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An important day in your life

IELTS Cue Card Question 146 with Model Answer:

Talk about an important day in your life.

You should say:
  • when this day was
  • where you were and what happened
  • if you were alone or with others
and explain why this day was important to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Human beings pass lots of memorable days while some of the days become ever reminding in our mind. The birth of my elder son, Johnn, was one of the most important days in my life. It was the evening of 23rd December in 2009 when the boy landed on the planet.

When Georgina became pregnant, we two started counting days for our baby to come on earth. She had to undergo lots of physical and mental stress during the entire pregnancy period. Since she was a school teacher, she had to go for lecturing at the classes and I waited for her before her school to bring her back at home in the evening when the classes were over. I know it was troublesome for her to continue the profession after being pregnant. I also tried hard to prevent her continuing the teaching but she was reluctant to give up then. It was also hard for me to manage time in every evening to be with her. But my office considered the issue and allowed me every day to leave early. And finally, two days before the Christmas, Johnn came to the earth. It was a snowy evening and all of us were greatly tensed about the safety of the mother and the kid during the delivery process as the doctor made a bit late to reach for snow.

In fact, I was in my office that day and Georgina was at home. She had taken a maternity leave of six months from her school commencing around a week before the day. She informed me over the telephone about her sudden abdominal discomfort and I suggested her to go to the nearby hospital with my mother-in-law who was accompanying her. Accordingly, she went to the Beaumont Hospital, a few blocks away from our residence in Dublin, and the emergency medical officers informed me that she needs a C-section. I agreed and started from my office to the hospital. Being a foul weather, it was snowy and the traffic was unusual than the other days. When I reached the hospital, I found her at the operation theatre and all of them were waiting for the doctor’s arrival. Finally, the C-section was done and we got our baby boy. Really it was a great day for all of us with the arrival of the baby.

At the Beaumont Hospital, I was accompanied by my parents and the other members of my own and in-law’s family. My mother-in-law brought Georgina at the hospital in my absences and did all the necessary things like making phone calls to the other relatives and they reached the hospital one after another. Around 25 people gathered at the hospital marking the birth of my child. It was a kind of festival for them as this was the first kid in the family after a long time. So, all of the relatives were too excited and happy over the incident. They congratulated me on the event and prayed for the betterment of the boy in the days ahead. I was surprised as well when I saw that some of the relations had brought some gifts for the newborn baby and wanted to hand over the gifts to me. It was also pleasant matter for me and their care for my boy also amazed me indeed.

The day was important to me as it was the day of my fatherhood. I turned father for the first time and the feelings are inexpressible in words. My son, Johnn, has turned six in last year. The little baby is growing up and I have admitted him to the local elementary school. He is like a blessing to me. I always try to meet all of his demands and when he desires for something, he does not calm down until his desire is met. He is a replica of my childhood said my parents and he never stops his activities unless he is taken before the television set to enjoy cartoons. Still, I remember the day when he was born and took him in my lap. He was covered with a thick white towel and he could not even see. He was looking like an angel and all of us waited for his arrival. Though he was supposed to be late, he came early and there were no complications with his birth. The C-section was successful and required no extra troubles. So, the day was important to me earlier and still, it is important to me.

Model Answer 2:
I was passing some rainy days. To be honest, I was seeking a job badly. I needed to manage myself and my wife. The day when I got the job was the most important day of my life. Thank you for this appealing question. It reminds me of the struggling periods of my life. Here is the brief description of the day.

I cannot exactly recall the date but I can remember the day. It was a sunny day. I started the interview from my university dormitory in Mysore, India. The journey was smooth and I reached the interview location just in time. Luckily, I was selected for the position I applied for and they asked me to join from the very next day of the interview date.

It was about nine years ago, and I was a student of History at a local university of Mysore. I got married in my student life and experienced huge sufferings in those days. In fact, marrying during the student life is really hard and I had no backup from my family as well. So, everything appeared unfavourable to me. On the other side, my wife’s family was also rejecting us. I had no job, and also did not complete my graduation. So, they wanted to break the marriage and tried their best. The moments were crucial. I needed a job badly. I was applying for jobs here and there. I turned in to a full-time job seeker but did not get any response from the employer. In such a condition, I was asked to appear the interview for the position of business analyst and got the job.

Though I was married, I lived in the dormitory until I got the job. My wife, a student of my batch, lived with her parents adjacent to the university. She was the daughter of locally an influential family. So, it was difficult for me to meet her when the family came to know about the marriage issue. I was in a complicated situation. I was trying to have a job and moved from one office to another and submitted my CV. I am lucky that I got a substantial support from my wife. If she had not been adamant about the marriage issue, I could not have been with her. I thank her from the core of my heart for her contributions.

It was an important day for me for many aspects. I planned to approach formally to my wife’s family about settling everything. And I needed a job to represent myself. The job allowed me to be self-dependent and also made me confident as I turned economically strong. Therefore, the day of getting the job was important to me.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:

"Talk about an important day in your life."

1.  Last January, I had witnessed an amazing event in my life. I got my first paycheque from my office. In fact, it was my first job and I was paid for the first month. I cannot express how happy I was after receiving the payment. The bank account notification on my mobile phone made me wonder. I shared the event with my family members and they were happy too. It was important to me for a couple of reasons. It was my first salary in life and I had several plans to execute and need the money for that. So, I was happy and this was really an important day in my life.

2.  Getting admission at a foreign university is really tough from here Vietnam. But when the Email about the approval of my desired subject arrived in my inbox, the day became important to me. Last month, I received the email. I was at my home when I opened my Gmail account and found it. After going through the email, I rushed to inform my mom. She was happy. Later, I shared it with my dad who became highly glad. It was an important day for me because I had been trying for a long time to get admitted to a foreign university for higher education. The news brought relieve for me.

3.  The publication of one of my articles in a local newspaper was an important event for me. In fact, the day was great and I was amazed. Two months ago, the Hokkaidō Shimbun published one of my articles. A friend of mine informed it to me when I went to my college. I wrote the article on the importance of the safe Internet for children. When I saw my name in the newspaper, I was thrilled. It was a great success for me. The day was important as my skills were recognized by a national media. Everyone around me was happy for me.

4.  I will always remember the day when I started driving my own car. In fact, it took around six months of practice and preparations to learn driving. On May 15, I got the license to drive my own vehicle. On this very day, I went to collect the license from the office with my dad. He was happy too. He promised me to present a brand new Toyota if I succeeded in getting the license and he kept his words. This was an important day in my life as I was able to ride independently.

5.  Last year, I went to the Cannes Film Festival. It was a dream event for me. In fact, I did not have the idea that I would be able to attend the festival. Getting the invitation was tough and I managed it finally after lots of attempts. I met with numerous film stars and people there. My uncle (a media personality) accompanied me. He arranged for the invitation and I am really grateful to him. It was a dream for me that someday I would be at the film festival. It was a unique opportunity for me indeed. And since the dream came true in this day, it was an important day for me.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Talk about an important day in your life." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:
  • Describe a memorable event in your life. 
  • Describe a day or event that has a positive influence in your life. 
  • Describe a day in your life that you remember well. 
  • Describe a positive experience you have had recently. 
  • Describe an unforgettable event in your life.

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