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Describe a family event you are looking forward to

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 321 with Model Answer:

Describe a family event you are looking forward to.

You should say:
  • what the event is
  • where it will be held
  • what you will do at this event
and explain why you are looking forward to this family event.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
The celebrChristmas is perhaps the largest festival that people celebrates in Russia, and I am looking forward to celebrating the next Christmas with my family. It also happens to be the largest family gathering for us, and marking this day, all my family members get together at my grandparent’s house. Actually, we wait for the day eagerly as it brings happiness, joy and reasons to celebrate as a family.

We will celebrate next Christmas in our grandparents' house - Vyatskoe in Yaroslavl, as it mostly happens. My grandparents moved there from Moscow at least a decade ago, and they love to see us during this time of the year. Since my parents and two of my uncles work in cities, they plan to visit our grandparents and other relatives during the great festival of Christmas. I also eagerly wait to see all my family members, especially my cousins and grandparents since I do not see them much throughout the year. Moreover, Christmas and its festivity and religious fervour bring joys and blessing to every single of us.

I get leaves from my school for about two weeks for the occasions of Christmas and New Year.  This year, I have plans to buy gifts for my cousins, uncles, aunts and not to mention, my grandparents. I will also decorate the Christmas tree, help my grandparents do some necessary shopping and finally enjoy the days doing different fun activities with my cousins.

Christmas is always an exciting celebration for me as I get lots of gifts at that time, can spend the time in a beautiful suburban area where my cousins are with me to do many exciting and amusing activities, and most importantly, I do not have to live a routine life. So it is a kind of relief from the hustle and bustle of city life. Moreover, this is the only time of the year when all my family members gather together. Hence, I am looking forward to enjoying this family event very much.

Model Answer 2:
Thank you so much for this wonderful topic. Recently, my elder brother, who lives in the USA, has been blessed with a baby boy. A few days ago, he informed us that he would come to visit us with the newborn and his wife sometime during the Winter season. So, every one of my family, including me, is waiting for their arrival. In fact, my family has already planned a fabulous get-together party marking the event. So, I am looking forward to that event and counting the days.

We live in a two-storied building in a large city in our country. The event is planned to be held at our house. We have invited many relatives and a few neighbours to attend the party. In fact, it would be a large gathering in our house after a long time.

I have my own plans for this event. I would like to invite a few of my brother's friends and that would surely be a big surprise for my brother who has not seen his friends for many years. I would also like to spend some time with my sister-in-law and her newborn baby to get to know them better. The baby is going to surprise and exhilarate all, I am sure. Besides, my mother has assigned me the duty to plan for the decoration of our house and it is going to take a lot of effort and time, I assume. Finally, I will help my parents to organise the party so that everybody can enjoy the gathering and the food.

My brother and his family will visit us for about a month after seven years. By this time, he got married and had been blessed with a baby boy. We have seen the photos of the baby and my sister-in-law. But now, every one of the family will meet them in person and this is really a matter of great joy for us. For all the excitement and joy, I am eagerly waiting for this.


Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:  

"Describe a family event you are looking forward to." 

A family is the most important part of someone's life, and thus the celebration of important events with family members is extremely enjoyable. Here are some hints for the IELTS test-takers to generate ideas in developing some answers for the same cue card topic.

1. All of my family members are waiting expectantly for the marriage ceremony of my elder brother. It will be a great family occasion to celebrate for all of us. In fact, I will have many responsibilities for the celebration and I am enthusiastically looking forward to celebrating and enjoying this important occasion which will be help on our hometown about three months later from now.

2. My parents have planned to enjoy our next holiday in Bali, an island in Indonesia. I am eagerly waiting for the vacation to arrive as I have many plans to enjoy my days on this great island where millions of tourists enjoy their vacation each year. I hope this would be a memorable family vacation for us.

3. Spending time with family is a kind of reward for me. So, I have planned to spend the next public holiday with my parents, wife, and kids. I have another plan, and that is to make a tent while camping at a park with my family. I have not shared my plan with my family as I want to surprise them.

4. A birthday celebration is always delightful and I've planned to celebrate the upcoming birthday of my younger child with great festivity and joy. I have thought to invite some of my relatives and a few friends of my son from his school. I hope that would be a memorable celebration where everyone will enjoy to the fullest.

5. I had been in the USA for more than 7 years for my study and job and now I have returned to my homeland - Italy. I am planning to arrange a get-together party with the rest of my extended family members. It would be a nice reunion, I believe and I am looking forward to it.

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