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A special day in your country's history

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 372 with Model Answer:

Describe a special day/date in your country's history.

You should say:
  • what day/date it is
  • what happened on that day/date
  • how this day/date is observed
and explain why this is a special day/date in your country's history.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1: 
Japan, as a nation, has a long history that has helped us become the strong “Japan” we are today. Anyway, while there are a number of special dates in the history of my country, I would like to specifically mention one of them here.

It is called “The Hiroshima Day”, which is being observed on the 6th of August every year since the year 1947, in order to commemorate the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, a major Japanese city in the southwestern Honshu region. People in Japan consider this day as one of the darkest days in their history because an atomic bomb was dropped on us on this very day which wiped out around 90% of the city, instantly killing around 80,000 people while also leaving around 35,000 people injured. The effects of this destruction were so devastating that tens of thousands even more died later on because of the radiation and burn. This terrible incident eventually forced the Japanese government to surrender unconditionally to the allied forces at the end of the Second World War.

The day is marked with the observation of a minute of silence at 8:15 am, because that’s the exact hour when the bomb was dropped, followed by the speeches of the Prime Minister of Japan, the Mayor of Hiroshima and other noteworthy figures in the presence of local citizens and visitors, as well as the ambassadors and dignitaries from around the world. Later in the evening, a lantern ceremony is also organized in order to lighten up an otherwise sombre occasion by floating thousands of paper lanterns, carrying written messages of peace on a local river.

This is a special day in our history because it offers us a sense of togetherness and solidarity among our fellow citizens. The day doesn’t only remind us about our past mistakes but also carry forward our desire for a sense of world peace. Finally, the occasion also allows us to honour the death of thousands of innocent people who probably had nothing to do with the most destructive war in human history.


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