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Describe a website you often visit

IELTS Cue Card Question 167 with Model Answer:

Describe a website you often visit.

You should say:
  • what type of website it is
  • how often you visit this website
  • what services or information it offers
and explain why you think this website is useful.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
This is the age of technology. The Internet is one of the important aspects of technology and websites are the entrance to the vast virtual world. I have visited

Basically, YouTube is a video sharing website and mostly the users upload different types of videos on this sharing website. This California based website, YouTube, is available across the world. The website visitors could share a good variety of videos, watch video songs, view movie trailers, dramas, serials and sometimes movies, educational videos and more other entertaining video clips for free of cost. They do not need to pay any charge for using the website. After its inception in 2005, the tech-giant Google bought it in 2006 with over 1.50 billion US dollars. The users are able to upload, share, comment, and rate the videos on the website. Currently, the website is also used for video blogging. Though many of the video clips are uploaded by private initiatives, many of the organisations also use this website for their video contents.

I visit the website frequently in a day and in fact, there are no exact statistics of this visiting. There are no specific times or schedules to visit the site for me, and I think this is for anyone who is familiar with the website. I usually browse the website from my personal computer when I am at home. I use the official laptop when I need to visit during the office hours and sometimes use my cell phone to browse the site when I am on my way to somewhere. Basically, the website could be browsed from anywhere and I take the advantage. I use all the available platforms to browse the website and get my tasks done (mostly enjoying songs).

YouTube offers a wide range of services and mostly those are related to videos. For instance, you sing very well but you do not have familiarity or audience. Okay. You may shoot a video with your cell phone camera and upload the video clip on YouTube. If the video does not violate the YouTube standard, the authority will publish the video on the website is perfect, it would be watched, enjoyed and shared by millions of people which will bring you fame. Besides, one can download the necessary and available videos if needed. All the videos on YouTube are free of cost and there are no hidden charges as well to enjoy the videos. It mostly gains profits from advertisements on the site. Since the number of visitors is more, the advertisers pay the YouTube authority to promote their respective products.

This is a very useful website for several reasons. The most important thing is the cost-free feature. We are in need of some information and videos in our everyday life and if we had to buy all the information, it would be impossible for us. But here we are having the information only by browsing the website. Besides, this is a unique platform to share and enjoy video clips. One can have almost all types of videos including entertaining or educative. People mostly use the website to enjoy the latest video songs, know about the latest movie trailers, pass their leisure hours by enjoying drama, movies, video songs etc. Most of the times, the video contents are useful to the viewers in many aspects and could be used for different purposes as well. Take a simple example. Someone has captured a real murder scene and has uploaded that on YouTube, consequently the video clip could be used as visual evidence against the murder and arrest the criminals.

Model Answer 2:
I often need to know about DIY tips and tricks for my college projects. So, in most of the cases, I rely on This is a very special website that comes with all the necessary and latest tips and tricks about the things to be done by one. This is a great question indeed and I would like to thank you for the question.

This is a website dedicated to the people who want to do things by themselves. In fact, it is really an outstanding task to do the things by individual than recruiting some external people. It helps to save time and money for people. Besides, when the things are done on a DIY basis, the tasks become perfect and you can customise the stuff after your necessity.

I visit the website regularly. And I need it most before the assignments. I am a student of architecture here in Paris and completing my graduation. Most of the times, I am assigned with a good number of things to present before the class. In fact, the other students in my class are also asked so. And to prepare the things, I take help from this website. This is the website that comes with the features of doing things by oneself. Definitely, you can get things from outside but they would not be as much better as if it is done by yourself. The website is regularly updated with the latest things and information that is helpful for my studies and assignments.

The website is dedicated to DIY (Do It Yourself) issues. Almost all types of DIY tips are available here. It will guide you to make things for your private use. For instance, you need to have a table lamp for your studies at home during the night. But you cannot get the right piece for you and also do not like the existing models. So, you can make a table lamp for you. The website will describe you about making a table lamp – what materials you will need, how to cut the pieces, and finally how to make it. Besides, it also provides many other services for the users. The website is helpful to its users in many extents.

To me, this is a helpful website for many reasons. I have taken ideas from this website to complete any of my projects. In fact, without the direct help of this website, I would not have been successful in crossing the barriers of my exams. I have also made much stuff for my regular use. I took the details from the website and implemented the idea into reality. Finally, I was happy with the output. Based on such considerations, I think this website is really useful for everyone.

Idea Generation:

Cue Card Topic: Describe a useful website you have visited.

1.  For the past few weeks, I had been sending emails to a friend of mine but he was not responding. So I wanted to know if he was checking my email or not. Thereby, I took help from the ‘getnotify’ website. I do not frequently use the website and I use it only for my needs. The website mostly informs if the emails sent by someone have been opened or not. This is a really useful website. It helps to make people aware of the emails that they sent. Often, the emails are ignored and people even do not look at them in their inboxes. So, you can take preventive measures accordingly if your email is not opened.

2.  I love to watch movies but most of the sites demand hefty subscription fees. So, the one dollar movie website is the best-suited one for me. Since the website has a large movie collection, I visit the website at least thrice a week. The website is basically a platform where people can enjoy movies without paying much. As a result, it has become a hub for movie lovers around the world. Of course, this is a useful website. The most important thing is that it lets us enjoy movies with higher resolution at a cheap price.

3.  The website I am talking about is intended to help users short and store email addresses. In fact, I had no idea that there are such websites which perform the task. And when I came to know about it, I liked the idea. But I do not need the service frequently. So, I visit the website once or twice in a month. The website is dedicated to making the email addresses shorter than they are. Often people need some smaller size email addresses to fill up forms or for other purposes. This is a useful website and it helps the users greatly. There are fewer websites around that provide the same service.

4.  Photography is my hobby and I love to edit photos. But the TinEye helps to do the tasks automatically. I frequently visit this website. Whenever I take a photo, I try to know how it looks in a reverse format, in a more exposed light and so on. So, I need to take the support of this website. The website is about making the photos in a reverse form. The photo will take the opposite shape as it is actually taken. I think this is a website that is helpful to everyone particularly those who are engaged in photography.

5.  I do not know who invented the idea of Paper Toilet website. This is one of the worst websites I have ever visited. I actually do not visit the website unless I feel bored and want to be more bored. The website is about rolling toilet papers. There is no end of the toilet paper and the visitor needs to roll it as long as they want. To me, it appears that the website is not useful at all. I think it was made for passing leisure hours without doing anything.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe a website you often visit." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:
  • Describe your favourite website. 
  • Describe a website you often browse. 
  • Describe a website you think is helpful for others. 
  • Describe a blog you or someone else you know owns. 

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