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A form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now

IELTS Cue Card Question 118 With Model Answer:

Talk about a form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now.

You should say:
  • what was it and where you used to do it
  • who you used to do it with
  • why you stopped
And say if you would like to restart it or not, why?  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Exercises are mostly done to remain physically fit. So, there are a wide number of exercises are found across the globe to help this purpose. Some of them require instruments while the others are free-hand exercises without any tools or instruments.

Jogging is a good form of exercise which could be undertaken by almost all ages of people. I used to jog every morning at the park located beside my residence in Bago in the Philippines. My spouse accompanied me in the beginning at the entire jogging process and I had also formed a jogging team. My wife was more inspired by jogging and ran by my side, and we two had formed a great small team indeed comparing the other team members. When we used to jog in the morning, we had to get up early so that we could finish the jogging before it is too crowded. Many of the citizens of Bago come to exercise at the park in morning hours and thus it becomes much crowded with the health conscious people. So, it was difficult for us to run among the crowd and thereby, we used to go about half an hour before the arrival of all the other people.

Initially, my wife accompanied me with the jogging and then a team of six members were formed. It was filled with enjoyment for all of us. The most important thing was that all of us lived in the same building and it was easy for us to communicate with each other over the jogging in the morning. Sometimes I used to make phone calls to the other members or pressed the bells on their doors to get them prepared for the jog. It was a fun for us to go for the jog and come back with a sweating body. Sometimes we used to take breakfast in some small restaurants and the bill payment was done in rotation.

I had to stop the jogging as I got promoted to the office and the number of responsibilities on me was huge. I started making late to return home for almost all of the nights and also made late to go to bed. So, I could not wake up early like the previous days. It was routine for me that I am making late in the morning to get up and returning home at the late night. So, the other teammates continued their jogging but I could not attend them. Unfortunately, I could not manage time even on the weekends to attend the jogging team. It was only my official engagement that kept me out of the exercise for a longer time. Moreover, I also could not give up the job until I am not getting a better one. So, I had to continue the job like a machine.

But now I am planning to start the jogging again. My office has found a helping hand for me at the office and if the recruitment happens, I will be able to shoulder some responsibilities on the newly recruited individual. It will help to come back home early. I also have noticed that I have gained more weight than I had when I jogged. It happened for the physical inactivity. Besides, I could not also follow my regular routine and the entire lifestyle was changed to a great extent. If this weight gain continues, I will be so bulky that I have to order for new attires. The old ones will not fit on me. Further, my wife is also worried about her own health. She went for jogging with me but as I stopped she also had to stop her own exercise. She does not prefer going alone. Thereby, I will start jogging shortly.

Model Answer 2:
Earlier, I used to swim as a physical exercise to keep myself fit. But now I am unable to do that for some reasons. In fact, swimming was my hobby and I never missed a single day to swim. I had a team of three other members who also went with me in the morning at the swimming pool.

Swimming is the only exercise that requires the movement of almost all of your limbs together. So, this is termed as one of the best exercises. I live in Manila, Philippines, and there are some swimming pools available in my locality. I am a member of one the swimming clubs and thus have the option to swim at any time of the day and night (till it remains open).

I live in an apartment complex with some other neighbours who are also conscious about their health like me. So, we formed a team of four members, including me. All of us were service holders. So, we could not manage time for swimming except either in the early morning or after 8.00pm every day. Sometimes, I had to miss the morning session as I could not wake up in the morning. But if I missed the morning session, I used to replenish that at night. So, there was a balance in swimming. Besides, we also had set a day for a break, and it was on the weekly holiday. But if someone missed during the week, the person was supposed to swim on the holiday.

I stopped swimming as the swimming pool was under repair. After a sudden earthquake in last month, some of the parts of the swimming pool was broken and there were some other faults in the structures. So, the club authority did not take any risk about the matter, they stopped all types of activities inside the swimming pool and its area until everything was repaired. As a result, I had to stop swimming there. I can be a member of another swimming pool but do not want to be because I have been attached to this one since its establishment.

Certainly, I will restart swimming again. In fact, I am waiting for the pool to be repaired. Once the swimming pool will be repaired, I will be the very first one to jump in the water. It is becoming a trouble for me to stay without swimming for over a month. I am also becoming impatient about the repair works but has nothing to do. It will take around one week more to complete everything. Though it would be difficult to start swimming after a long time but hope I would get back my speed and skills again shortly.

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