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Film/movie that you watched and did not enjoy

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 182 with Model Answer:

Describe a film/movie that you watched and did not enjoy.

You should say:
  • what the film/movie was
  • when you watched it
  • who you watched it with
and explain why you did not enjoy it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I like watching comedy movies most than any other movie genres and try to watch at least a movie in a day. I watched ‘Sex Tape’, a comedy movie of 2014 and was highly frustrated.

The movie plot was not up to the mark. It was about taping an intimate event of a married couple by them and they lost it. It was hilarious to me. Why should someone film the private moments? I, in fact, did not get the answer when I asked myself about the issue. The movie makers planned to make a comedy but I think there are no such comic elements which can make the audience laugh. Moreover, the movie rating on IMDb is low – 5.1 only. The movie shows the stories of a married couple and the weird event of recording their very private issues. They planned to do so aiming to increase their internal bonding but everything turned mess when the tape was missing. The entire event appeared foolish. Any individual with a sharp sense will not act like this, I believe.

I watched the movie last week. Though the movie was made in 2014, I watched it in 2016. The first thing is that I did not have the mindset to watch the low-rated movies. Before watching any movie, I usually check the ratings from different websites like IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes. When I find the rating lower, I do not watch those movies. But I had to watch it as I had no options left on that night. I returned from my call centre job and could not sleep as it was about to be morning. So, I planned to sleep after watching a movie. I picked this one and unfortunately forgot to check the rating. That was the biggest mistake for me in selecting the movie. After completing the movie, my mood was changed and even I could not sleep well.

I watched the movie alone. I have to work in a call centre for a cellular company and most of the time I am assigned to the night shift. Usually, the cellular companies in India do not allow females to work the night shift. So, often I have to attend the shifts and I return home when the sun rises. I pass some moments to refresh myself after the hefty night works. So, I watch movies regularly. Unfortunately, I have to watch the movies alone as all of my family members are in sleep, and this is a very unusual time to invite someone to accompany me to my home. Thereby, either I want or not, I have to watch the movie alone or do the other things alone as well particularly in the early hours of the day.

I could not enjoy the movie for some particular reasons. The first and the most important thing for a movie’s success is the plot. If the movie plot is not strong, it is unexpected that the movie will have a good rating. Moreover, if the rating is not good, the movie will be rejected by the larger audience. Consequently, the movie will not have a good business. In other words, the movie will be considered a failure. I think the movie plot is not up to the mark. The movie is made with care but the events are not depicted well. Moreover, the movie plot is a bit unusual. It is known that movies are the reflections of our society. What people do, think or believe in their ordinary life is depicted in the movies. Besides, the audiences are not limited to any certain age groups rather even the school going kids. So, the movie plots should be made considering the ages of audiences.

Explicit materials should be avoided as much possible. You are making a comedy movie but it does not refer that the movie should be filled with adult contents. Moreover, the movie plot may inspire on performing such foolish acts like recording the intimate events and if that goes missing in real life, I think the life will turn hell and the negative consequences will be worst than those are screened on the movie. For all such reasons, I did not enjoy the movie at all.

Model Answer 2:
My very recent experience of watching a Bollywood movie was boring. It was my mistake that I could not select the right movie this time for my leisure. This is a great question and I will describe the entire event now.

The movie was about a bank robbery. A group of young people went to rob a bank, but there were some other events inside the bank. At the same day, another real bank robber went to loot the bank as well. Hence, there were some conflicts between the groups. And later, it was found that the first group was the real bank robber but they came for some other purposes. They came to take a hard disk that was kept in the locker of the bank.

I watched the movie in the noon. In fact, it was a leisurely noon and I had no office on that day. So, I played the CD on my computer to enjoy the movie. I asked for an action-comedy movie and accordingly, the CD salesman handed me the CD saying that it was the movie that I had been looking for. I was happy and started watching the movie. But I was dissatisfied with the movie. The movie plot was not standard and there were too many twists in the movie that I think the audiences will lose interest in it.

I watched the movie with one of my friends who came to meet me on the day. He was also a fan of action movies. So, when he heard that I already have collected a movie and that is his favourite genre, he was happy. Then, both of us started watching the movie. But after a few minutes, we did not find it interesting. It was like the typical comedy movies that try to make people laugh with some artificial attempts. I was considerate of the movie but my friend had got a negative idea about the movie maker and the scriptwriter too. Earlier, we enjoyed many Bollywood movies together but this was an exception.

Basically, I could not enjoy the movie on some specific grounds. The movie plot was not interesting and the movie makers have unnecessarily have applied several layers on the movie plot. The movie actually did not contain any specific plan to rob the bank. Rather it was a random compilation of steps from a couple of youths who wanted to get the hard disk but in some tricky manners. Actually, it was troublesome to watch the movie until the last minute. The dialogues were as usual and the conclusion of the movie could not create any special sense to us. So, I did not enjoy the movie.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card Topic:

1.  I watched a comedy movie titled ‘Naked’ but it was not up to the mark. I watched the movie a few weeks ago to pass my evening leisure hour. But it made me frustrated. I watched the movie alone as nobody was home then. The movie failed to attract my attention for its weak plotting. The movie was about a man who had to be naked in his wedding day and running into streets crowded with people. The moviemaker might have thought to make it hilarious but in reality, it was not so.

2.  At first, I supposed that ‘The House’ would be a nice movie but found the movie plot to be weak while the other issues turned irritating to me as well. I watched the movie last month. I love to watch movies during leisure hours and as part of the activity, I tried to enjoy it. But the plot was unattractive and l lost my interest after around 30 minutes. The movie was opening a gambling house by parents to pay for the tuition fees of their daughter. There were some comic elements but they could not bring the desired outcome, I think.

3.  I had the desire that I would enjoy a nice movie and so selected ‘The Only Living Boy In New York’. I watched the movie last week with some of my cousins. In fact, they wanted to see something special and thus selected the movie. But it was not that much enjoyable for some reasons. It appeared me as a box filled with puzzles. The weak script of the movie ruined it. Thereby, I did not complete the movie completely and left the place before it was finished.

4.  My addiction to animated movies is adored by all and thus my 16-years niece asked me to accompany her during this movie show. It was about some emoticons who want to survive but fail to do so. I watched the movie on Sunday afternoon last. Maria, my niece, actually forced me to watch it. But I could not enjoy the movie as the plot did not attract me at all. It was weaker and there were inconsistencies in some parts of the movie. So, all the things made it the worst experience for me.

5.  Inferno is one of the adapted movies in Hollywood from a bestseller. The movie was about the adventure of a symbologist. I watched the movie alone at my home last December. But the movie plot did not attract me. I read the book and the events are vivid before my eyes. But when it is about the movie, I cannot actually focus on the scenes. In fact, the movie maker needed to concentrate more on the movie plot.

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