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Describe an advice you gave someone

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 205 with Model Answer:

Describe an advice you gave someone.

You should say:
  • what advice it was
  • who you gave this advice
  • why you advised this person
and explain how this advice helped him/her.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Usually, people need advice from others, especially from the seniors or superiors, so that they could have something better or improve their performance. I am not an exception here and if I see someone struggling with something, I deliver some advice to them.

I am a university third-year student and have few juniors who are my fan or my skills in playing chess. I take humbly price in playing chess and frequently help others to learn it. So, when someone is in distress with the indoor game, I provide advice to them to improve their performance. Sometimes, I play mock sessions with them to teach them about the inner events of chess. In fact, they are unable to establish relationships with the entire gaming process. They do not know how to make moves to defeat the opponent and most of the times they lose their tempers when the opponent hits them with tricks. Many of them have agreed with me that they lose their tempers because of their wrong moves and since there are no chances of undo, they are to lose the game. So, they need some advice from me and I often help them in their distress.

I gave the advice to some of my intimate juniors who love to play chess always at the university instead of participating in other outdoor activities in their leisure hours. Some of them love to play with me while the others play with their preferred partners. In fact, I have to give advice to a couple of juniors but I started with a single boy. Now, when I visit the common room of the university building, I find many of the juniors are engaged in playing chess. They play so attentively that they forget to move their limbs. Sometimes I stand beside them during their matches and they even do not notice my presence at all. So, when any one of them is in trouble and seeks help from others, they notice me and make a smile. Then I come to their assistance.

I usually advise them as they need my help. Firstly, they are immature and do not know how to play chess. They might have some basic knowledge which is merely enough to be an expert chess player like me. They usually do not know how to make moves to entrap the opponent. So, when they make moves, if the opponent is a bit stronger in intelligence level, the opponent traps him and grabs the soldiers or the other important pieces which lead to their defeat. One of the players loses the game. But if both the players are equally skilled and know how to play chess, the match between them becomes enjoyable. So, I try to make them skilled so that they could enjoy chess and teach others about the pros and cons of the game. Moreover, I advise them for another reason. When I wanted to learn the game, I took help from my seniors and they advised me to teach the game to others so that chess could get a better expansion in the university. To respect my commitment to my seniors, I advise my juniors about chess.

Before taking advice from me about the game, most of them failed to move ahead with their important pieces. They would have wrapped up the game within a few minutes. But when I started advising them about the moves and positions of different chess pieces, they started improving the game. It has happened that one of my juniors have defeated me in a friendly match who learnt the game from me. I am greatly happy with such improvement. I mostly advise them to be attentive on the game and take a sharp look at the positions of the opponent’s pieces. Most of the chess players do not care for the opponent’s pieces and make some wrong moves. As a result, the opponents trap them and grab the pieces which could have helped them to win. But with my advice, most of the juniors improved greatly and their skills were enriched with different innovative moves. They admire me for my selfless efforts of teaching and advising them for the chess which they consider a life-long asset for them.

Sample Answer 2:
Recently I delivered some advice to my younger brother and it was about playing a renowned video game. He was unable to play the video game in the right way. So, he sought some suggestions to me and I advised him to follow some certain methods. This is a nice cue card topic and I personally thank you for this.

My younger brother started playing GTA San Andreas. This is one of the most popular video games that has been being played around the world. The game was based on a storyline and you need to follow the steps to complete the gameplay. Besides, there are also chances to play the game after your will but you cannot conclude the game. So, I asked the boy to complete each mission and move to the next stage.

Harold is my younger brother. He is a computer geek and spends most of his time with video games on a computer. But the most important thing about his is that he loves to play all types of video games. But he is unaware of the game rules and regulations. The similar thing happened to him in this game. He did not know any rules and storyline. Rather, he started happily playing the game. But he was unable to do better with the games and did not find any suitable solution. Consequently, he sought advice to me and I mentioned him what to do and how to do.

I advised Harold mostly to make him familiar with the game. He had an idea that how to play it and he was very enthusiastic about playing it. He loved driving cars and killing people. While he chased by the police, he had nothing to do to avoid the arrest. He did not have the cheat codes of the game. So, he either died or get caught to police. But if he had the proper knowledge of the storyline and also known the rules, he could have been a better player. He just wasted his time by driving the car in different streets of the city. So, he needed the advice badly.

The advice was helpful to him in many ways. After getting the idea about the storyline, Harold started playing the game in the right way. He started playing the ‘missions’ of the game and earned money. Moreover, I also downloaded some cheat codes for him. He applied the cheats during the gameplay which helped him to reduce the wanted level, increase his stamina, getting unlimited bullets and many more features. But he is unable to complete the entire game. Some of the missions are really tough to complete. Even the cheat codes are not enough to complete them. The missions require skills. Hope he will get the required expertise soon.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:

"Describe an advice you gave someone." 

This cue card wants to know about an advice that the candidate gave to someone. Here are some extra clues for the candidates to develop their own answers.

-  I advised one of my cousins to check some mathematical issues in his last term. Actually, I knew the important chapters of the math and accordingly advised him to follow and prepare lessons. He followed my advice and got a good grade. He thanked me profoundly.

- I actually do not like to interfere people’s activities but a couple of days ago, I advised a boy to do a thing differently. I met him on the street. The boy was carrying some bottles in his head and there were chances that he would have damaged the bottle if he continued carrying it that way. So, I suggested a different way to carry bottles and he was happy with the suggestion.

-  A friend of mine asked me to name some comedy movies. It was difficult for me to mention any specific one. Later, I made a list of top five movies and advised the names to my friend. He became happy with the movies and enjoyed them to the last minute.

-  On Monday last, my best friend came with a request to advise him about writing a love letter. I was surprised. In fact, I do not know how to write such letters. But I advised him with some useful tips collected from the internet.

-  A colleague wanted some advice for his 10-year old child. He wanted to know about classic literature books suitable for children. I advised him to search for some places to get the books. I also told him he could seek the book on online stores too. He thanked me for the valuable advice.

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