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Describe your favourite means of transport

IELTS Cue Card Question 85 With Model Answer:

Describe your favourite means of transport.

You should say:
  • what is it
  • when and how often you use it
  • why you use it
And explain why it is your favourite transport. 

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Based on the importance, transportation is termed as the most important fact and we cannot do without it for a single day. Amid different types of transportation mode, I prefer the bicycle.

A bicycle is a very common and popular transportation mode and is available around the world. It is mostly used for its light and easy carrying system and for its health benefits as well. The wheels are attached to a frame for smooth movement. It was introduced in the beginning of the 19th century and due to its easy operation, it became famous globally. Interestingly, the number of bicycles produced after its invention has surpassed the number of automobiles. Bicycles are the key transport modes in the backwards geographical locations. It also helps the riders to keep fit as they are to drive it using its foot pedals.

Traffic congestion is a frequent event in my locality in India and most of the time I get late for my office. I have bought a bicycle mostly to go to my office and use it not only for reaching office I use it to go other places as well. I can reach my office in due time and also could reach the other necessary places without getting late for the appointments. Besides, I can have access to a bicycle where even a motorbike cannot enter. So, the riding on a bicycle is beneficial for me. If I use public transports, I have to stand in a queue to get on the vehicle. Moreover, the traffic congestion occurs more during the office hours. So, I ride my bicycle to reach the destinations, particularly at the office before it is late.

Riding a bicycle has numerous benefits. Firstly, it makes you fit on each of your rides every day. The bicycle requires physical labour to ride on. You are to pedal the cycle using your legs to move on and that pedalling requires a lot of physical energy. It helps to burn the fat, strengthens your leg muscles, ankles and feet and thus makes you fit physically into your daily activities. Moreover, you could reach your destinations quickly and could also move to places where motorbikes cannot enter easily. Riding a bicycle is much better than running in the morning or evening. So, I started using the bicycle in my everyday transportation.

A bicycle is my preferred mode of transportation for different reasons. Firstly, it is economic to ride on a bicycle as the price of fuels and gas is on the rise. So, if you are on your bike, you are saving your bucks. Secondly, riding helps to feel you relaxed physically. As you are riding, you are having physical exercise and that will remove all your stresses away. Besides, it helps to lose the unwanted weights from your body and regular riding will change your shape and also will improve your stamina. Safety is another issue which is rarely found in the other transportation mode. When you are riding, you will pedal after your needs and there is no need to start racing with the other vehicles, thus there are comparatively fewer chances of accidents.

Model Answer 2:
Having a private vehicle for movement is a blessing and I am blessed in this sense. I have a motorbike of my own and I am in love with it. In fact, this is the favourite means of transport for me. I can move very easily inside the city and can reach my destinations. Thank you so much for the interesting question and I will describe the matter now.

A motorbike is the blessing of the modern day. In fact, without the help of motorbike, it is really troublesome for people to reach their destinations in exact time. It saves time to the greatest extent. Besides, a motorbike can move in places where other vehicles, including bicycles, cannot move. Moreover, two riders can ride on a motorbike which is another benefit for me. When I used to ride a bicycles, I did not get such privileges as I have now with my Hero Splendour motorbike.

I frequently use the motorcycle and ride it almost round the week. I need to move many places. So, I get out of the home in the morning and return at night. And I am on motorbike round the day. In fact, this is my job that requires a long motorbike drive. I am a regional sales manager here in Mumbai and need to visit many places for numerous purposes. So, I need the motorbike ride every day. Before having the motorbike, I used to travel in public transports. But that was troublesome for me. I was unable to meet my clients in due time and made late always. Besides, wastages of time during the traffic congestions and waiting for public transports was unbearable. As a result, my performance declined to a notable extent. Even I was unable to meet the monthly sales targets sometime as I could not coordinate everything. So, I got the motorbike and now everything this is fine. 

I mostly use the motorbike for communication purposes. I need to travel different places every day for multiple purposes. Sometimes I need to meet clients, or I need to supervise my sales executives. Besides, I frequently need to visit the market to know the latest updates about the products of our competitors. On the other side, sometimes I need to use it for my personal reasons. My daughter needs to go to her school every morning and I use the motorbike for dropping her at the school. Often I take the motorbike for having a relaxing trip to the most visiting places in the city. So, it appears that I use the motorbike for a good number of reasons.

This is my favourite mode of transport for some reasons. When I used to ride of public transports, I needed to pay the fair and at the end of the day, I found that I have paid a huge amount for my communication. So, it was a kind of financial damage to me. But now, the scenario is different. I am having no more such financial losses for transportation. Besides, this is a speedy mode of communication and I can teach places in time. I can save time and spend the extra hours for productive activities. In a word, I am free to go wherever I want and any time of the day. Based on all the grounds, my motorbike is my favourite mode of transport.

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