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Describe a person you would like to study or work with

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 353 with Model Answer:

Describe a person you would like to study or work with.

You should say:
  • who this person is
  • what this person does
  • how long you have known him/her
and explain why you want to study/ work with this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I have been really lucky to have a number of friends, relatives, acquaintances and co-workers who are wonderful people both personally and professionally. While I would like to work with all of them in a professional set-up, the name of one particular person should be specially mentioned here.

He is none other than my own uncle. He is in his late 30’s, but, after knowing him for about 25 years, since my early childhood, I have no hesitation to describe him as an “evergreen” person, who never gets tired of working. Of course, some people would say that there are many people among us, who never get tired of working, and therefore, there is nothing really so special about my uncle. Well, there is indeed something special about my uncle because I have seldom seen him running late for his work (when leaving his home) or returning home late in his last 10 years of professional life as a Senior Accountant.

Now, if such a sense of punctuality and great time management don’t make him special, then organizing some of the most “untidy” rooms in the world, courtesy to some “unruly” nephews like me, for about an hour after his work, surely would. If, even this type of sense of ‘caring’ doesn’t make him a perfect candidate to be considered as “special”, then doing grocery every other morning, before hitting the road for the office, for a family of 15 persons (yes, we live in a joint family), would almost certainly make him special.

Now, do I need to mention even some more reasons, other than the fact that he has a great sense of time management, responsibility and caring, for which, I would like to work with this person? Well, if the answer is "yes", I would say that his ever-smiling face, positive attitude to life, high level of self-confidence (but not “boasting” about anything), honesty/truthfulness, tactfulness (but not “shrewd”), and remaining calm in hostile situations are also some of the reasons, for which, I would certainly like to work with my uncle.

Model Answer 2:
Thank you very much for this interesting topic. I would also like to thank you for the time you have allowed me to talk about a person with whom I would like to study or work. Well, the person I would like to study with is my cousin, John. He is an exceptionally talented student, and I have known him for my entire life.

John is currently pursuing his bachelor's degree in computer science at a prestigious university. He has always been passionate about computers and technology, and his academic performance in this field is outstanding. What's even more impressive is that he's not just focused on getting good grades; he genuinely enjoys learning and exploring new aspects of his field. He actively participates in coding competitions, hackathons, and open-source projects, which has honed his practical skills.

I've known John since we were babies, and we've grown up together. He's not only my cousin but also one of my closest friends. We've always shared a strong bond and have supported each other in various aspects of life.

The reason I want to study with John is quite simple: I believe he can inspire and motivate me to excel academically. His dedication to learning and his ability to grasp complex concepts in computer science is remarkable. I have seen him tackle challenging problems with ease and creativity. By studying with him, I hope to not only improve my knowledge and understanding of the subject but also adopt his effective study habits and problem-solving skills. Moreover, John has a patient and helpful teaching style. He has often explained difficult concepts to me in a way that makes them much easier to grasp. I believe that his guidance and collaborative approach to learning will enhance my academic experience.

Model Answer 3:
Mr Robertson is the CEO of my office and a hard worker. I have never seen such an active person so far in my career. He has an outstanding skill to impress people with his speeches and he never argues with people even if they are wrong. Though he works in the same company where I am employed, I would like to work closely with him as I believe it would give me a valuable opportunity to learn many things from this exemplary person.

I work in a local manufacturing company in New York City and Mr Robertson takes care of the company. Though I've seen him only a few times, I do not doubt that he is a great leader. He is also an influential member of the local business association. So, he has a very busy schedule.

I have known him for almost five years now. In fact, it is my first job at his organization after my graduation, and I have been continuing here without looking for any other job. And I wish to work here as long as I can. During this time, I have met him a few times. Each time I've met him, I have learned something new.

Working with Mr Robertson will enrich my knowledge and skills. Besides, he is supportive of his staff and loves to share his experience. Finally, I want to work with Mr Robertson to learn his leadership and visionary qualities.

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