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When someone did not tell you the complete truth

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 377 with Model Answer:

Describe a situation when someone did not tell you the complete truth.

You should say:
  • when it was
  • who did not tell you the complete truth
  • how you later learned about it
and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1: 
I have been taught to tell the whole truth, as opposed to the partial truth, as it always minimises the possibility of a misunderstanding. But, still, some people often go for this kind of partial truth, just as it happened to me a few years ago. Here, I will share this experience with you.

It happened about 5 years ago, when I had just graduated from university, and I was desperately searching for some kinds of internships or jobs. But, unfortunately, things were not looking too bright for me as my country was going through some kind of recession back then. But, still, I kept trying.

Anyway, while I was continuing my job search, I received a phone call from one of my university batch-mates who informed me about a forthcoming job fair which was supposed to take place at a local hotel in my hometown.  I was really happy to hear the news, but, sadly, I fell sick with terrible stomach flu on the day when the job fair was supposed to take place and thus missing the opportunity to attend it.

A couple of days later, I called the person to tell him about what really had happened to me. In response, he told me that he couldn’t attend the job fair either, but he was still able to leave his CV at the hotel reception a day later because the companies wanted to give all the missing candidates, who had already registered their names at the hotel reception ahead of the schedule, another opportunity to apply. Later, of course, I found out that batch mate knew it all along except that he just didn’t care to explain it to me.

Not sure, why my university batch-mate chose to do this, but I felt a bit betrayed and disappointed with such behaviour. However, I also felt that I was a bit stupid on my part as well because I didn’t care to gather all the necessary information about the job fair by asking important questions, instead of just visiting the hotel reception to get registered for a spot.

Sample Answer 2:
Thank you for allowing me the time to talk about a situation when I was not told the whole truth. It was a deeply emotional experience for me, but the truth was withheld from me for good intentions.

It happened approximately four years ago. It was a typical evening when my younger uncle called me and informed me that my beloved grandmother was seriously ill, and that I needed to go to my hometown immediately. I was stunned and worried because I had a very close relationship with my grandmother, and I knew she was not in the best of health. Without hesitation, I rushed to make travel arrangements to visit her.

The journey was long and filled with anxiety. I couldn't help but think about my grandmother's well-being and what could have caused her sudden illness. My uncle had mentioned that her condition was severe, and this added to my apprehension. Finally, after hours of travel, I reached my hometown. However, what awaited me was heartbreaking. As I entered my grandparents' home, I was greeted by a sombre and mournful atmosphere. It was then that I realized that something was amiss.

When I inquired about my grandmother's health, my family members exchanged glances, and my uncle took me aside to talk privately. With a heavy heart, he revealed the truth. He explained that my grandmother had passed away before he made that call to me. The reason he hadn't told me the complete truth over the phone was to prevent me from experiencing emotional shock and distress while I was travelling alone.

My uncle did not want to burden me with the devastating news during the journey, as it would have been challenging to handle it while being away from my family. However, I was deeply saddened by the loss of my beloved grandmother, who meant a lot to me.

While my uncle's intentions were undoubtedly compassionate, it was hard to accept that I had been kept in the dark, even for what seemed like a good reason. In hindsight, I understand why he made that choice, but at the time, it was difficult to reconcile my emotions.


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