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Describe a TV or radio presenter you like

IELTS Cue Card Question 90 With Model Answer:

Describe a TV or radio presenter you like.

You should say:
  • what program he/she presents
  • how often you watch/ listen to him/her
  • what s/he does or talk about
and explain why you like this TV or radio presenter.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
With a pleasant personality, the television anchors make a berth among the audience, globally. In India, I prefer programs anchored by beautiful presenter Ayesha Faridi.

Principally she is a news presenter and anchors business news events at CNBC TV18 and had continued with the television station since 2003 to 2010, right before joining at ET Now. She usually anchors several programs for the television channel and those include the flagship morning shows, including Power Breakfast, Your Stocks, Bull’s Eye, Bazaar, India Market Wrap, Midcap Radar, The Market and First Trades, few afternoon shows, Market @ Lunch, Riding The Bull, The F&O Show etc. She presents the news and information on different issues and analyses the issues critically. She is also assigned to analyze sector-based reports, a variety of current business trends, fundamental issues of business organizations, presenting investigative reports on the local business climates, general news on finance, and sometimes she is also responsible to link with the external traders and business corporations to get information for reports and more other tasks.

I am an irregular television viewer and mostly watch news only from different channels. But I frequently watch her shows particularly the morning shows. On the shows, she gravely analyses the business issues and prospects of the day for different business companies and organisation. Her micro and macro level analysis help to get ideas about the business situations of any specific company. She analyses the facts with proper information and in some cases, she interviews different renowned business people or economists to bring out the hidden facts and analyse them before the audience. She never presents any news or information without any proper reference and keeps the record too for future use.

As a business journalist, market analysing expert and television anchor, she mostly discusses the business issues in her shows. She talks about different aspects, the past present and the future of any specific business corporation. Sometimes the discussions become lively and help investors to decide over taking decisions including raising the investment or improving the products conditions and more other relevant phases. Since the discussions are based on the business and the current context, the business people get ideas to resolve their troubles. Mostly the renowned corporations and multinational companies are the regular audiences of her events. Not only she presents the news, she also takes expert opinions for the betterment of any specific sector which is also a beneficial factor for her audience.

I like Ayesha Faridi than any other news presenters for her superb personality and news presentation style. When she speaks, she speaks very clearly. Her pronunciation both the Hindi and English words are adorable and appear natural, and free of all local tones. Moreover, she always picks the best among the experts to opine in her show so that the audience could have a real scenario of the situation and the expert suggestions to recover. Airing time is another fact behind preferring her shows. All her shows are aired at the perfect time when people need it best. Most of the shows begin in the morning when people (especially the businessmen) prepare to get out of the home. After watching the early morning analysis on the television show, they could take the necessary decisions for the day.

Model Answer 2:
Listening to the radio is my hobby and regularly I listen to the NBN radio based in Beirut. I have become a fan of a radio presenter named Adib Adnan. He is a great radio jockey and runs his event very well. Thank you for the question. It is really an interesting matter to discuss the hobbies. I will tell about Adib and his radio show now.

He presents the show early in the morning. The show is filled with the necessary information to begin the day. It provides information like weather update, traffic conditions in the city, news headlines and more other issues which are necessary before starting a day. Actually, I listen to the show before moving to my office and the information is highly beneficial for me. He also hosts another show in the noon, but I am unable to listen that as at that time I work at my office.

I am a regular listener of his show. It is a must for me to get the updates on the traffic condition of the day. The distance between my office and my residence is over eight kilometres. So, I need to know the traffic updates lest I do not be the victim of traffic congestion. Besides, based on the weather forecast, I take precautionary measures when I know the weather is stormy. On the other side, the show cracks some interesting jokes which are interesting to listen and laugh silently. It refreshes the mood of mine before getting out of the home. So, I do not miss the show. While taking breakfast, I switch on the radio from my cell phone and listen to the show with my wife. She also has become a fan of this show with me.

The host, Adib Adnan has a distinctive style of presentation. He has a clear pronunciation of speeches and selection of words is really outstanding. He can describe the situations in a special way. For his description, trivial matters turn important to his listeners. In fact, he owns the natural capacity to enchant his listeners. And I think he is a genius in this matter. His voice is deep, loud and charming. He talks about various issues in the show. And the most important thing is that he provides some real-life tips which prove really beneficial for the listeners. Moreover, he has a question-answer session in the show and the listeners can make phone calls or send text SMS about their problems. Specialists answer the question instantly and this is an important feature of the show.

I like the radio presenter for many reasons. I have listened to some other radio shows but none of them appeared so interesting as the show of Adib. Furthermore, the show is broadcasted at a convenient hour. Before going to the office, in the morning, I have some moments that I can use for my own. Listening to the radio and taking the breakfast is such an activity that helps me to plan for the day accordingly. But the most attractive thing of the show is the presentation of Adib. With his innovative style, he represents everything to his audience. On the other side, there are fewer advertisements on this part of the day in radio, and particularly the show of Adib. Based on all such grounds, I like the radio presenter most.

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