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Describe something you remember from your school or college

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 333 with Model Answer:

Describe something you remember from your school or college days.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • what actually happened
  • how you felt about it

and explain why you remember this event.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
During my college days, there was an event that I remember vividly. It was the annual college fest that was held every year. It was a two-day event, and the whole college was involved in it. The event was a culmination of several weeks of planning and practice, and everyone was excited about it.

On the first day, there were various competitions held such as debates, extempore, singing and dancing. There were also stalls put up by various clubs of the college, selling food, drinks and merchandise. The atmosphere was electric, with music playing in the background and students milling around, trying to participate in as many events as possible.

The second day was even more exciting, with a fashion show, a band performance and the highlight of the event - the DJ night. The DJ night was the most popular event of the fest, with everyone looking forward to it. The organizers had arranged for a well-known DJ to perform, and the entire college turned up to dance the night away.

I remember this event so vividly because it was the first time that I had participated in an event of this scale. I had never danced in front of such a large audience before, but I took part in the dance competition and performed with my team. We didn't win, but it was an amazing experience and I felt so proud of myself for having the courage to get up on stage. The college fest was a memorable event that I will always cherish. It brought the whole college together and gave us a chance to showcase our talents and have some fun.

Sample Answer 2:
Thank you for this nice cue card topic. When I was a student at Hong Kong International School, located in Repulse Bay, I made a huge mistake and was deeply embarrassed about that. This is a memorable event for me as I was ashamed and also learnt from my mistake. This topic reminds me of my school days in Hong Kong and I will try to describe the event that I still remember vividly.

On one occasion, as a grade ten student, I did not complete my homework. The night before I played video games and did not touch my homework. The next day the teacher asked me why I had not brought the homework and I said I mistakenly left the homework at home. It was a pure lie and I now understand how big a mistake it was to lie to my teacher. The teacher smelled something fishy and asked me to get back home to bring the homework.

As it was a lie and I had not touched the homework, I was in deep trouble. I left the classroom and started to feel deep remorse and humiliation at the same time. I knew that what I did was severe and I would be punished for that. I strolled around the school aimlessly for a few minutes and waited for the teacher to finish his class. Afterwards, I went to his room and told him the whole story. He was so shocked that he did not tell me anything and asked me to leave his room very calmly. It was even harder to bear than any other punishment and I made a vow to myself never to lie to my teachers ever again.    

I still remember this event as it was utterly humiliating and embarrassing. Besides, it was a great lesson for me. From that day on, I have always told the truth to my teachers no matter what. I remember it also because, on that very day, I learned how our teachers hate us when we lie to them as they love us very dearly.

Sample Answer 3:

I am so excited to have this topic to talk about. Here, I will share a memorable day from my school days.

What it is:
Frankly speaking, one thing that I remember vividly from my school days is the annual sports day event. Our school sports days were always special and we enjoyed them so much.

What actually happened:
Every year, our school would organize a sports day event where all the students would participate in various sports activities and compete against each other. There were events such as relay races, long jump, high jump, shot put, and many others. The atmosphere on the sports day was always very lively, with students cheering and encouraging each other.

How you felt about it:
I always looked forward to the sports day event as it was one of the most exciting days of the year. As a child, I loved playing sports and competing, so participating in these events gave me a sense of satisfaction and pride.

And explain why you remember this event:
I remember this event so well because it was one of the rare occasions when the entire school would come together and celebrate. It was a day filled with fun, excitement, and healthy competition. Even after so many years, I can still remember the feeling of exhilaration and joy that I experienced on those sports days.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:  

"Describe something you remember from your school or college days." 

1. I forgot to bring my homework one day and thought to bunk the class in my high school. In fact, the teacher was a bit angrier than the other teachers. Fearing his punishment, I was planning to disappear from the class and spend some time at the library. Luckily I was saved on that day. The class was cancelled due to the teacher's illness and I did not have to face this angry teacher for not bringing important homework on that day.

2. My life at the Trinity College School in Ontario, Canada was awesome. I have yet to see such a nice place with so many nice people before or after. I clearly can remember my academic years there. The last day at my school was a sad day for me and my classmates and it was hard for us to think that we would no longer be part of this school from that day on. It was filled with tears. These days, whenever I get a chance, I visit this school premises where I have spent some of my golden days in my life.

3. European School Bergen in the Netherlands is a great place and I was lucky to have been a pupil there. I can remember the very first class at this school. My dad took me there and I was welcomed warmly. I have had some new friends in the class. The class party was outstanding. I was glad about everything in this new school.

4. Scoring the highest mark in Physics is a matter of pride indeed. And when I was a student at the Canadian Academy in Japan, I was happy with my scores. In fact, I was the best girl in the class and used to get the highest scores in Physics. I was awarded a prize for my achievement and I still remember that day which was filled with joy and happiness.

5. Before attending college, I could not think that I would meet my best friend there. I met Amanda at Royal College in Colombo, Sri Lanka. She is still my best friend and we are best buddies for more than seven years. I can still remember the day I meet her in college. She entered the class, sat beside me in the first row and started talking. I was irritated at first but later everything went so well that we started to grow our friendship.

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