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Describe a friend you had when you were a child

IELTS Cue Card Question 111 With Model Answer:

Describe a friend you had when you were a child. /
Describe a friend from your childhood.

You should say:
  • who he/she was
  • how you met
  • how long you two have been friends
and explain what you liked doing together in your childhood. 

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

Childhood friends hold a special place in our hearts, and I am lucky to have had many close childhood friendships. One friend, in particular, stands out in my mind, and that is my friend Sarah. For this topic, I would like to talk about her. And thank you for this nice topic.

Who he/she was:
Sarah was my best friend in elementary school. She had curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright, infectious(!) smile. She was outgoing, funny, and always had a positive attitude.

How you met:
I first met Sarah in first grade. We were in the same class, and I remember being drawn to her friendly and approachable demeanour. We quickly bonded over our shared interests in playing dress-up, drawing, and reading books.

How long you two have been friends:
Sarah and I were friends throughout elementary school and middle school, so we were friends for about 8 years in total.

And explain what you liked doing together in your childhood:
Sarah and I enjoyed doing a variety of things together. We loved playing dress-up and pretending to be different characters, whether it was princesses, superheroes, or detectives. We also enjoyed drawing and colouring together, often creating elaborate scenes and characters. We would often have sleepovers at each other's houses, where we would stay up late giggling and telling stories. One of our favourite activities was going to the local library and picking out books to read together.

Model Answer 2:
When I was at the elementary level at St Mary’s Primary School in Sydney, I had a friend named Sophia Laurence. She was the most intelligent girl in the class.

We had a deep friendship and that had continued for many consecutive years before she and her family moved to Queensland leaving New South Wales. Sophia had to leave the school as her father, a policeman, got transferred from North Sydney to Queensland. In fact, it was painful for me when I got split with Sophia. She was my best friend in the class and even sometimes I visited her home while she came to mine on the weekends. Besides, both families turned familiar and a cordial relationship grew among the family members. So, the departure was sad for both families. 

The pleasures are mine to answer the question as the answer will take me back to my primary schooling days the past when I was a kid of five or six years. On the first day after admission at St Mary’s Primary School, I was introduced to Sophia. I could remember the day clearly. I was early for the class and entered the school premise with my parents. I entered the empty class and took a seat in the first row. I was in thought that I have to wait for a long until the class begins. After a few moments, a little girl of my age entered and I invited her to take the seat by me. We got introduced. You won’t believe that she lived a block near from me! After attending the class, Sophia and I went to our house without our parents on that day.

We have been friends for seven years until her departure to Queensland. We both started school at the primary level and Sophia left the school when we were in the seventh grade. We passed the days with great enjoyment and mostly when it was the exam, I used to be at her home to have group study. Besides, when she could not go to school or I missed classes, we used to get the lessons prepared for each other. Will you believe that we did not have any quarrel for a single day? It was really amazing for us and some of the teachers would call us a pair of jewels for our intelligence, attention to studies and cordial attitudes with each other.

Sophia and I used to do a lot of things together and watching cartoons was a hobby for us. I cannot remember that we have missed any episodes of Tom and Jerry, and when it was time for the show, I used to phone her or she made the call to make me aware of that. Besides, we together got admitted to a painting class and most importantly we participated in different sports events in the school. Moreover, skipping was my hobby and Sophia used to be the audience of my skipping after school or at my home. I also liked to read comic books with her and we bought different comic books in partnership. But when she left Sydney, she presented me with all the books she had on her share. It was difficult for me to adjust at the school when she left. But I have maintained a connection with her and also have a close interaction with her. Usually, we meet once a month and share the major event over the telephone.

Model Answer 3:
The school days were the best days of my life and I developed a friendship with some of my best friends. I still have my connection with them. Samuel Jones was one of them. He was my best friend in school.

Jones was the smartest boy in the class and thus he developed a very good friend with me. In fact, we had a strong bonding that lasted until the last day of school. After completing my education from school, he left for higher study in the USA and I remained here in Greece. But the communication between us is still strong and often we try to meet via the modern communication system and share our feelings and emotions as we did in childhood.

The meeting with Jones was simple. I met him on the day of admission at the local elementary school in Athens. In fact, he was the son of my dad’s friend. But we did not know each other before the day of admission. Later, we got admitted and days passed on. The friendship between us grew stronger. Interestingly, Jones and his family became my neighbour. Consequently, we moved to school together. Playing at the local playground was our routine task in the evening.

We have been friends for over 17 years. I met him when I was four or five years old. I exactly cannot remember the date and time of our meeting. But since then, we are sharing a very intimate relationship. He is my closest friend of mine and even closer than my other family members. When he was my neighbour, he used to come to my home and I also went to him. Sometimes, his parents also came to visit us while we were invited to different social functions at their residence. Everything went very well until he left the country for higher education. But his family is still my neighbour and the relations are the same as before.

Both of us were fond of watching cartoons, particularly the Tom and Jerry Show. This was the most important task for us and we did not miss any of the episodes of the series. We also used to complete our homework for school and read comic books. sometimes we had quarrels over sharing the comic book with others and the quarrel lasted for a couple of days. Besides, we also used to bunk classes together whenever we felt bored in the class or forgot to bring homework or any other assignments. But the consequences were harmful to our health. Besides, there were many other activities that we took part in. Now, I miss those days very badly.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe a friend you had when you were a child." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:
  • Describe someone you remember from your childhood.
  • Describe a classmate or friend you remember well.
  • Describe a friend you played with in your childhood.
  • Describe your best friend.
  • Describe a friend who had a great influence on your life.
  • Describe a friend you like.
  • Describe someone who is a great leader.
  • Describe a person who has an interesting hobby.
  • Describe someone you have recently met after a long time.
  • Describe an event when you were surprised to meet someone.

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