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Describe your favourite newspaper or magazine

IELTS Cue Card Question 76 With Model Answer:

Describe one of your favourite newspaper/magazine.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • how much each copy costs
  • how often you read it
and explain why you like it so much.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Amid different newspapers in India, the Hindustan Times has occupied a notable place across the country. This is one of the most popular English dailies in India.

The newspaper was established back in 1924 and was connected with the independence movement of India. The title of the newspaper has been picked critically. Hindustan is the historical name of India and Shobhana Bhartia currently owns the newspaper. Under the publication of the HT media, Hindustan Times is one of the largest circulating newspapers of KK Birla group across the country and mainly favourite to many of the Indians for its neutral news publication. The newspaper is published from different places including New Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Patna and Kolkata.

Each of the copy of is sold at Rs 5 only. As a result, the price is cheaper than the other English dailies. Hindustan Times has over 3 million readers every day. Following a 2013 survey, Hindustan Times had the circulation of over 1.3 million copies in December of 2013 and the newspaper is popular among the North Indians and also has a substantial credibility in the other mainstream places of India like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bhopal etc. As a result, the newspaper has turned into one of the most trusted brands in India for several years. The newspaper has also some business wings and sister publications like Hindustan - a Hindi daily, Mint - an English business daily in India, monthly magazine for kids named Nandan etc.

I read the newspaper every day. I start my day with the newspaper and go to the office. Usually, the newspaper hawker serves the Hindustan Times to my home and in case if I miss it at home, I try to get it from the roadside vendors and read all the way to my office. Sometimes I read it at my office during the leisure hours if I could not manage time in the morning for the unusual rush. Besides, the weekend issues are made more interesting than the regular issues which I prefer most and wait for the weekend to arrive.

Hindustan Times is my favourite newspaper for several reasons. Firstly, the news published on it is credible enough that one can trust the information to be true. The reporters always try to get the right information for the readers. Secondly, the price of the newspaper is cheaper comparing to the news quality and paper it is printed on. Besides, the number of pages comparing the price is also an advantage for the readers. The pages like entertainment, sports, opinion, cities etc. are filled with different sorts of news and the most important thing is the use of simple language. The newspaper is edited with easy and reader-friendly language and thus the readers of all ages could comprehend the contexts easily despite being Hindustan Times as English daily.

Sample Answer 2: 
In Australia, a good number of magazines are available. Most of the magazines deal with issues like business, entertainment, sports, fashion, culture, tourism and more. I like the Woman’s Day weekly magazine most. It is available both in print and online version.

This is the only magazine that I found deals with the details. The other magazines do not provide the detail information while the printing quality is also poor. So, usually, I avoid them and have subscribed to Woman’s Day. This is a great entertainment magazine and contains almost all the gossips that I need to know about local and international celebrities, cooking, fashion, lifestyle, diets, foods and more.

Each of the copy is comparatively cheaper than the other contemporary magazines. Now it is 4.20 AUD for per issue and the price was a bit lower a few years ago. But comparing the price, it serves with the best available articles and reports. The images published in the magazine look like real and most importantly the images are taken with the permission of the subjects (for the case of celebrities) and natural. However, I will continue reading the magazine even if the subscription fee goes higher.

I read the magazine almost twice in a week. In fact, due to my professional engagement, I cannot manage much time to spend with the magazine and read it only in holidays. But whenever I get time in the evening or right before the sleep at night, I have a look at the magazine. Actually, I start reading the magazine on the day it is delivered at home and finish it within next two or three days. Usually, I get the magazine on every Sunday and spend almost one hour to check the issues of that week. But if I need to know the latest information or anything else, I peep on their official website to know about my desired information.

I like Woman’s Day much as it appears to be a great source of entertainment for me. Though I do not have much time to spend for reading, I like to read this entertainment magazine as I am curious to know about the media gossips and this specific magazine serves me well on the issue. The stories in the magazine are not twisted like the other entertainment magazines. Besides, the subscription price is also lower for this magazine. I love the articles it provides under its recipes category. By reading the recipes, I have learnt to prepare different foods that I was unable before. Besides, the Real Life section also provides with the knowledge of real life and I have applied some of the tips in my real life – they did well.

Your ability to talk about this topic will enable you to answer the following IELTS cue card topics also:
  1. Describe a newspaper or magazine you often read. 
  2. Describe the news source you like most.
  3. Describe a local newspaper in your city. 
  4. Describe a media you think is helpful. 
  5. Describe a sports magazine you read. 
  6. Describe a fashion magazine you read. 
  7. Describe a popular newspaper in your country.

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