interesting:
I found the conversation with Mr. Johnson particularly interesting for several reasons. Firstly, he had a wealth of life experiences, and his stories were captivating and inspiring. Listening to him talk about the various places he had visited and the people he had met along the way ignited a sense of wanderlust within me. It opened my eyes to the vastness and diversity of the world, reminding me of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Furthermore, Mr. Johnson was an excellent storyteller, and his anecdotes were filled with wisdom and valuable life lessons. Moreover, this conversation served as a reminder of the importance of being open to meeting new people and embracing chance encounters. Sometimes, the most memorable and meaningful interactions happen with those we least expect to meet.


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