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Describe an ambition or career goal you have

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 254 with Model Answer:

Describe an ambition or career goal you have.

You should say:
  • what is it
  • what you will need to do to achieve it
  • why you have this career goal or ambition
and explain how you will achieve it.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I am a student of a medical college and undergoing my graduation that will lead me to be a doctor by profession. But I find more interest in mathematics and literature and planning to be a writer, teacher or something similar to those. I am uninterested in becoming a doctor in the future.

In fact, I was admitted to a medical college with the pressure of my parents and they wanted me to be a renowned doctor. They also advised me to study MBBS so that I could be a doctor and help people in their distress. But in reality, there are fewer chances to help the poor in real terms and even if I try, it is impossible for me alone to help the destitute people. I can provide them only advice to cure their diseases but I am unable to buy medications for them. So, I think this is a kind of mockery and deception with one’s own self. Being enlightened with the modern education, it is impossible for me to deceive myself and be a doctor. So, I am planning to be a writer. I will take it as my profession and have an honest living for me and my family who will be dependent on me.

Initially, it was inspiring for me to be a doctor and help the society. But when I crossed some of the semesters in the medical colleges here in India, I thought that it nearly impossible for me to help the poor in terms of reality. I will be unable to provide the necessary help. I thought about the issue considering the real-life issues. If I help the poor people or help them without any charging any fees, I would be unable to maintain myself and my family. I have seen that when the poor people come to know about such issues that they will be treated in free of charges, they crowd in that place and play a great role to make the lives challenging and miserable sometimes. So, when I crossed my third year in the medical college here in India, I changed my plan. Now I am in my final year and after a couple of months, I will be passing out of the medical college. Instead of practising as a doctor, I will start writing and try to become a renowned writer.

The decision is very important to me. I want to remain honest in my conscience. As a human being, it is impossible for me to deceive others in the name of help and care. I have seen many doctors who always run after money and they gain it. But I have also seen some other doctors who really want to help their patients. But in real life issues, they remain deprived of all the necessities of life as they cannot cut their patient’s pockets. Life turns miserable to them. To be transparent to my principals, I do not want to take that risk. My family is the topmost prioritised issue to me. I will earn to spend for my family. If I have no earnings and I turn into a social worker, I will be unable to maintain my family. Therefore, this is highly important for me to achieve my alternative plan.

I have three targets and I will try one after another to gain. Initially, I will try to be a writer of different books; especially I am highly skilled at mathematics. So, I think if I can write some books for lower classes like seventh or eighth grade, there are potentials for me to shine. Most of the solving papers available in the market are a bit complex. So, I have a plan to make the problems as much easier as possible. This is a time-consuming task and I have allotted enough time for me to turn into a writer. Besides, I have another alternative. I can apply against the post of mathematics teacher at any school or college. This is also a potential source of income for me. In fact in the present day, this is impossible to lead a decent life with a standard amount of money and if I could materialise my plans, I will have plenty of money to lead my life in a decent way. I have another plan as well that I will try to be both a writer and teacher of the similar subject. If I teach and apply my earned knowledge from teaching to writing a book, it would be more practical and helpful.

Cue Card Answer 2: 
Currently, I am working as a reporter cum sub-editor at a daily newspaper named The Daily Report published in Pakistan. I want to be the editor of a newspaper like this one day.

An editor of a newspaper is all in all to publish the newspaper. S/ he selects the reports and makes the final edit before publishing and also is responsible for the other activities of the newspaper. The responsibilities are huge and need high skills to complete. Even the mistakes committed by the reporters or assistant editors also goes to the editor and he remains responsible for everything. Besides, the editor is to set the working schedules for the reporters, set their assignments, arrange for passes to enter into restricted areas and more other things.

This is a very difficult task to be an editor and only exceptional qualities can take me to that position. I have to work hard (though I am working hard as a reporter) to achieve this ambition. The first and most important thing is that I have to gain the knowledge of news merit. Actually, the news is collected from surrounding events. All the events are news but every event cannot be a news unless there is proper news value of the event. So, I have to achieve the skill to define the news merit of the events. Besides, a newspaper editor is highly versed with language. S/ he is able to speak, write and understand several languages together. He is expert with other contemporary issues as well. I have to achieve all these qualities to be a newspaper editor.

The post of a newspaper editor is a respected one and everyone adores the man. The man has access to almost all levels of the society. Even the government officials pay respect to the editor. Moreover, the salary of a newspaper editor is smart. S/ he is the all in all in a newspaper and owns the ability to change the society with his exceptional writing power. The editorials published in a newspaper is thought-provoking and able to make the government make decisions on any specific issue. Additionally, the editor picks the report and change them in a different perspective or directs the sub-editors to compose the news in an exact manner so that the newspaper readers could have a greater idea over the issue. But performing the tasks are challenging. Thereby, I have set the goal to be a newspaper editor.

To achieve my goal to be a newspaper editor, I have to undergo some training on news editing. Though I edit reports to some extent when I do not have any assignment outside, I think the skills are not enough for me. I do not know any other language other than English and Urdu. So, I have to take some courses in other contemporary languages like Hindi, German, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish so that I could communicate effectively with those languages. Besides, some extensive course in journalism should also be done from any reputed institutions so that I could understand the news merit of any events. After a couple of years, I think I will have the necessary skills to run a newspaper like a skilled editor.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe a time that you can remember when you were very afraid." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue cards topics as well:
  • Describe a future plan you have. 
  • Describe a career you have or want to have. 
  • Describe an interesting career you know about. 
  • Describe a goal you want to fulfil in your life.  

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