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A class rule that you liked in your school/college

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 339 with Model Answer:

Describe a class rule that you liked in your school/college.

You should say:
  • what rule it was
  • who imposed this rule
  • how you felt about this rule
and explain how this rule helped the class.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:
Thank you very much for the opportunity to let me talk about a class rule that I liked. The rule was about being punctual, that is, being present at the class at the right time and never being late. This was a great rule that I liked in my school days in Nha Trang – a big city in Vietnam. This habit helped me a lot to be punctual in everything in my later stages.

The rule of being punctual was imposed by the school authority and every single class teacher and administrative officer in our school followed it religiously. It was a private English medium school and it followed various rules and regulations. After the acceptance test, parents of the pupils have to sign a bond that they and their children will follow all the rules of the school.

Honestly speaking, I was irritated at the beginning about rigorously following this rule. I was even late for a few days and every time I was late, I had to give them a valid reason for that. It took me about a month to become punctual.

This particular rule helped me and most of the students of our school, primarily because it taught us punctuality, which is an important quality to succeed. Moreover, we also learnt about managing time and dealing with deadlines and finishing tasks on time as we were taught to be punctual at the beginning of our student life.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:  

"Describe a class rule that you liked in your school/college." 

In your IELTS speaking part 2/ candidate task card test, you can answer the same question from different perspectives. Few of the useful approaches are here to make you decide the best one. Or you can also develop your own answer.

1. I loved the way teachers took our attendance in our primary school in Allahabad, India. Teachers used to call the roll numbers of the students sequentially and we had to reply loudly to ensure our presence in the classroom. It was a good system and I liked it very much. 

2. Teachers in colleges usually do not give homework but we got a teacher in our college who did exactly that. He asked his students to submit homework every other day in his class. Though some of the students did not like the rule, I loved it. In fact, homework from this teacher helped us in many ways that now we understand.

3. I hated to attend the physical exercise classes two times a week in our school but as I am a little wiser and a bit more health-conscious, now I realise it was a great rule. It was mandatory to attend those classes and I wanted to play with my classmates rather than attending those classes at that time.

4. Students were not allowed to leave the classroom when teachers delivered lectures in our high school and it was something I really liked. I believed, and I still believe, being attentive to the class lectures is a good way to learn new things. This rule helped many students become more attentive in the class. 

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