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Good news you learned from the TV or internet

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 239 with Model Answer:

Describe a piece of good news you learned from the TV or the internet.

You should say:
  • what it was
  • when you learned it
  • how this news affected you
and explain how you felt about learning about this piece of good news.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Good news always has the power to bring happiness and positivity into our lives. In this modern world, we can easily get access to the latest news through television and the Internet. Recently, I came across a piece of good news that made me happy and optimistic. Today, for this topic, I will share this event with you, and thank you for the opportunity to let me talk about it.

What it was:
I came across an article on the internet that talked about a new scientific breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. The article was about a group of scientists who had successfully developed a new drug that could target cancer cells specifically, leaving healthy cells untouched. The article also stated that this drug had undergone extensive testing, and the results were extremely promising.

When you learned about it:
I learned about this news about two weeks ago while scrolling through my social media feed. The article was shared by one of my friends, and the title immediately caught my attention. I read through the entire article and was blown away by the implications of this new drug.

How this news affected you:
As someone who has lost loved ones to cancer, the news of a potential cure was incredibly heartening. I felt a glimmer of hope for the countless families affected by this disease. The news also made me proud of the scientific community and their tireless efforts to combat cancer. It made me realize that the future holds promise and that we are inching closer to a world where cancer can be treated and cured.

And explain how you felt about learning about this piece of good news:
I believe this was a piece of good news because it is not only a scientific breakthrough, but it also holds the potential to improve and save countless lives. The news of the new drug for cancer treatment was a piece of good news that filled me with hope and optimism. It reminded me that we live in a world where progress is possible and that we should celebrate every victory, big or small.

Model Answer 2:
A few months ago, the national budget has been placed in the national parliament of India and the budget reduced the price of electronics products. I have been planning for a long to buy a computer for my home use.

Usually, before the budget, the price of everything becomes a bit unstable. Some of dishonest business people try to raise the products’ price unusually and life becomes struggling. The price of every commodity gets increase and the situations become intolerable. So, when I heard about the price reduction of electronic products, it was really a pleasure for me. I am a student and have been saving money for the past year to buy a computer. But due to the increased price, I could not make it. I made several attempts to buy a computer and each time I found that the price was out of my reach and even I cannot make it with the least configuration. So, when the finance minister announced the proposed budget, he said that the import tax on electronic products including computers, mobile phones, laptops etc. would be reduced; it was really good news for me.

The budget was presented in March 2018 in the Parliament of India. Usually, I am not that much interested in hearing the budget speeches as they do not have any appeal to me. Each year, right before the budget, the prices of everything get a hike and this is not an exception this year. Prices of necessary products started increasing alarmingly but when the budget was placed, everything was normal. One of my college friends asked me to watch the budget on the television as his father works at the Ministry of Finance and somehow he came to know about the price fall of electronic goods. Despite my unwillingness, I watched the budget speech of the finance minister and came to know that the prices of electronic goods have been reduced to some extent. It made me happy since I can buy a computer of my own.

The news was great for me. I am a youth of a middle-class family in India my father is a small government official while my mother is a school teacher. So, often it becomes difficult for them to maintain the family and in such cases, I cannot ask them to buy a computer for me. Now a day, it is almost impossible to do something without a computer. Moreover, I need a computer as many of my texts in my college are digitalized and they need computers to read out. Some presentations are also there and the teachers also ask me to make such presentations for the class. So, for the want of a computer, my academic studies were being hampered seriously. So, I planned to buy it all by myself and accordingly started saving money from my regular pocket money. Though I accumulated almost 12000 rupees, I needed more to have a computer (in fact the minimum price for a lower graded computer is about 20000 rupees). The announcement made me pleased and I would be able to buy a computer after a few days. A draft calculation from a computer selling store showed that I could buy the computer if I have only 14500 rupees.

I simultaneously felt several emotions inside me. Firstly, it was a kind of joy that I am having my dream come true. Then I thought that everything is possible in the world. Finally, I was surprised that how it could be possible to buy a computer at a lower price. But all these were my initial emotions and excitement. I thought over the issue finally and figured out that the prices went up as the importer of electronic goods had to pay some extra duties. Now they will not need any such duties. So, when they will not pay duties, they would be able to sell the products at a cheaper price than in the former days. In fact, when I learnt the good news, I jumped for joy and shouted loudly at my home. My family members were astonished at such behaviour and when they came to know about the real fact, they were relieved of anxiety that I am okay with my sense.

Sample Answer 3: 
The weather in my locality was under serious turbulence. It had been raining for the past few days which has almost stopped ordinary life. So, when I saw that the weather will be okay within the next 24 hours, I felt joy inside my mind. This was really a piece of good news that I learned from the Internet. Thanks for this smart question.

I live in Mumbai with my family and study at a reputed local college in the city. For the foul weather and heavy rain, life in the city has been at a standstill. It was not possible for me and other family members to move for their respective tasks. I missed my college classes and also missed some other important activities as I could not go out of home for the heavy shower. Thus, when I came to know that the weather will be fine by the next day, I felt a sense of joy.

I was browsing the Internet and visiting the news portals. One of the news portals reported that the weather in Mumbai will be steady shortly. It was really a piece of good news to me. In fact, I had to miss lots of things as I could not go out of home. I was stranded at my home and only used the video game to pass the time. Sometimes, I also used to read online news portals and luckily I came to know about it. The news appeared too attractive and I felt highly glad.

The most important thing was that if the weather was stable, I could be able to go to college. The other important thing for me was that I could be able to play with my local friends. Usually, I participate in outdoor games and sports every day in my locality. Moreover, I have my own cricket bat which I lend the other players with me. Hence, it is really important for me to be present in the playground. On the other side, I missed some college classes and all of my friends lived far away from me. Amid the foul weather, the college continued its classes and I needed to collect the notes. Hence, when I knew about the matter, I was really happy.

My feelings were limitless. Actually, I was bored sitting at home idly for the past two days. I just did some routine tasks like playing video games, reading books, eating, and sleeping. The sudden repetition of the tasks made me feel tired indeed. So, when the information was revealed, I became cheerful. The thoughts of going to college covered my mind. I also planned to do some other things and made another plan to make a trip to the adjacent localities. It was a relief for me.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe a piece of good news you learned from the TV or the internet." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue cards topics as well:
  • Describe a piece of local news you read in a newspaper. 
  • Describe a news story you have heard or read recently. 
  • Describe a piece of happy news you have heard recently. 
  • Describe something you have recently read on the Internet. 
  • Describe a programme you have recently watched on TV.  

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