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A difficult choice you had to make

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 186 with Model Answer:

Describe a difficult choice you had to make in your life.

You should say:
  • what it was
  • when you had to make it
  • how it affected your life
and explain why this was a difficult choice to make.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Life is filled with complications and the choices amid the complications should be perfect or people are to pay some excessive price for the wrong preferences.

After passing my higher secondary level, I got promoted to the university level and had to pick a suitable subject for. There was a good range of subjects and courses to be studied at the university level and I was told to accept the subjects related to the scientific studies as my background belongs to science. I took science as the major course in my secondary and higher secondary level. But I wanted to study the course of arts, particularly the courses like history, literature etc. On the other side, my parents were on the view that I should get admitted into any medical college so that I could be a doctor and even they were on the view that they should bear all of my expenses for the medical study in a private medical college as they had borne all the expenses of my past studies. In fact, they wanted to see me as a doctor who will treat patients with care. But I wanted something different. I wanted to be a poet or something like that where I could use my intellect.

The issue was too critical and it was impossible for me to go beyond the opinion of my parents. The crucial moment came when I started collecting forms from different universities to study literature and the subjects of Arts faculties. But my parents did not listen to me and they brought some forms of medical colleges located in different parts of India. They were of the view that I should appear the entry test for all of the medical colleges in India and they will do everything for me. If I fail to get admission into any public medical college, they will help me to get admitted at any of the private medical colleges. Thereby, I had to abide by their choice. After passing my higher secondary with distinction, I got admitted into a public medical college.

The admission procedure was great. Initially, it was difficult for me to get prepared for the admission and when the preparation was done, I found it easier than it was supposed to be. Besides, my regular life, as it was before the admission, has been greatly changed and I started following a life filled with a daily routine. Though I had to follow the rules and regulations in my school and college days, none of them was as tougher as it was. Now I am to get up early in the morning to attend my classes. When I was in college, my classes held in the noon (the classes started from 12.00pm and continued till 5.00 pm) and I did not have any troubles with my sleep. I used to sleep at midnight and wake up at 10 or 10.30am. But now, everything has been changed. I have to do everything following the routines and there are fewer chances to break the rules. It is a bit difficult for me to adjust.     

From my early childhood, I used to compose poems and songs. I wanted to be a poet or a songwriter. But when my parents compelled me to be a doctor, all my dreams were shattered. My heart was filled with grief that all of my dreams were going to be destroyed. Moreover, it was difficult for me to pick the profession as I was a bit afraid of surgeries, blood and operations. It was truly difficult for me to move to a different track than I intended. I thought that I would study different sorts of literature, history, stories, novels, epics and poems but instead, I have to read the books over medicine and practice on dead bodies to sort out the internal organs of humans. Initially, it was difficult for me but now I am okay with all these. With the passing of time, I am becoming habituated with all the necessary experiments that a trainee doctor need to do.

Model Answer 2:
Life is not a bed of roses. It is uncertain and sometimes people are to make decisions that are really difficult. I also had a similar experience a couple of years ago. After the death of my father, it was impossible for me to continue my academic activities. Thank you for the question. It reminds me of my past. I will describe the events in brief here.

My father suddenly died in a road accident and my family had to struggle a lot after his death. In fact, we were in great danger and there were no sources of income. My father was the only earning member of the family. So, I had to take the decision whether I should continue my education or not. I continued the education and now do not have any financial troubles at all.

I was an undergrad student when my father died. It was 2012. In a fine morning, my father went to his office but on his way to the office, he fell the victim of a serious road accident that claimed his life. After a couple of days, I find none besides my family. Everyone who promised with various supports was absent. It was really a tough time for me and my other family members. So, I had to take the decision whether I should continue the education until the end or should get involved in earning activities for my family. But luckily I did not have to give up my academic activities. I managed everything and joined as a part-time sales executive at a local super shop.

The consequences were detrimental to all the family members. Earlier, we lived in a rented apartment with two bedrooms and other facilities. But after this event, we had to shift in a small tin-shed house. Moreover, my mother also had to experience some struggle with us. She started teaching students of the locality to increase the family earning. In fact, it was impossible to me to manage all the expenses with the little income that I got from the shop.

I was confused to some extent. People offered many jobs and my family could have been in a solvent state if I accepted them. I did not want to get a full-time profession then. I knew that my days were not good in that moment but someday I will overcome the obstacles. Gradually, I completed graduation and post-graduation. Now it was time for me to seek a full-time job that will give me the way to have a better living. Later, I was able to manage a full time in a reputed marketing company. But it was hard for me to stuck in the decision of continuing my study.

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