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Describe a garden or park you enjoyed spending time in

IELTS Cue Card Question 110 With Model Answer:

Describe a garden or park you enjoyed spending time in.

You should say:
  • where it is
  • how it looks like
  • what you did there
and explain why you enjoyed spending time there.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Alton National Park is located adjacent to the Moonie highway in South West Queensland in Australia and primarily famous for the rare species at the park.

The park is under the reign of Baloone Shire local government and famous for camping inside the park. But there are no facilities for the campers except the open spaces. People who go for camping at the park are self-sufficient. They usually carry all their necessary items and amenities required for the camping. The campers can do everything except creating an open fire for enjoyment. The authority is always alert to the issue as there were some fire-related accidents took place here in past. Besides, the natural view of the park is outstanding and in the moonlit night, the night views are wonderful. But the visitors need to be careful whatever they do here as this is a restricted area as it houses rare species and they should not be disturbed in any way.

Well, if you ask exactly how it looks like, the shape cannot be described in words. It does not have any specific shape or size rather the park has stretched for over 5 kilometres and decorated with varieties of trees and some mountains. It looks like a planned hilly garden with different plants which are standing with unity. There are many open spaces as well where the campers place their tents. The park is also the combination of two towns and a village and as a result, the park is always crowded in some parts and the other parts remain silent. It is a perfect place for bird watching. Various rare birds are found in the park and it is a prime destination for the bird watchers in Queensland.

The question ‘what I did there’ is simple but I am afraid the answer cannot be finished in few sentences. Since the park was a half an hour drive from my home, I usually visited the park in the holidays and took part in various types of activities inside the Alton National Park. I went to the park for numerous times and mostly I went for camping purpose. When I was a graduate-level student, I and my friends used to come here for camping at nights. It was a kind of celebration for us whenever we finished one of our semesters. It became a tradition for seven of us. Sometimes I used to visit the park on holidays for bird watching as well and have spotted different birds at their nest rested high on the tree-tops.

Ummm! Actually, it was the age for me when everything appeared good. In fact, that was the time of enjoyment for me. In my youth days, I travelled to different parts of Australia and had spent a large portion of time mostly in the Alton National Park for many reasons. The most important thing is its natural scenario and the views of the deep blue sky from the ground level. In the bright summer days, the sky views were breathtaking and I mostly went there in the evenings to enjoy the blue sky and sunset. Sometimes I turned into the audience for mountain biking during the events and supported by my favourite bikers.

Model Answer 2:
Living in Florida has some special benefits. This is the place where you can find lots of parks and gardens where you can enjoy your leisure hours. I frequently visit Madison Blue Springs State Park for relaxation. This is a very good place. Thank you for the question.

This is one of the newest state parks in Florida. In fact, the park is physically located around 10 miles away from Madison. The park is famous for its spring. I have never seen such a clear spring before. So, the spot has become a fame for swimming. Further, it has become a great and attractive place for the limestone basin. The basin is located on the west bank of Withlacoochee River.

The park has a stunning look. The entire locality is filled with natural resources. Due to the natural environment, the water in the park is always cool. It has some underwater caves which are great for diving. The spring is about 82 feet in width and 25 feet in depth. The entire park has both hardwoods and pines. As a result, the park has got a charming view from all the sides. Many of the visitors come here only to enjoy the scenic beauty of the area. When I first came here, I was in love with the park and it was a natural beauty that attracted me most.

I used to walk inside the park in the beginning. But with the passage of time, I have started participating in some other activities. Swimming is a very popular activity while there are chances for scuba diving and canoeing. When I have enough time with me and I am with my family members, I hire a canoe and float on the water. But if I am alone, I take a scuba dive. Unluckily, I cannot go in to deep with the scuba diving as my certification does not permit me. But swimming is my regular activity and I love to swim in the cool water.

I enjoyed spending time here for some special reasons. The most important thing is that this is the place where I can get the peace of mind. The locality is far away from the city and a special sense of serenity is prevailing in the air of the park. Moreover, the attractive spring, swimming in the water and other recreational activities help me to get rid of my civic troubles. When I get back to the city, I feel refreshed and can focus on my activities attentively. For all the reasons, I enjoy spending time in Madison Blue Springs State Park of Florida.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe a garden or park you enjoyed spending time in." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:
  • Describe a naturally beautiful place.
  • Describe a place you often visit.
  • Describe a place near your home.
  • Describe a place where a lot of people gather every day.
  • Describe a park or garden in your hometown.
  • Describe a place which is full of colour.
  • Describe a beautiful place you know about.
  • Describe a worth visiting place in your locality.

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