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Describe your favourite animal

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 179 with Model Answer:

Describe your favourite animal.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • where it lives
  • what it looks like
and explain why this is your favourite animal.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Australia owns some unique animals and a notable number of animals are available here with different attractive features. I like the red kangaroo most than the other types of animals as this is the largest mammal of its own species.

Australia is the land of animals. A large number of animals are found here. There are about 378 mammal species, over 800 bird species, 4000 species of fish, 140 snake species, 300 types of lizards, and over 40 types of marine mammals are available. Over 50 percent animals are unique to Australia as they are not found in any other parts of the world. The red kangaroo is considered as the largest kangaroo among the over 50 species of the kangaroo family. This is one of the most popular animals in the country and mostly they are found in wild. Some of the kangaroos are also available in zoos but they love to live in their natural habitats. Usually, the red kangaroos move by forming groups while the groups are formed with hundreds of the kangaroos. The groups are formed in combination of male, female and juvenile kangaroos. Usually, the groups are led by the male members and the others follow the directives.

Generally, the red kangaroos are found in the western and central Australia. They mostly love to live in a wild environment. The kangaroos love grasslands, deserts, and sometimes the prefer scrublands as well. Most of the kangaroos prefer to live under the open sky and avoids darkly shaded areas while some of them prefer to live in slightly shaded areas. They like to stay under trees for the shade. The red kangaroos have some amazing capacities like they are able to conserve water for long hours. They also could concentrate urine in the dry summer. They are able to find fresh vegetations and thus they do not have any trouble to live in the desert or in the low raining areas. Their population density is more in central Australia as those parts are filled with green grasses and vegetation.

The ears of the red kangaroo are pointed and they are large in size, umm… the largest ones among the species. The furs of the kangaroos are brown while it is short for the males. Sometimes, the furs take a fade colour. Usually, the females are smaller in size and shape and their fur colour is combined with a blue and grey shade. The kangaroos are attached with two forelimbs and they have small claws. They use the muscular hind limbs for jumping from one place to another. They use the tail to support them when they want to stand. The legs store and release forces which help them to jump. The sudden release of their energy from the legs helps them to jump a long distance and created a bouncing situation. Usually, the male red kangaroos can jump over eight metres by a single leap. The body shape for a male red kangaroo is about five feet excluding its tail.

I like this red kangaroo most for several reasons. The first thing is that they look stunning. Among the other types of kangaroos, they are larger in size and shape and can cover a long distance by running and jumping. They also have a less weight and the body posture is attractive. Besides, the furs are not harsh rather those are felt a bit of velvety while touching them. The natural pouch the female kangaroos contain can keep their kids for over five months. They also have a different feature. The red kangaroos can survive in temperature over 400 C. In that time they avoid movements and stay on shades though they prefer to stay under the open sky around the year. Their communication system is also well improved than the other kangaroo species. All the features described here are unique to them. So, I like the red kangaroos most than the other animals found in Australia.

Model Answer 2:
Thank you for this great topic. A good number of animals are available in Germany and among them, I love the cat most. They are available across the country and people love them for their calm nature. In fact, cats are capable of drawing the attention of the people with their charming sound and friendly behaviours. Moreover, it is very nice to look at and cleanliness is a great feature that it owns.

Cats are available in everywhere in the country. But they mostly love to live with families. In fact, they have won the title of one of the best domestic animals in Germany. But some wild cats are also seen in streets and they are a bit violent in nature. When a cat lives with a family at home, it often becomes a family member. Actually, cats love to live in luxurious styles. So, they are unable to sleep here and there like dogs and other animals. They are a bit selective in this case.

Usually, cats have a grandeur look. They are available in different colours and sizes. I am surprised by the eyes when they shine in the darkness. The eyes look like torchlight and I do not actually know if they are able to see in the dark or not. But they have some sharp senses. They can differentiate between your attitudes towards them. They body filled with thin fur is really pleasurable to touch gently.

I love cats for some particular reasons. First of all, you do not need to take care of cats all the day long. You can fix a place for them where they will sleep and eat, and they will follow your orders. I am fascinated by the way they play with me. And most importantly, when my pet cat meets me, it creates a special noise. So, I love the cat.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:

"Describe your favourite animal." 

Here are few hints for more model answers for the same question. These tips are provided so that you could develop your own answer from the following ideas.

1. The dog is my favourite animal. In fact, dogs are available across China. They look nice with a curly tail. The dogs are like the other four-footed animals and they live on different types of food. But they like bones most. This is my favourite animal for its sincerity and trustworthiness. In fact, a dog is considered the most trustful animal in the world and it is proven.

2. Though may sound weird, I love chipmunks more than other animals here in Japan. The animal is not available everywhere in the country except some specific parts. They look different than most other animals. And I love the fur on their bodies. In fact, they give me a delightful feeling when I try to touch the furs. This is my favourite animal as it has a specific sense to deal with humans. Whenever I am angry about something, the chipmunk does not appear to me rather it comes when everything is settled. So, I am surprised by this behaviour of the chipmunk which made me feel amazed.

3. Duck is a very common animal in Vietnam. It is available across the country. Usually, people create places in their yards for a duck. They are available in different colours and sizes. But I love the white ones most. They are larger in size as well. I love ducks for their eggs. In fact, you might feel weird hearing my answer. The duck eggs are filled with more protein and food properties that help to keep me fit. But this is not the only reason. I also love ducks as they look wonderful when they take bath in water or run across the yards.

4. In India, goat is a common animal. Usually, goats are available in every part of the country. They are similar to other domestic animals. The colour of goats varies and so they are available in black, brown, and of mixed colour. I prefer goat than other animals as they are truly useful animals. They need less care but in return, they serve a lot. Goat milk is delicious and helps to maintain a healthy diet. Moreover, mutton is a favourite food for us. Considering all the matters, I like the animal.

5. In Pakistan, chicken is a common animal and I love it. Chickens are everywhere here in the country. They are small animals and mostly used for producing poultry products. In fact, chicken is a great source of energy as we take it as foods. Chicken is my favourite for some other reasons. First of all, they are easy pets and needs almost no care. But in return for having a pet, you will get eggs. This is a unique feature for chicken. So, I admire it.

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