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Describe your favourite sports

IELTS Cue Card Question 73 With Model Answer:

Describe your favourite sports.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • how often you play/ watch it
  • how to play it
And explain why it is your favourite sports.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Cricket is a globally popular sport and is played usually between two teams. I also like the sport very much for different reasons.

Cricket once was considered as the sport for the rich. But with the change of time, it has become common for all and even the poorest country in the world may have a cricket team of their own. In cricket, usually, 11 players are in each of the sides. After tossing, the winning team usually decides to bat first or allows the opposition to bat (depends on pitch condition) and continues the sport. The batsmen try to hit the ball and run between the bowling lines to make runs. When the ball reaches the boundary line be getting in touch with the field, it is considered as four runs and if the ball crosses the boundary line from above the head, then it is considered as six runs. The game ends either when the bowling is finished or when the batsmen are made out by the fielding team. When one team is made all out or the bowling times are over, then the other team comes to the batting and tries to make upper score than the previous team. The team who makes the highest score turns the winner.

Usually, I prefer to watch the sport on a television but when I get free moments in my college I play cricket with my college friends. I prefer to watch the sports on television as it is easier to watch by sitting on a sofa or chair or sometimes by lying in bed. When I go to play cricket, I have to take lots of preparations like adding my cricket pads on legs, wearing gloves and helmet etc. which seems troublesome to me. But due to security measures, I have to wear all the gears as once I was hit by the ball in my elbow and fortunately did not have any serious injury with the hit. Thereby, I prefer enjoying the matches on television and if there are chances, I go to the stadium to watch the sport live.

Playing cricket is not a big deal and it is played on a large open field. Anyone with prior knowledge can play cricket. But before hitting the ball with a cricket bat, you are to learn few necessary rules about the sport. Firstly, you have to be aware of the rules of taking runs. Secondly, you have to be mentally prepared to abide by the decisions taken by the umpires, and finally, you have to respect all the opponents during the play. When you are on batting, you have to be attentive to the ball delivery. Before hitting the ball, you are to decide in which direction you are going to send the ball. If you are on the bowling side, you have to make sure that the ball is delivered on the right line following a standard length.

I love cricket much. Firstly, this is an international sport and allows several players to participate in it. When cricket is played, all the players including the batsmen and fielders are to run to catch the ball. Their purposes are different but the running makes them fit. It is a kind of great exercise. Besides, when I go to play cricket, we are to participate in various exercises to keep us fit and there is no physical trouble during the matches. Besides, cricket players are globally famous in some cases and more influential comparing the television stars which is another positive impact. Above all, cricket offers me enjoyment which is unavailable for me by the other sporting forms. For all these reasons, I love cricket.

Model Answer 2:
Football is an exciting sport and many of the people across the world are diehard fans of it. I am one of them. In fact, football is my favourite sport and I love participating in it whenever I get chances. Thank you for the question. This is a privilege for me to discuss the favourite issue of mine.

I think everyone knows about football. This is a thrilling game. A large number of audiences across the world do not miss the high voltages matches. Even many of them miss their classes, office and relevant other activities only to enjoy the game. I know some students from my college who regularly makes late in the class as they watched football match like me in the previous night. Hence the popularity of football cannot be described in words. Playing football or watching football matches on television is a passion. If I get a chance to play, I usually do not miss that and if there are any thrilling matches, I also try to watch that on television.

Usually, I play football on the weekends and watch the sport on television through the week. Almost every day, there is some sort of matches are available on television. So, I track the schedules and enjoy them. But in most of the cases, the matches held at night or in the evening. Then, it becomes difficult for me to manage time. When the matches are in the evening hours, I can enjoy them easily but when they are at night, it is a bit troublesome to manage my parents. They do not allow me to wake up late at night and watch the matches. They are right in some senses but for a football fan like me, it is hard to give up the matches. Consequently, I make late to attend the classes. So, sometimes there are few restrictions about watching a football match on me from my dad.

Playing football requires certain things to know and do. Firstly, a ball and two teams are required to play the sport. Each of the team should have at least 11 members. But the number of members may vary based on the locality and type of the game. Besides, a clear area or ground is also required to play football. The ground should be free of obstacles and in the end line of ground, there should be two-goal bars where two goalkeepers will stand to prevent scoring goals from the opponents. Physical abilities and exceptional skills are required for the game. All of the players need to run across the ground as long as the game continues. The players kick the ball to one another and try to score a goal on the net of opposition. The team who scores more goals than the opponents usually becomes the winner. Some common rules are followed during the gameplay around the world. The players are to follow the rules.

This is a favourite sport for me for many reasons. I feel a sense of thrill with the game. When the players move with the ball, they try to score goals by kicking the ball. On the other sides, the opponents try to defend the goals and create a counter-attack. Thus, there is a thrilling situation found during the game. Every player and their supporters are thrilled greatly when the game is on. Besides, playing the game also brings a sense of satisfaction to me. When I play the game, I try to score goals on the opponent’s net and bring the victory for my team. There are some health benefits also available for the players. They can be healthy and fit always. Based on all the issues, football is my favourite sport.

Your preparation for this Cue card will help you to answer the following Cue card topics as well:  
  • Describe a popular sport or game in your country. 
  • Describe a sport you like to play. 
  • Describe the most popular sports in your hometown. 
  • Describe an outdoor activity you participate in. 
  • Describe a game or sporting event you recently watched. 
  • Describe a game or sports you would like to play. 
  • Talk about a popular sport or competition you know about. 
  • Describe a game or competition you have participated in. 
  • Describe a game or sports you often play.

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