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Describe an interesting place in your home town

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 201 with Model Answer:

Describe an interesting place in your home town.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • where it is
  • what it is famous for
and explain why this place is interesting in your opinion.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Pakistan is a place of historical importance in the south Asian subcontinent and contains several World Heritage Sites. The Lahore Fort is one of them and I've been there for numerous times for its attractive features.

The Lahore Fort is a citadel and locally this is known as the Shahi Qila. The fort is the example of rich Mughal architecture. The Citadel is located in the Iqbal Park in Pakistan. The history and origin of the park are not known precisely but so far it is revealed that the fort was made during the Mughal Empire. Emperor Akbar had built the Fort in the 15th century. The fort was well maintained by the Mughals until their fall. After the downfall of Mughal Empire, the fort was assigned to the Sikh and subsequently, the British rulers ruled on it. The fort has two entrances and one of them is known as Alamgiri gate which was made by Emperor Aurangzeb. The Alamgiri gate is faced to a mosque better known as the Badshahi mosque. The first gate was made by Emperor Akbar and was named as Maseeti. The gate is facing the city of Lahore. Now, the fort is using the Alamgiri gate by closing the Maseeti gate permanently.

The Lahore Fort is located at the Iqbal Park in Pakistan. Iqbal Park is the largest urban park in Pakistan. Both the park and the fort are located in the walled city of Lahore. To be more transparent about the issue, the Lahore Fort is located adjacent to my residence in Lahore. I live with my parents in the walled city of Lahore in Pakistan and the Lahore Fort is visible from our balcony. Geographically, the Shahi Qila is situated in the north-west part of Lahore. The fort is accessible from anywhere in the city and thus a good number of visitors come to visit the historical place. Strategically, the location was important to dominate some of the strongholds in Multan, Kashmir and Kabul and thus the solid brick made fort has been built in this region.

The Lahore Fort is famous for several reasons and the most important cause is its architecture. The fort is dominated by the Persian gardens and the buildings inside are still own the striking look. The entire fort is divided into separate sections, spacious bedrooms, concealed residential parts, entrance etc. Besides, some small gardens are also notable and have increased the beauty of the fort. Diwan –I – Aam is one of the halls, which was made by Emperor Shah Jahan in 1628, to meet with the common people of the locality and the design is similar to that one of Agra Fort. The Sheesh Mahal is made with glasses and the Mahal was built by Mirza Ghiyas Begh. The Mahal contains a large hall and was considered as the harem of the fort. The fort has experienced some modifications during the British period to meet the needs of the British army.

To me, the Lahore Fort is interesting for several reasons. I have visited the fort for several times and each of the times I was amazed at the designs of the Mughal artists who built the fort. Though some of the parts of the fort have been modified for several reasons, the other places are still at their best look. The wonderful 17th century Moti Masjid has increased the beauty of the fort. The Noti Masjid contains five arches and three domes above the roof which have increased the beauty of it. Unfortunately, the masjid was converted into Sikh Mandir (temple) during the reign of Sikh Maharaja. The gates of the fort also have a grandeur look with the semi-circular bastions. I also visited the Naag temple inside the fort which is mostly famous for fresco paintings. Overall, the entire fort is a place to enjoy the past and thus I like it most.

Sample Answer 2:
Paris is the city of multicultural people. They come here and enjoy the beauty of the city. Beyond the beauty, there are some places which also attract attention from the global population. Disneyland Paris is such a place which is renowned for its special features and attractions. This is a great cue card topic to deal with and I am happy to talk about it. Thank you.

Disneyland Paris is actually an entertainment resort. It is originally known as Euro Disney Resort. The resort is located around 32 km away from the city of Paris. Despite the distance from Paris, the park is one of the most visited theme parks in the country and in Europe. There are two theme parks inside the resorts and comes with many other hotels, shopping centres and entertainment complexes.

The resort is located in Marne-la-Vallée. This is a new town in a corner of Paris. The city has been famous since after the initiation of the resort. The town is accessible from anywhere in the city and provides modern facilities to the visitors. It is the place where people gather to get entertained. Besides, the establishment of the Disneyland resort has helped the town greatly to grow up within a short time.

The Disneyland resort is famous for many reasons. This is the only resort that is being operated outside of the USA. But the number of visitors is remarkable too. The resort is owned by the Walt Disney Company and covers over 4500 acres of lands. The resort also accommodates some other resort hotels, golf course and many more additional recreational and entertainment facilities. People come here and enjoy themselves greatly. The entertainment facilities are opened for the visitors of all ages. Among the visitors, the young people enjoy more than the kids at this resort. There are several attractions inside the theme park and among them, the most notable are Small World, Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain: Mission 2, Pirates of the Caribbean etc.

This is one of the places where one can enjoy himself. This is the place where you can do whatever you want. You can get a ride on the roller coasters and shout out loud. Nobody will come to interrogate you for the shouts. Besides, you can earn points in shooting games and check how sharp you are in games and sports. Riding on the unusual types of rides will make you forget the worries of your mundane life for the day. Participating the golf will also be a remarkable experience for you. At the end of the day when you will have the fresh foods before you at the resort, you will be satisfied completely. The memories of the resort will remain fresh in your mind for many days.

More Ideas for this cue card topic:

The world is blessed with natural resources that have made it wonderful. In fact, each of the countries has different types of beautiful places and they are visited by both the natives and tourists. The cue card wants to know about such an interesting place in the hometown of the candidate. So, here are some additional clues for them to have insights and make their own answer accordingly.

1. Kyoto is a beautiful city in Japan and the Kiyomizu-Dera Temple is a wonderful place there. This is one of the most visited temples and was built to honour the goddess of mercy. The entire location is highly charming and provides a spectacular view of visitors. The valley down from the temple looks heavenly.

2. The USA is a wonderful country with a wide variety. I live in Montana and the Glacier National Park here offers an outstanding view. In fact, this is considered as one the most charming places in the country. The green wilderness, nice streets, deep blue sky and other things are pleasant. So, I like the place very much.

3. Yorkshire in Britain is a wonderful place to visit. The location is free of traffic congestions and often termed as God’s Own County for its natural views. This has become a subject for painters and artists to rely on and numerous artworks have been produced based on this location. I love the place for its foods and drinks as well. 

4. Odessa is a cosmopolitan city in Ukraine and I am in love with this city. Tourists flock to this city to observe the beauty, architecture and particularly the beaches. In fact, I love the beach of the city that offers diversified options for the travellers.

5. Sri Lanka is blessed with natural beauties. But I love the Sigiriya. This is a fortress and located in Matale district where I live in at present. This is also known as Lion’s Rock. The place offers the chances to visit climb in the ancient ruins. The gardens here are adorable. This has been declared as a world heritage site too.

6. I live in Chandigarh in India. This is one of the greenest cities in the country. Besides, the city is also famous for becoming the first solar city. The city centre attracts me most. I love to drive in the clean and dry streets. Actually, the entire city is loveable.

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