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A person who has interesting ideas or opinions

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 366 with Model Answer:

Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.

You should say:
  • who this person is
  • how you know this person
  • what interesting ideas/opinions he/she gives
and explain why you think that this person has interesting ideas/opinions.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
We all have our own ideas and opinions. However, not all of us are interested to share them with others. But, some people are never afraid to share their ideas or opinions with others, be them normal or radical. Today, I would like to talk about one such person who never seemed to be short of any ideas or opinions!

He seemed to be just a regular guy. I met him rather casually at a book shop when I was trying to buy a storybook for one of my little cousins. He started the conversation with me with a casual enquiry about what kind of books I was buying. In response, I told him that I was looking for a book on “fairytale” stories since my cousin was a little girl. He seemed to be a bit irritated with my response and told me with a smiling face that I should have bought her a book on “how to become a space scientist” instead. He also told me that books should be “free of cost” for everyone to read so that we can build a “knowledgeable” nation instead of an “educated” one. I didn’t feel like arguing with him because he sounded really interesting. So, he kept on going and told me a lot of things, including how to judge a person by the “language” he or she uses, before leaving the shop.

I think that the guy had some pretty interesting ideas as I also thought that one should be able to get “important knowledge” or “life lessons” for free so that everyone can become a responsible citizen. Besides, there is no proof that reading a fairytale storybook allows a person to achieve her full potential, be it intellectually or professionally, and yet, for some “mysterious” reasons, we keep feeding our children with such “gibberish”. As his opinion on “language”, I indeed have found a lot of proof of that around me in the past except that I just didn’t care to find a correlation between the language used by a person and his “level of intellect”.

Sample Answer 2: 
Undoubtedly, not everyone comes with tons of amazing ideas and opinions. Only a few have an acute sense of observation to analyze the situation and come up with remarks and ideas that are astounding. Mac Robert is such an interesting and exceptional person who seems full of fascinating opinions and ideas no matter when and what!

Almost three years ago, I had to visit a hardware store to purchase some materials for a new project I was doing at university. After buying the items, I was set to leave the shop, and at that moment, Mac Robert was entering the same store. I made room to let him in, but instead of crossing me, he extended his helping hand to carry my goods. Usually, people are occupied with their own business in my area and they do not bother to get involved with other people's business except in some dire situations. But I found Robart quite different and this is how I met him and knew him for the very first time. Later I met him on several other occasions and even worked together on personal projects.

When he asked me about the things I had just purchased, I replied that I would use them for my next science project. I had a plan to build a camera for surveillance that will be much cheaper than the available cameras in the market. He then asked for my number! A week later he came to my house and shared some innovative idea that was far better than my original idea. He suggested many improvements and price-cut and to my amazement, he was full of unorthodox and creative ideas.

Once I followed his plan, it was a great success. Usually, we all have our ideas but we are often afraid to implement them. Robert is a bit different in this regard. He knows what to do and when to do that. He not only came up with ideas at different times but also directed me to make several projects successful. We also completed many personal projects together and some of his radical ideas astonished me.


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