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Describe a library you have visited

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 190 with Model Answer:

Describe a library you have visited.

You should say:
  • where it was
  • why you went there
  • how you know about this library
and explain your experience in this library.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Last month, I went to Berlin in Germany to have some business deal (I deal with plastic materials) and visited the Berlin State Library. This is a universal library and thus contains all types of printed materials and books.

The library is located in Berlin under Germany.  It is commonly known as Stabi and mostly contains the properties of Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. This is one of largest libraries in the European continent. The library is of great importance for its universal collection of book, research materials, oldest bible, novels, references, oldest books and more others. The library is known as universal for its huge collection and it proudly contains almost all the famous items of the world. The library is also important to the German-spoken people as most of the collections are composed in the German language. The library also collects cultural works of all languages which are not found anywhere else in the world. It also contains some rare collections of world famous artists’ creations like Symphony no.9 of Beethoven, manuscripts of Mozart etc. the library mostly serves the role of research to the people who visit there.

I went there to have some knowledge about a universal library. I have heard about the universal library and its speciality but have never seen before in my life. So, I was eagerly waiting to visit the library. Besides, I also wanted to read something inside the library and did not miss the chance here. In fact, I had no intentions to read about research or perform any academic activities at the library rather the sole aim was entertainment. I wanted to know about the library, its history, its origin, how it preserved the media and books and more other issues. Besides, I have never entered into any big library like this before. In fact, I was curious to know about the inner events of the library like this one.  

I came to know about the library from the Internet. I have some specific ways to do things. Whenever I go to a new place, I try to get information about the location earlier so that I could not fall into any unwanted danger or situations. I have started practising the method after experiencing some real life ‘situations’ and I had to pay the price unexpectedly for my ignorance. So, before moving to Berlin, I had some home works. I browsed about the entire locality like information about its streets, nearby stations of my place where I will stay, police stations, adjacent visiting places, locations of superstores and shopping malls, routes to arrive in my residing hotel and many more. During the search on the internet, I came to know about the library. Then I decided to pay a visit if I could make some changes and the intention came true.    

The experience inside the library was marvellous. I never expected that I could be able to enter into a huge library like this. The library contains a large number of rare collections. Most of the collections are too rare to be found in any other parts of the globe. The collections of the library are splendid and the preservation system is also a standard one. Thousands of books on different subjects are stored on shelves and I failed to count the books in a single shelf. When I sat with a book inside the library, it appeared that I am carrying a history in my hand in the form of a book. The pages were faded while some of the pages got torn. Besides, the reading tables made with heavy woods also had a great impact on my mind. The entire environment reminds me of the olden days and when I read a book over the German history, it appeared that the events are taking place before me.

Sample Answer 2:
My first visit to the National Library of Malaysia was wonderful. In fact, I had never seen such a huge collection before. Besides, the library came with some other features too. This is an interesting question and thanks for asking it to me. I will describe the event now in brief.

Physically the library is located in 232, Jalan Tun Razak, in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The library is almost in the centre of the city. And thus it is accessible from any parts of the city. It is mostly responsible for gathering knowledge and serving people in their needs. The library collection is enriched with various types of books, magazines, reference books and lot more types of reading materials.

I am a postgraduate student at the University of Kuala Lumpur. Often I need to go through references for my academic purposes. Before reaching this level, I had managed everything with the library of my university. But after reaching the postgraduate level, I needed some authentic and strong references for my research works and those were available only in the National Library. As a result, I had to visit the library at least thrice in a week and spent over three to four hours in studying the references. I did not know how the time passed by.

In the beginning of the post-graduation, I took history as one of the mandatory courses. I had no idea about the subject and thought that it might be easier. But when I attended the classes and ordained to perform some research on certain historical issues of Malaysia, it was really difficult to me. Based on the recommendation of my university dean, I went to the National Library. It was a great suggestion for me. In fact, I was unable to buy the expensive reference books for completing the research and projects. So, the service from the university was highly beneficial to me. 

I have had an intimate relationship with the library and its staff. Actually, I had to visit the library frequently and each of the time I enjoyed my stay there. The enriched collection had met my needs and necessities. Though I knew about the library, I did not have the clear idea about the library service and how to use them. When I came to know about the facilities, I was really glad to have them. The most interesting experience was maintaining the silence inside the library. I have never been rejected during the use of library service even in the early part of the day. To be honest, it was a smooth experience for me. I will always remember the facilities I received here and also will try contributing to its further improvement.

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