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Describe your family

IELTS Cue Card Question 131 with Model Answer:

Describe your family.

You should say:
  • what type of family it is (nuclear, joint etc.)
  • how many family members you have in your family.
  • what you do together as a family.
And explain how important your family is to you.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
The family is the oldest unit in the world where people lived together with the members including parents, kids and other members. But with the change of time, families have been divided into different categories.

In France, most of the families are nuclear. For more clarification, a nuclear family always refers to a family where two parents are living with their kids. No other members are included in that family. But sometimes, the family may experience several difficulties when guests come to visit them. I live with my own family while my parents are living on their own. My father and mother live in another city and they also have the same situation. They have formed their own nuclear family while the two brothers and one sister of mine have also the similar type of family. Living in a nuclear family is preferable to me for a wide number of causes. It helps to lead a stress-free life. However, there are some joint families living in France and all of them have migrated from different Asian countries. Thus, the number of such families is lower.

In my family, I have three other family members except me. I am David and by profession, I am an engineer. I live with my wife Lisa, my son – Abran and daughter Silvya. Lisa is a teacher by profession and teaches at a senior school adjacent to my apartment. My son is three years older than my daughter and now is in his fourth grade while the daughter got her admission at the elementary level in the current year. We are a happy family. Lisa takes care of the kids when she comes back from the school. It is beneficial to me that neither Lisa nor I have to care for the kids when they are at school. She brings the kids home when she returns from her own workplace. In my off days, I go to bring the kids from the school and both of them are in the same school which is also positive for my small family.

Usually, I do not get enough time in the daytime to spend with the family members, especially with the kids. On most of the days, I have to return after the dusk and find the kids busy with their studies. But when I could return early in the evening from my work, I try to spend some quality hours with them by playing or making fun. Generally, I participate in different indoor sports with them and play chess. This is a very special game for the two. Sometimes, I take all the members for an outing in the holidays. We visit the tourist spots and other destinations, watch cinemas or attend in exhibitions. Sometimes, we take food outside the home and I have made a routine that I will take dinner outside once in a month together and it will help strengthen our bond. It will also help us to get rid of the boredoms of the mechanised life.

My family is quite important to me. I love my family. I have been supporting my wife in different household chores and also share some responsibilities as much possible for me. Usually, I shop groceries for the week and sometimes cook foods at home so that Lisa could take care of the kids. Sometimes, I read out stories to my kids so that they could fall in sleep. Besides, I try to teach the standard norms and manners to my kids so that they could be presentable everywhere and survive. This is my way to teach them how to deal with the world. They are highly important to me and thus I try to make them fit to handle all the obstacles of the world.

Model Answer 2:
I live in an extended family in Sri Lanka. Many of the families have become nuclear now but mine is still a joint one. This is the tradition that my forefathers have been maintaining from an ancient past.

Though in this present age, the world is experiencing nuclear families, many of the groups in this country love to remain united with the family. And thus the families are larger. I am happy to be a member of this joint or extended family. There is a strong bonding among the family members. All the members are united on all issues. But there are sometimes disagreements and the elders come in to help to resolve the matters.

This is an extended family and so the number of family members is more than usual. We have about 25 members altogether. I live with my parents. I also have two other siblings. Besides, my grandparents also live with us. My paternal uncles live with their families as well. Each of them has sons and daughters. Besides, we also have a couple of relatives who often come to live with us and have become like the family members. So, this is really an interesting event to live with lots of people, spend time together and do the other things. But often I am in trouble while using the bathrooms. They remain occupied and you need to reserve your seat at the early hours of the day.

As a family, we all pass quality times. All the male members are busy with their occupational activities. Almost all of them are service holders and serves both in government and private offices. I am a student and my cousins are too. So, during the daytime, it is not possible for us to be together. It is the night time when we meet together and discuss the events of the day. But the women of the family are the most benefitted people here. They enjoy themselves as they stay at home and perform the household chores. They are also helped by the domestic helps in cleaning, cooking and other activities. When everyone returns home, we take meals together, watch television shows and take part in many other activities.

My family is the most important thing to me. In fact, this is the place that has supported me so far to be a photographer. My parents, my grandparents, uncles and aunts – everyone has supported me when I was in distress related to my academic results. With their friendly inspiration, I crossed the boundaries of the academic learning and now planning to be a professional photographer. This is the place where I share my emotions and this is the most important part of my life.

Your preparation for this topic will help you to talk about the following cue card topics:
  • Describe your family members. 
  • Describe someone you really admire. 
  • Describe something which is very important to you. 
  • Describe a relative or a friend you like.

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