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A new sport or hobby you would like to take up

IELTS Cue Card Question 123 With Model Answer:

Talk about a new sport or hobby you would like to take up.

You should say:
  • why you are interested in it
  • if it is an easy or hard thing to start
  • when are you planning to start it
and explain how this will help you.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Table tennis is one of the most important sports that is not suitable for all ages of people. You need to be physically sound to play table tennis.

I am interested in table tennis simply for a great many reasons. The first and foremost thing about table tennis is that it keeps me physically fit to do any jobs. Table tennis players are always fit and perfect as they have to take physical stresses during the game. The players are to coordinate among the limbs of their bodies and thus they become smart, active and grow a sense of instant reflex which proves effective in their real-life applications. Besides, this is an indoor game and requires less space to play. The other important thing is that it provides a deep sense of enjoyment for the players and there are fewer chances of injury which I am afraid of much in outdoor games and sports. So, my interest in an indoor game has been met with the table tennis and since I need to participate in indoor games, I will play table tennis.

Table tennis is not an easy sport. It requires a lot of physical stamina and a strong endurance level. Usually, the kids and aged people cannot play the game perfectly as they cannot move as fast as it is required to play the game. Initially, the game appears too hard for the people who are unfamiliar with the sport but when you are on, it will not appear difficult to you. Actually, the game puts less stress on the joints, especially on the ankles and wrists. Besides, the players are to coordinate their movements based on the ball's direction. The players are to look at the table tennis ball constantly. If s/ he lose concentration from the ball for a single second, it may bring his fall on the game. Sometimes the players are to jump to get in touch with the ball or react instantly with the ball direction to hit it back which could not be done by the aged people. So, it is imperative for them not to participate in the game.

I intend to start participating in the game as soon as I can. But currently, I am having huge official engagement and also have to go for few overseas trips. It may take over a month for me to get rid of all the professional engagements. At the same time, I am trying to practice the game at my home. I have a plan that I will set a table on the corner of my extra large garage though the plan was to set the table on the rooftop. But I have modified the plan as placing on roof becomes a bit risky for me and those who will participate. To be skilled in the game, I have decided to continue it for at least five days in a week and will play for around an hour. Moreover, I am unaware of the rules of the game and planning to get some books from abroad as well to get familiar with the game. Moreover, I have ordered a table for this purpose that should be made with oak wood for durability.

Playing or participating in table tennis has a great number of benefits. This is the only game that owns fewer chances to get injured by being hit with the ball. The ball is made of plastic and cannot make a severe damage to human body parts. It keeps us flexible and active. The players are to remain alerted always which improves their senses. When the players are to move from side to side, the movement helps them to burn their fats. Table tennis is considered as a family sport and thus my wife is also eager to join me at the game. It would also get her some physical activity which is of great benefit for her physical improvement. The fast movement during the games helps to increase the reflex which is effective for me in different real-life situations. But to me, table tennis appears to be the safest sport ever I have participated. When I played cricket, I got injured seriously for several times. The injuries took longer times to recover. But in table tennis, there are no such chances to break legs, hands or other body parts and there are no such notable records are found yet. So, I am actually in love with table tennis.

Model Answer 2:
I am interested in learning to ride a bicycle. There are few reasons to learn to ride it. And I will describe the matters here. Thank you for your interesting question.

Riding a bicycle has many benefits. First of all, it helps to reduce the extra pounds from the body. It also makes the body look good and smart. Besides, cycling helps to make the leg muscles stronger and brings a nice shape to them too. The other advantage of riding a bicycle is that it helps to reach destinations in time. It saves time to a great extent. Often you need to experience traffic congestions, you need to halt in the middle of the road but if you have a bicycle, you can move easily even in a traffic congestion.

Initially, learning to ride a bicycle is a bit tough but once you learn to ride, you will not forget in your life. There are several ways to ride on bicycles. Sometimes, two people ride together on a bicycle. One of them is the driver and the other one accompanies the driver. In some places, a rider rides the bicycle with two other people. In that case, one of the passengers sits in front of the rider and the other one sits on the rear career of the rider. Riding bicycle is all about balance. If you know how to keep balance, you will be a skilled rider, shortly. But you will need to practice a lot. The more you will practice, the more you will be skilled.

I am planning to start learning to ride a bicycle very soon. In fact, I need to learn it to avoid the traffic congestion of the city. At present, Thailand has become too much populated. And a good number of them are tourists around the world. So, when I move out to my office, I need to waste time on the road and particularly by traffic congestion. Easy movement, in the morning hours, has become too difficult. So, I am planning to buy a new bicycle and start to riding it towards my office.

Riding a bicycle will help me in many ways. Firstly, it will save my time. Every day, I need to waste around over two hours when I am in public transports. But if I ride my own bicycle, it will take only one hour to reach and return from my office. Besides, it would also be helpful to keep me physically fit. My desk job does not allow me to move in the city and seating in a desk is really dangerous for health. When I will ride the bicycle, it will help to burn the extra pounds that I gained from sitting on the desk. That is my plan to be benefitted from the bicycle ride.

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