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Describe a photograph that you remember

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 180 with Model Answer:

Describe a photograph that you remember.

You should say:
  • what is in the photograph
  • how old it is
  • who took it and when
and explain why you remember this photograph.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Last month I was assigned to clean the personal library of my father, and there I found a photograph of mine where I was sitting in the middle of my grandparents.

It was an old photograph and the corners of the photos were faded. The photo shows that I am sitting in the middle of my grandparents and they are in a posture like hugging me. It reminded me of the day when the photo was captured. I was wearing a school uniform and suddenly I remembered the photo was taken marking the first day of my school. My grandparents were in a jolly mood over my attending school for the first time of my life. Actually, I was also happy on the day and gladly posed for the photo with my grandparents. It was a black and white photo with a square shape and my father kept the photo inside one of his books and forgot about that. When I showed the photo to him, he jumped out of joy.

Initially, I could not remember the exact day when I posed for the photo. But my father was a smart and conscious man. He wrote the date on the back of the photograph with a marker. The photograph was dated on March 27, 1989, which means the photo is about 27 years old in 2016! Wow!! I really have never seen such an old photo and interestingly I am one of the objects of the photo. When I come to know about the date, I was thrilled. I think to make me thrilled someday; my smart father placed the date behind the photo. This was a lesson for me as well. From now onward, I will place a date and place behind the photo or if the photo is clicked and stored on a computer, I will add a date and time at a corner manually.

As far as I remember, the photo was taken by a professional photographer of our locality. My father hired him to capture photos marking the occasion of starting my school. The photographer also took some other photos on the same day but most of the photos have been lost. The photo with my grandparents was captured on the lawn of our house. We had a large lawn before the house which was used to serve different purposes. The majority of the private events of my family took place on the lawn and it was nicely decorated. On the photograph, I am sitting with my grandparents on a wooden bench which was used to serve at the wooden dining table placed on the lawn to serve foods for the guests during the family events. In a summer evening, all of the family members were invited to attend the party. I was surprised at the photographer took a few pictures but he had to pay a standard amount for the photography.

After finding the photograph, I remembered the day suddenly. All the events appeared before my eyes. It was the very first day of my life when I went to school. I got admitted to the elementary level. I went in the morning and as it was the first day, I made late to return home. It was almost evening. I got familiar with the other student in my class, played with them in the open field of the school and did more fun. My father went to bring me back and after my return, I was surprised by the party arrangement. However, I remember the photograph as that was the only photograph of mine on that day. I, in fact, did not have the chance to have more photos as there were more other people. The medium-sized lawn before the house was filled with guests and everyone blessed me heartily on the day. When I saw the photograph in the current time, I was thrilled greatly.

Model Answer 2:
While browsing the family picture album in my paternal uncle’s home, an old photograph comes to my attention. The photo is about my dad. He was sitting in the park while the photo was captured. Thank you for asking the question. I will describe the event in brief.

The photo contains an image of my father’s childhood. The photo shows that my father was about seven or eight years old. Moreover, my father was accompanied by another child and later I came to know it was one of his childhood friends. But the most interesting thing about the picture is that my father looked like me as I was in my childhood. In fact, the photo shows that I was a copy of my father’s childhood.

The photograph is around 50 years old. Some of its parts have been faded and torn. But it has been preserved in the family photo album. I have not seen the photos before as it was kept at my uncle’s home. While paying the visit, I discovered the photo. Actually, I had difficulty determining the age of the photo. Then, I gathered information from my aunt and she says that she has been familiar with the photo since she was married to my uncle. Finally, I asked my dad about the picture and he became surprised about the photo. He described to me about the photo background and its age.

The photo was taken by a neighbour of my grandfather. He took the photo as he was a photographer by hobby. He used to take photos of people, objects and other things. It was his hobby to take photographs and distribute the photos among the people who were in the photos. I am amazed at the man’s generosity and his love for photography. In fact, such people are rare in the present context that he will take your photos and deliver the printed photos at your home without any fee or charges. It was the most interesting aspect to me.

I remember the photograph for a few grounds. The first thing about the photo is that I had never seen it before in my life as it was kept in my uncle’s album. Secondly, the photo represents my father in a
 similar manner I used to be in my childhood. This is called the bondage of gene. My childhood was almost similar to my father. I had some photos of childhood and I found a great similarity with my photos. Another important aspect of the photo was its colour. It was completely black and white. But such photos are unavailable in the present days. So, based on all the matters said here, I remember the photograph.

Idea generation and tips for this cue card topic.

Here are a few more ideas to help you develop your own answer for this cue card topic:

1.  I was surprised when I remembered an old photograph after many years. The photograph shows that I am talking to my buddies at my school. I was not looking at the camera but it was a nicely captured picture. The picture is about 10 years old but still looks vivid. One of my friends named Sam clicked the picture on the last day at our school. I can remember the photo because of the day when I left my school forever. It was really a sad day for every one of us.

2.  I have no ideas who clicked the photo but it looks wonderful. The photo contains my dad and me. He was trying to teach me how to ride a bicycle. I cannot exactly remember how old the photo is but it might be over 12 years when the photo was clicked. One of my dad’s friend might have taken the photo, I exactly cannot remember his name and but can remember the time. It was a sunny day in summer. I can remember the photo because I fell several times while trying to ride the bicycle.

3.  The photograph contains some of my favourite friends. We went on an excursion in a historic place here in Sydney. The photo is about three years old and so the memories of the day are still fresh in my mind. Cathy took the photo suddenly. In fact, she asked us all to smile at her and we did so. But I was not sure if she clicked the photo or not but later I found that she really took the photo, and it was not a prank on us. I can remember this particular photo because we had lots of fun that day, and Cathy made some pranks with us in the name of clicking photos.

4.  The old photo shows I am standing in front of my mom and holding her hand. This is a simple photo of my childhood and might be over 19 years old. It was taken by a professional photographer in the lawn of our house in Berlin. I can remember the photo because I do not have so many pictures with my mom. She died in an accident after a couple of weeks from taking the photo, and thus it was the very last memory to me. So, I remembered the photo.

5.  It is really embarrassing if you find a photo where I am seen fighting. I have found a photograph where I am fighting with a friend, though it was a mock fight. The photo is about three to four years old. A friend named Robin clicked the photo on his mobile phone and presented me with a printed version of the photo which I preserved at my home. Though I was busy with fighting, I looked very good in the photo. The photo composition was awesome as well. So, I can still remember it.

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