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Advertising photo you have seen and you think was effective

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 317 with Model Answer:

Describe an advertising photo/image/banner/billboard you have seen, and you think was effective.

You should say:
  • where you saw it
  • what it was advertising
  • what it showed

and explain why you think it was effective.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I am no marketing or advertising expert, but I think that I have come across some really creative and effective advertising campaigns that kept me interested for a long time, and today, I would like to talk about one of them.

The advertising campaign, I am talking about, was run by using a huge billboard. Now, I am not too sure if the billboard was made with any kind of metal or wooden materials, but from a distance, it looked like it was made by using some kinds of angle iron frames which were painted in all white.

By the way, I said “from a distance” because it was hanging on two poles, high above the ground, at least 70/80 feet away from the highway on which I was driving in order to travel to a major city in my country. The billboard was advertising a soft drink that is local to my own country.

On that billboard, the advertising company placed an image of their signature bottle, with their soft drink in it, which had multiple straws in it. Not only that, but also it showed how people of all ages, races, and genders were drinking from that bottle by taking those straws into their mouths. Finally, what really impressed me about that billboard ad was that it had such a nice and contrasting colour scheme that anyone would mistakenly take that image of the bottle as a real deal! In fact, after looking at that ad campaign, I suddenly started to have the urge of drinking one of those soft drinks!

Of course, I didn’t have that drink on the way, later on, because I was trying to avoid all kinds of foods and drinks with added sugar for some health reasons, but you got the idea. In other words, the billboard was so effective that it actually gave me the urge to have one of these drinks! The ad was effective also because it didn’t only catch the attention of a “fast lane”, highway driver like me, but also managed to force me to think about it for a long period of time, later. 

Model Answer 2:
I think this is a pretty nice cue card topic for me, and I am happy to have it in my share.

Well, I saw an advertisement banner for a newly released movie on a street near my college about 4 years ago, and it caught my eye both because of the design and the message. It was an effective advertisement from the moviemaker, and a good number of students were attracted to the banner and went to watch the movie at a theatre. From this perspective, it was effective.

The banner was advertising an action-comedy movie that was released a couple of days ago. And the advertisement was a success because a notable number of students and local people went to watch the movie. The banner also advertised a newly built movie theatre that had lately been built and requested the audience to be there in order to enjoy the movie in the newly opened theatre.

It was a large and colourful banner. It was hung with a rope in the air. The banner showed some selected shots from the movie. One of the scenes showed that the hero of the movie was beating the villains while the other scene shows some comic elements intended to make the audience laugh. Some descriptions were also given in text forms like the name of the hero, heroine, the production house, director, and other special artists. The largest text on it read "This is a story that we all know, but it still has many elements of surprise".

It was a successful banner in several terms. The banner pulled attention from several quarters. A wide number of people saw this banner and felt interested in the theatre and the movie. It was effective to communicate and advertise the message it intended to do. I can say that because after looking at the banner, I thought I should visit the newly-built theatre and enjoy the movie.

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