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Describe your favourite drink item

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 238 with Model Answer:

Describe your favourite drink item.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • do you buy it or prepare it at home
  • what type of people drink it
and explain why this is your favourite drink.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Generally, people in Malaysia drink water to meet their thirst and sometimes they take some soft drinks as well like Kickapoo, Fruit Tree, Ice Mountain, and Freedom Cola etc. But I prefer to have chocolate milk as my soft drink.

People drink soft drinks most of the cases when they are out of their home and need to meet their thirst for water. But interestingly, instead of water, they prefer the soft drink. But I do not take such soft drinks as those are made with different chemicals which are highly detrimental to the human health. Most of the soft drinks are filled with gases and some chemicals which are mostly used to prepare insecticides and other chemical substances. It has been found that the elements used in the soft drinks and the substances used for toilet cleaner are almost the same. Once I used to take the soft drinks when I went for outing with my buddies but as I came to know about the harmful impacts of the soft drinks, I started avoiding them. Instead, I have made chocolate milk as my personalised soft drink. It is healthy and also keeps me strong.

Making chocolate milk at home is a bit troublesome and thus I have to buy it from stores. There are different brands of chocolate milk which are available in Malaysia and all of them are prepared with necessary precautions. But often my mum makes chocolate milk for me but the taste becomes different. She adds sugar with milk, adds some liquid chocolates with the blend of sugar and milk and then she adds some cocoa powder. She blends all the ingredients into a blender. But I think she makes a mistake here and thus the taste is a bit different from those I buy from the stores. Usually, chocolate milk preparation needs sugar powder but my mum uses the sugar without making it powder. So, often I have to grind the sugar with my teeth when I drink the homemade chocolate milk.

Drinks are popular among the Malaysian but since this is a Muslim country, hard drinks are banned here, though one can manage those with investing some efforts. But a majority of the people here do not drink the hard drinks rather they prefer the soft drinks. In fact, people of all ages take soft drinks which are mentioned above but very few of them take chocolate milk. They believe that chocolate milk is only for children as it tastes like chocolate. But they have a completely wrong idea. In fact, chocolate milk is filled with protein and minerals necessary for the human body. Milk is enriched with all the necessary elements that form the human body while chocolate also has some food value than the chemicals used to prepare the soft drinks. Besides, the chocolate milk is tastier than the other drinks I have tasted so far. Unfortunately, most of the people are unable to understand the benefits of chocolate drinks and thus the number of people drinking chocolate milk is fewer.

I prefer chocolate milk for numerous reasons. The first and most important thing is that chocolate milk is a kind of fluid that helps to serve protein in the body which is helpful for muscle repair. When someone works for long, a glass of chocolate milk is able to replenish the damages caused by the physical labour. It restores energy on a human body and preparation process is also less complex than the other drinks, especially soft drinks. Chocolate milk is available everywhere and the taste of the drink is delicious. Milk is considered a recovery option for people of every age but there are some people who do not prefer to have milk and chocolate milk is a potential drink for them. They will drink it for its exceptional taste and thus their deficiencies will be refilled shortly. In fact, chocolate milk is highly important for preserving a good health. Thereby, chocolate milk is my favourite drink.

Sample Answer 2:
Lemon juice is a very nice drink and I frequently drink this to meet my thirst and to get some nutrients as well. This is also easier to prepare and serve. This is a very simple question for me, and thank you for this cue card topic. I will describe the entire process here in brief.

Lemon is one of the most preferred fruit in the world and available in various types. But I prefer only the lemon for this juice. Lemon juice requires some specific things to prepare like as it needs a medium-sized lemon, fresh water, and sugar. The preparation process is so simple that you would be amazed at it. There are some health benefits of this juice and whenever I go out, I keep it with me in a bottle.

Sometimes, I buy the juice from stores and it is then known as lemonade. But those are found in the stores come with too much addition of sugar. So, I try to avoid them. But when I have no other ways or I forget to bring the juice from my home, I need to buy a piece of lemonade. But in most of the cases, I prepare it at home. the preparation process takes only a single or hardly two minutes together. The benefit of preparing at home is that I can increase or decrease the sugar after my necessity. I also prepare it for the other family members as well. Based on their needs, I add the sugar. They are really happy with it.

This is a non-alcoholic and preservative free drink. It contains water, lemon juice, and sugar. This is really a health drink for a human body. I mostly drink it for hydration. The lemon juice is also beneficial for digestion and skin. So, this is a preferable drink to the people of all ages, particularly of those who are cautious about their health. Lemon juice is also beneficial for people suffering from the insufficiency of Vitamin C. Besides, often patients with kidney stones are also suggested to drink this lemon juice to get rid of the stones. It appears that lemon juice is a great drink for everyone.

Before drinking the lemon juice, I was addicted to different types of beverages like cola drinks, soda water etc. But I realized that none of those was able to meet my thirst. They were filled with some flavours and sugars only. So, I tried to change the taste. Accordingly, I sought a suitable drink for me. Most of the times, I need to stay out of the home for many activities and need a healthy drink. Finally, I decided to move for this lemon juice. This is really healthy, easy to prepare and preserve.  

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe your favourite drink item." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue cards topics as well:
  • Describe one of your favourite food or drink item.
  • Describe something you often purchase. 
  • Describe something you have recently purchased for someone. 
  • Describe a popular drink item or food in your country.   

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