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Talk about something you or someone you know collects

IELTS Cue Card Question 128 with Model Answer:

Talk about something you or someone you know collects.

You should say:
  • what you or this person collects
  • how the collection is stored
  • how quickly the collection is growing
and say what kind of person would enjoy collecting that thing, and why?

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Collecting foreign coins is my hobby and many of my relations bring foreign coins for me. I have a huge collection of coins while some of them are aged over centuries.

Coins are different for me. I like to collect coins and I have a rare collection of coins where many of the coins belong to early in the 19th century. Some of my relations are of the view that collecting the coins will bring no benefits for me but I do it from my passion. I am well aware that coin collections are not the sources of income and I am not a reputed collector as well, I collect the metals only to meet my desire to get them. The beautiful descriptions on the coins attract me most and I also could imagine a bit how the situations were in those days when the coins were used for transactions. Sometimes I try to feel the touches of the people gone with the age who have used the coins.

I actually do not follow any standard way to store coins rather I have my own style. I have bought a large size book with plastic pockets inside instead of paper. It is like an album where photos are kept. I place the coins in the pockets and write names of the country or origins. At times I use scotch tapes to paste the coins into the pages. I, in fact, do not follow any system of procedure as those appear complex to me. I collect coins for my own interest and thereby it is unnecessary for me to follow any specific rules or methods which are done during exhibitions. I was motivated to collect coins from my childhood and nurtured it as my hobby. The coins are stored only for my personal enjoyment and even I do not show the collection to anyone else. This is my own world.

The collection book has been almost filled up with coins and it took about 16 years for me to collect all the coins I have now. I have collected the coins of different states and tried to gather all types of available coins from the countries. Sometimes my relatives who went to travel in different countries brought the coins for me as they knew I am a junior coin collector. Sometimes I have purchased the coins from commercial stores selling foreign coins and currencies. But I had to pay more during the collection from the money exchangers and most of the times they did not want to sell single coins or small amount. Thereby, the coins are the greatest wealth of my life. I had to spend lots of times in collecting the coins and sometimes I had to fight with the other boys in my class who wanted to grab my collection. 

Coin collection is not a very easy task and requires a lot of unnecessary hours to gather all the coins together. Moreover, neither the task is not exciting nor it provides any financial or other benefits to the collectors. So, people who want enjoyment with their hobbies cannot be successful coin collectors. Coins are only pieces of metal and sometimes you even cannot use them in your need. So, if you collect coins, it will incur you loses as sometimes you are to buy them at a higher cost than you expect. Besides, this is not the thing to show off. So, a person who is introvert like can collect coins. If you exhibit your coins to your surrounding people, they may not appreciate the collection after your desired level which may make you mentally upset. So, the extrovert people will not be as much delighted as the introvert. Therefore, I think coin collection is a great hobby for the inquisitive people.

Model Answer 2:
Samuel is my cousin and younger than me for two years. He loves collecting stamps. In fact, he is highly obsessed with the stamp collection issue. So far, he has gathered a huge number of stamps of various countries.

Samuel is fond of stamps and has made a book to place the stamps. The stamp book is enriched with different types of stamps. Sometimes he buys the stamps from the local library and sometimes, some of our relatives bring stamps for him when they return from abroad. He also exchanges the stamps with his friends when he has extra stamps. But he always tries to enrich his stamp collection by some other means as well.

He is careful about storing of the stamps. He has bought a medium-sized nice book for this purpose. The book comes with small pockets and spaces to preserve the stamps. The pockets are made of plastic and attached to the book by sewing so that they do not get removed. The pockets are also made of transparent plastic so that the stamp becomes visible when the book is opened. Before getting the book, Samuel used to keep the stamps in a small box. But it was trouble for him to get the box at the right time. He was unable to find it when he needed the box most.

The stamp collection took the time to grow. He has been collecting stamps since his seventh grade and now he is a college student. He has collected stamps of around 110 countries. He had to undergo several obstacles in this process. Though he asked our other relatives to bring stamps for him, often they forgot to bring owing their business. So, he had to wait for their next visit though there were not preset schedules whether they will visit the same country again or not. Further, he also experienced theft in his collection. Some of his friends stole a notable number of stamps when he took the book on his school to show them his collection. But now everything is under control and he is doing fine with the collection process.

Stamp collection is really a matter of patience and perseverance. If you are impatient, you would be unable to collect the stamps. Moreover, you may need to wait for months to get the stamp of any specific country. The stamps may not be available always. So, it appears that everyone is not passionate to collect stamps. In fact, this the job for a gentleman. Someone with a short temper cannot be a stamp collector. You have to invest time in searching the stamp, collect them and preserve them in the right manner. Being impatient, you might give up collecting stamps thinking that this is not your job.

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