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Describe someone you know who is a good teacher

IELTS Cue Card Question 74 With Model Answer:

Describe someone you know who is a good teacher.

You should say:
  • who this person is
  • how you know him/her
  • what kinds of subjects they teach
and explain why this person is good at teaching.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
A teacher is a person who is a guide and fatherly figure for all the students. Mr Emanuel Robertt is an English literature teacher at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University where I am studying now.

Mr Emanuel Robertt has long been teaching English literature courses at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University located in Port-Elizabeth. He is famous in the university for his special skills in making the lessons clearer to the students. Moreover, his teaching style is also attractive and he can keep the class under his complete control when delivering the lectures. Most of his lectures are without any books and he explains the stories and dramas on his own which is an effective teaching method and I have never seen it before.

I met him first when I got admitted in the undergraduate course and I had English in my course list. On the day of the class, a moderate-figured man entered into the class and I thought he might by any guardian who is visiting the classes (it happened as I did not meet him before). When he started asking our name after introducing himself, I realised that he is my English teacher. After the introduction session, he discussed the course outline and how he will teach us. He never used books for his lectures and might have prepared before entering the class. Still, I have a very good connection with him and he is a referee in my curriculum vitae as my academic reference.

Mr Robertt was primarily responsible for teaching the history of English literature. At the same time, he also taught different literary pieces of the English literature. I learnt to read Shakespeare from him. Despite being a rough student, Mr Robertt inspired me to taste the delicious flavour of English literature. I have also read the poems of different ages and learnt numerous amazing things. I got familiar with the poets’ thoughts and that revealed the ages before me. Moreover, when he taught the history and we, the students of his class, asked him different questions, he took those on a notepad and replied one after another when the lecture was ended.

Mr Robertt is a natural teacher. He knows very well how to make the students attentive in class and the most important fact is his teaching method. That is different from the other teachers. He never pushed us to study his subjects rather we were the students who used to read more and more so that we could ask him questions to get the texts’ meaning clear. He has a loud and pleasant voice and as an individual, he is polite and considerate. He never forced the students to perform something special which is beyond their capacity. So, he is adored by all of the students and I am also proud to be his student.

Model Answer 2:
Mr David Jones is a teacher of Physics and is a very good teacher. He is good in the sense that he is able to make the students understand what he wants to. He is also able to entertain the students in his class. Thank you for the question. This is really an important question for me, and now I will describe it here.

Mr Jones is a very good man and an excellent teacher. He is the father of three sons and one daughter and lives with his family here in Amsterdam. He is the teacher of Physics in the local high school. He has been engaged in teaching for years. When I was a student of the school, he used to take our Physics class. Sometimes, he was assigned to take Mathematics classes as well for his outstanding skills in the subject. With his large moustache, he looked like an angry man in the first sight. But when people used to talk with him, they realised the misconception about the man.

I met him first when I was in the eighth grade in the school. Before meeting him in the class, I saw him in the school but did not generate the courage to talk with him about his weird appearance. Later, I came to know about him and discovered that he was one of my neighbours. But I did not have a single conversation with him till I attended his class. After a formal introduction, I started communicating with him and came to know that he was a highly interesting man. In fact, most of his statements were filled with touches of humour and satires. But he loved his students very much and came to their almost all types of help regarding their academic activities. I have crossed the school and now studying at a university in the same city, but I still maintain a very intimate relationship with this teacher.

Mr Jones is skilled in the subjects of science. In fact, he teaches several subjects together in the school. He is primarily responsible for teaching Physics to the students of the senior grade. But he is also able to teach the other subjects like Biology, Chemistry and even Mathematics. When there are some unwanted troubles like if any teacher of science missed the class or could not attend the school, Mr Jones is asked to take the class as their replacement. He gladly takes the class and the students are happy to have him. He takes the classes in a simple but stunning way. He breaks down the equations and makes the meaning clear to the students. So, they can realise the meaning and do not have any confusions. Besides, he takes care of each of the students and ensures that they have understood the teaching topic.

He is a very good person at teaching for some particular reasons. He knows how to teach. Like the other teachers, he does not ask his students to bring a huge amount of homework. Rather, he ensures that the students have understood the discussion he did in the class. Besides, he works hard to teach. He aims to create some leaders from his class who can bring the desired change in the country. He tries to increase the real-life skills of his students. The most important thing is that he is respectful to his students and is able creating a sense of belonging to the class. He is warm, supportive and caring for the students. Considering the aspects, it could be concluded that he is really a good teacher.

Similar Cue card topics that you should be able to talk about with your preparation for this cue card:
  • Describe a teacher you remember well. 
  • Describe a person you admire. 
  • Describe someone you like very much. 
  • Describe a teacher from your high school. 
  • Describe a teacher who influenced you a lot. 
  • Describe a career you want to have. 
  • Describe an important career in your country. 
  • Describe a person who is respected by others. 
  • Describe a person who has a good quality. 
  • Describe someone from your hometown. 
  • Describe a person you met after a long time. 
  • Describe a person who has a special talent or skill.
  • Describe a person who helps others.

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