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Describe a school you have studied in

IELTS Cue Card Question 72 With Model Answer:

Describe a school you have studied in.

You should say:
  • what its name is and where it is
  • how long you have studied in it
  • what did you like/ dislike about it
and describe how you feel now about studying in this school.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
The school is the formal place to learn about everything. In my childhood, I studied Charterhouse School in Johannesburg till my late primary.

When I lived in Johannesburg with my parents, they admitted me to the Charterhouse School and there is completed my primary education before leaving Johannesburg. I passed my childhood in the school and could remember that we did lots of fun during the classes. It was fun for me to run on the field and play games with my classmates and friends after the school hours. Moreover, the classes were attractive too. The teachers taught us numerous issues and the entire class did not get bored over the lecture. All the students followed the orders of the teachers and brought their home works. But at times I missed those as I left my homework copy at home as I was always a late student and even rushed to the school without having the required textbooks.

I studied for long seven years at the school and thus there are lots of memories with the school of me. After my father arrived Johannesburg as a government officer, he was allotted a house near Roodepoort. The school was adjacent to my house and thus he admitted me as a student of the elementary stage in the school.  I was happy as well having the other kids as my mates. At my elementary level, I was not a good student, in fact, I was not a student either as I passed all my times by playing different sports inside the school compound. Interestingly, all the kids in my class used to participate in the sports while the teachers did not complain about the issue to our parents. Later I realised that sports were parts of the elementary study.

I liked the environment of the school mostly and the teachers were friendly in my days and even they are so in the current days. But some of the teachers used to order for excessive home tasks which were troublesome for most of the kids of my age at that time. However, the large open space we had in the school compound in our days was of great help. I used the space for different purposes like playing, assembly, passing leisure hours under the tree and many other things. All of the mates of my class and I used to play cricket on the ground which was the most exciting thing for us and mostly we gathered on the weekend to play cricket.

If I had the chance to get admitted to a school again, I would have picked Charterhouse School without any second thought. The school is an excellent one with an education-friendly environment. All the teachers are highly qualified and they know very well how to teach the kids. I am skilled in different subjects now and it is the contribution of my respected teachers of Charterhouse School. They taught me with great care and in fact, they take care of each of the students so that they could be real human beings in their life. I would feel highly glad if I have the chance to study again in the school.

Model Answer 2:
I have passed my childhood in Athens and studied in a British school there. The school was named as Campion School. The question reminds me of the childhood days. Thank you for such a brilliant question. And I will describe the entire experience here now.

Campion School is one of the most reputed schools in Athens, Greece. In fact, this is one of the places where the children get the best possible quality education. The curriculum of the school and extracurricular activities help the students to be more responsive and smart. Besides, the school has some other facilities. It comes with neat and clean classrooms, spacious playground and much more for the students. The school was established in 1970 and since then, it is making a huge success in every year. Almost all of the students of the school make very good scores. And a good number of renowned people in the present day were the students of the school.

I was admitted to the school when I was a small child. In fact, I started from pre-school and completed the senior school in this place. The pre-school begins from nursery while the senior school lasts until 13 years. the children are divided into several sections and classes in this period. They are taught a good number of elementary subjects like English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, and much more. Actually, the school aims to prepare the children for the advanced classes. The classroom activities are also wonderful. The teachers ensure participation of each of the students. But there are some changes in subjects in the middle school. The subjects are a bit wide and contain some critical issues for analysis of the students. The students, during the middle school, come to know about various issues and get prepared for the next phase of education. They also get prepared for the GCSE examinations. They are taught to be a hard worker in these stages for higher studies.

I was amazed at the teaching curriculum of the school, particularly the division of subjects based on the grades. When I was a small child of five or six, I was admitted in the pre-school section and with the passage of time, I have crossed the other boundaries. By this time, I experienced some issues like the complexities of the studies, the creation of hard-working attitudes among the students, inspiring them in being self-reliant, regular communication with the parents and other relevant guardians for the betterment of the students etc. were most notable. Besides, the number of subjects started increasing with the passing of a class. In fact, the curriculum was designed in a simple manner so that the kids can have the perfect learning. They were not burdened with huge books and lessons like the present days. I like this feature of the school and it is maintaining it even in the present days.

I am really lucky to have my elementary education in this school. In fact, it has built my base and I can claim that the school has done many things to make myself as me today. The school aims to achieve academic excellence and create a sense of moral value among the students so that they could develop their characters. The school activities also aim to make them independent and law-abiding citizens. Since I was a student here, I know about rules and regulations. And I exercise them in my regular activities. As a result, I am a successful individual now. I, in fact, feel proud to be a student of this school.

If you can comfortably talk about this topic, you should be able to talk about the following Cue card topics as well: 
  • Describe a school or college you have studied in. 
  • Describe a building or area in your hometown. 
  • Describe a place you have visited after a long. 
  • Describe a school or office you have visited. 
  • Describe an old building you have visited. 
  • Describe a place which is related to your childhood. 
  • Describe a place you want to visit again. 
  • Talk about a place or street from your hometown. 
  • Describe a building or landmark you have visited. 
  • Describe a school or college you went to.

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