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A neighbour who is very friendly to others

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 442 with Model Answer:

Describe a neighbour who is very friendly to others.

You should say:
  • who this neighbour is
  • how long you have known him/her
  • what he/she does for a living
and explain why you think he/she is very friendly to others.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Honestly speaking, I don’t really get much time to interact with my neighbours to get an idea as to how friendly they really are to each other. However, there are a few neighbours of mine who happen to be friendly to me, at least. So, I guess, I will just go ahead and talk about one of them here.

The neighbour, I am talking about is Jeremy who lives only a couple of hundred feet away from me on the other end of the street. I have known Jeremy for almost 5 years now, even though he moved into our neighbourhood long before that, and the reason for that is he is a police officer, and I just don’t have a very favourable opinion of a police officer of my country, probably because they are usually very rude to their subjects, meaning the violators of the laws. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that all police of my country were or are like that, but the few police officers, I have seen so far, have always behaved in a negative manner to their subjects.

But, Jeremy is certainly not like that. In fact, after meeting him for the first time at a pharmacy, when buying medicines for my father, I have known him to be a friendly person. In fact, he has come to my home on numerous occasions in order to ask me if my elderly father was doing ok and also that I could always count on him if I needed any help. Besides, the owner of the pharmacy, where I go to get my medicine, also has only good things to say about Jeremy.

Well, I think that Jeremy is friendly to others, mainly because he understands his roles and responsibilities perfectly well due to being a police officer. After all, as a person of the law enforcement agency, he should always come as a reliable and trustworthy person to others. Besides, he could be friendly to others also because that would make his “policing” job a lot easier.

Model Answer 2:

In my neighbourhood, there is a remarkable retired school teacher named Elina, whom I have known for over a decade. She is in her early 60s and has lived alone in our neighbourhood for many years. Elina's friendly and warm nature has earned her a reputation as someone who is always ready to lend a helping hand and make everyone feel welcome. I am so grateful for this topic that would allow me to talk about this great and friendly neighbour of mine.

How long you have known him/her:
I first met Elina shortly after my family moved into the neighbourhood about eleven years ago. Over the years, we have developed a close bond, and I consider her not just a neighbour but also a dear friend.

What he/she does for a living:
Elina dedicated her working years to education and was a passionate and beloved school teacher. Her experience as an educator shines through her interactions with people in the neighbourhood. Even though she is retired now, she continues to inspire and educate others through her friendly demeanour and willingness to share her knowledge and experiences.

And explain why you think he/she is very friendly to others:
Elina's friendliness stems from her genuine care and concern for those around her. She has a compassionate and empathetic nature that allows her to connect with people easily. Whether it's a newcomer in the neighbourhood or someone going through a difficult time, Elina is always there to offer a listening ear, a comforting smile, or a helping hand.

Her background as an educator has also played a significant role in shaping her friendly nature, I believe. Throughout her teaching career, Elina interacted with children, parents, and colleagues, cultivating excellent communication and interpersonal skills. These qualities have carried over into her retired life, making her approachable and open to building connections with others. Her inclusive and warm approach creates a sense of belonging, making our neighbourhood a close-knit and friendly community.


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