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Describe a workplace you have worked in or know about

IELTS Cue Card Question 140 with Model Answer:

Describe a workplace you have worked in or know about.

You should say:
  • what the building/workplace is like
  • what facilities it has
  • what type of people work there
and say if you think it is a good place to work or not, and why?  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Formed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google is the largest search engine in the world and a technological company known as Google Inc. It is headquartered in California in the USA. I know about the office, most importantly its working system, which is different from the other working environments.

The office is located at the Googleplex in Mountain View Santa Clara County in California and the entire complex is the combination of around two million square feet and this is the second largest office space and the headquarter has been shifted here since 2004. The company specialises in different technological sectors and provides internet services to the global users of the internet. It mostly provides search results to the people who use the server to search specific things or information. The service it provides is absolutely free of cost to the users. The office is highly decorated with modern amenities for the staffs and the working areas are designed with care and the comfort of the employees has been prioritised during the design. The Google staffs work in a specific part of the entire building while the sitting arrangements and desks are set in a smart manner while there are some other special features like glass windows and personal chambers etc. for the employees.

The working space for the employees is large and spacious. The employees come here and work devotedly with comfort. The authority has sharp eyes on the issue of comforts of its employees as it believes that if the employees are comfortable with the office, the production level will increase simultaneously. So, the office equipment and tools are user-friendly and the option of relaxation is found in plenty inside the office. The employees do not need to work at a preset time, rather they could work at their convenience. This is the unique facility that is not found in anywhere else. Besides, the relation among the employees and the authority is warm and even the Google authority takes care of the family members of its employees in absence of them. So, the employees do not need to worry about the family members and thus they can concentrate on their works. Besides, the recreational facilities for the Google staffs are also adorable. They can start playing pools or take part in any other recreational activities as and when they need that. The authority does not impose any restriction on such activities and monitoring is not done here. Nonetheless, the production level is not reducing rather it is moving fast in terms of financial advancement and recognition.          

Usually, Google hires the best people to its office after a set of selection processes. Usually, the candidates have to achieve certain qualities up to the mark and have also to prove the skills. Besides, the hiring process is done quickly and the process is advertised on the career page of its website. Sometimes it hires the exceptional candidates while sometimes it takes people who are academically dull. Google actually judges the real-life skills of the employees and how they will respond to different situations. But the first thing is about the IQ. The IQ of the candidate should not be less than 130. This is really an important matter for applying at Google. Moreover, people with exceptional leadership abilities are welcomed at the organisation. Google adores such qualities and helps to nurture them. Besides, people who own a good record of activities can also work for Google. It prefers employees who have a proven record of doing things smoothly within the shortest possible time using fewer resources. Google also considers the human qualities of the candidates for its jobs. The people who are humble and benevolent in nature are the luckiest ones to work for Google. As there is a number of people from different nations are working there, the potential candidate needs to have the provision of adjustment with the working culture at the office. So, the humane qualities are a must for a Google employee. However, you are to be careful with your respective responsibilities as well and this is an accepted rule among the employees.

This is the perfect place for working. If you are confident and can believe to do the things you are assigned within the budgeted time, you are on board with Google. This is the place where you can exercise your leisure activities without hiding it from your boss or superior officer. Rather you will be encouraged to perform to achieve excellence and might be awarded in some cases for outstanding performance. But you will be responsible to complete your duties or assigned tasks by the time you are spending in office. Besides, the contributory services that Google provides to its employees are lucrative. The benefits are not available in the other working places. Considering all the aspects, it appears that Google is a very good place to work for.

Model Answer 2:
I have joined at a bilingual local newspaper here in Mumbai and before joining at this place, I was a staff reporter for the Daily Morning. That was a nice workplace. Thank you for the question. I will describe the matter now.

The newspaper, based in Mumbai, was a daily newspaper. It was housed in an old three-storied building. The house did not look like a newspaper station. But it remained crowded all the times with the reporters and other people. Inside of the house was decorated with a nice combination of modern architectures and furniture. So, when people came inside of the office, they turned amazed. It became hard for them to cope up with the outer and inner interior.

The office was nicely decorated but there was a problem about space. Since it was an old building, there were ample rooms but modern furniture was not suitable for it. Besides, the accommodation system became troublesome for the staffs. But we managed everything. The windows of the building were larger than the usual windows. So, we did not need to use artificial ventilation system for the smooth passing of air. Moreover, the building had a wide staircase which really was helpful. The newspaper occupied the entire building and the printing was done on the ground floor while the office and other activities were done in the first and second floor.

This is a newspaper. So, most of the people here were journalists. But sometimes, some other types of people also used to come here. Besides, we had some support staffs as well to help in our regular activities. The office assistants were responsible for delivering messages to any other offices or places while the cleaners used to keep the office premises clean. The editor in chief used to take his seat on the top floor beside the news editing section. The reporters were assigned on the first floor. Most of the people in this office were related to journalism in different ways. But sometimes, victims of various events also came here for an interview while the senior police officials also came here to socialise with the reporters and the editor in particular.

Of course, this is a good place to work. I have worked here as a staff reporter for last three years and it was a great experience for me. All the office staffs were cooperative and administration was also cordial, took care of the employees. Besides, there were no gender discriminations. As a female reporter, I have never experienced any unwanted situations in this office. Based on all the things, I firmly believe this is a good place to work.

Similar Cue card topics that you should be able to talk about with your preparation for this cue card:
  • Describe an office you have been to. 
  • Describe an office or organisation where you would like to work. 
  • Describe an ideal workplace you know about.
  • Describe a project or work you have done.

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