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Describe a worth enjoying theatrical performance

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 268 with Model Answer:

Describe a worth enjoying theatrical performance.

You should say:
  • what the performance was about
  • where it took place
  • how fine the acting and plot were
and explain why it was a worth watching and enjoying theatrical performance.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
The annual drama festival of my colleges is worth enjoying and every year, different classes stage their productions in the annual drama festival of the college. Hamlet by Shakespeare was the theatrical performance of my class this year.

The plot of the drama is known to everyone and thus it was the widely accepted one this year and for the extraordinary performance, it got the first prize in the theatrical performance category. The entire performance was enjoyed by the audiences present at the venue and there was pin-drop silence on the venue while the performance was on (under my direction). To make the drama more enjoyable, some minor changes were made and the background was set in the setting of India.

The theatrical performance took place at the college auditorium and it was evening when the audiences started to arrive to enjoy the performance. Though the performance was set to begin at 7.30 pm we got a bit late and it began around 8 o’clock. Two of the leading artists were blocked in traffic and thus made late to arrive at the college. The auditorium was filled with audiences and we were glad to have so many of them present on the performance day. Usually, the annual show is performed under the open sky but due to stormy climate, we had to shift the show inside the auditorium so that rain or other natural calamities could not hamper the performance.

The performance created a blend of reactions from the audiences’ side. Most of the audiences adored the performance while some others were on the view that the local setting of the drama has degraded the entire play. A third part of the audiences was neutral over the plot making and overall performance. Before staging the performance, we declared that this is an experimental performance for us and we also acknowledged that Shakespeare was the greatest dramatist of the world and undoubtedly all of his plots are masterpieces and hence, no criticisms would be entertained against this performance.

This performance gained the title of the best theatrical performance ever made in the college history and almost everyone including the haters of the show had to admit that the performance was impressive. The show was enjoyable as we made some changes in the actual plot and added some characters to bring more fun. However, the other plot elements were the same and the audiences laughed at the additional characters and their performances. In fact, the scriptwriter had to spend lots of hours to tweak the plot and character additions. At the same time, the artists of the play had depicted the characters in perfect manners. So, the entire performance turned worth enjoying and the audience did enjoy the theatrical performance.

Cue Card Answer 2: 
This a great issue to discuss and I will share the very recent experience of mine on enjoying a theatrical performance at my college. It was about the story of the Selfish Giant.

The story was written by renowned Irish playwright, Oscar Wilde. The story was published in 1888 in the form of a book with four other stories for children. The book was named as The Happy Prince and Other Stories. The college students performed the play and the plot was almost the same. In fact, the play was staged in the annual cultural function of my college that took place last week. Everyone present at the function praised this specific theatrical performance most than the other performances and cultural events.

The performance took place at the college compound. This is a small college for women and located in the corner of the city. So, the college compound being smaller, there were no auditorium or indoor capacities to hold the function. As a result, the entire function took place at the small field under the open sky inside the college boundary. Only the students and their guardians were invited to attend the event while some distinguished guests were also invited to join with the event. But finally, the crowd was more than of expectation and it became difficult for the authority to accommodate the entire population.

The performance by the students was quite excellent. They adopted the plot perfectly. Often it happens that the directors usually change the original plot to make the production more effective or interesting. They bring in some new characters or twist the plots. But here the plot was unchanged. It was about the selfish giant who went meeting his friend for seven years. After his return, he found his garden occupied with children playing here and there. But he did not want the children to play in his garden. He forbade them and placed a notice. As a result, the entire garden was frosted and Spring did not appear there for long. Finally, one day the giant discovered that the children were capable of inviting the spring. So, he allowed them playing in his garden again. The spring arrived in the garden and filled the air with a pleasant smell and it made the giant pleased. He kept playing with the children until he grew old.

This was one of the most impressive theatrical performance that I have ever enjoyed. The performers have tactfully represented the entire events and I was sad at the death of the giant. But at the same time felt a sense of pleasure that he had a very good connection with the kids. When he missed a child that kissed him but could not meet him right before his death was unclear to me. It might happen that the little child that kissed the giant had died and come on the earth before the final departure of the giant to heaven. It made me feel very sad. The performers have had their roles perfectly which made it a great theatrical performance indeed.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic: 

"Describe a worth enjoying theatrical performance."

Theatre shows are highly exciting and help break the monotony of life. Enjoying such a show with the beloved person is thrilling too. This cue card wants the candidate to describe such an enjoyable theatre performance and here are some additional hints for them to develop a smooth answer.

1. While visiting in London for some official purposes, I went to a musical theatre and it was The Lion King. The performance was highly interesting and people consider it as the most successful performance of all time.

2. The Book of Mormon was the outstanding show that I enjoyed with my fiancé. I actually could not resist my laughs after watching the idiotic performances by the artists. I will remember the show for many days.

3. Suntory Hall is a great place to enjoy a theatrical performance. I, along with some of my friends, went there and enjoyed the solo performance of a renowned artist in Japan. I loved the wood-circling stage and was engulfed with the tunes.

4. The Sydney Opera House offered a great theatrical performance. I joined there with some of my classmates and enjoyed the show. It lasted for about two hours and the mesmerizing performance enchanted us all.

5. The show – Beauty and the Beast at a local theatre in New Zealand were amazing. I actually did not have a plan to watch the show but later I thanked my mate, Robert to force me to it.

6. To know about the enriched culture of Vietnam. A O Show in Ho Chi Minh City is the greatest way. I experienced the rural Vietnamese life in performance in this opera house. I was in love with the acrobatic art, dance and the live music.

7. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the very first theatrical performance that I enjoyed at the New York City Theater. I was thrilled by the performance and went into the world of imagination. In fact, I got back to my childhood and remembered how fond chocolate was.

8. My last trip to Netherland was adorable and I experienced a ballet dance at a local theatre name Het Muziektheater. The large theatre hall was decorated in a nice way and the performance from the dancers was adorable.

Your preparation for this cue card topic will help you to talk about the following cue card topics as well:

  • Describe a live performance you have enjoyed. 
  • Describe something new or exciting you have done. 
  • Describe an event when you enjoyed a public function. 
  • Describe something you enjoyed recently. 
  • Describe a theatrical performance you enjoyed with your friends. 
  • Describe an event you would recommend to someone new in your town. 

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