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A job that is considered important in your country

IELTS Cue Card Question 50 With Model Answer: 

A job that is considered important in your country.

You should say: 
  • what it is and what qualification or training is required
  • why people pick it and what kind of people choose it
  • how it helps the country
And explain why this job is important in your country.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Jobs are the ways to earn livelihoods and to serve others and thus people are engaged in different professions. There are numerous types of jobs available in India but the most preferred one in the job of presenting news on television.

Presenting news of television screen is one of the most popular jobs across the country and it requires both a minimum level of qualification and training. The television channels require at least a university degree and they prefer degrees in media and journalism. Besides, the news presenters have to be well trained. There are different training schools that help the people to get trained over presenting news. But educational qualification is relaxed for the candidates who are highly trained in presenting news live and have experiences of reporting in different awkward situations.

People, particularly the youths, prefer the job as it is highly challenging and at the same time rewarding too. For example, if you are before the camera and presenting news, you have to be careful with different issues simultaneously. Moreover, your pronunciation should be perfect. The remuneration against the job is also standard and the people also get fame in line with the job satisfaction. Moreover, it helps the people to become aware of the current issues and at times they are to adjust the news and information gaps from the information stocked in them. Sometimes, they are to present the news live on any important issues and that is the chance for them to imply their earned knowledge during the news presentation.

As a profession, news presenter is a satisfactory job and it helps the country in different ways. First of all, sometimes the news presenters are sent abroad for obtaining higher skills from different foreign institutes. When they return, they use the skills in their presentation and the presenting styles become improved which is a type of improvement for the nation too. The pronunciations of the presenters are perfect and many of the people follow the presenters’ speaking style and articulation method and as a result, the overall articulation of the commoners is improved and consequently, this is a great benefit for the country that the citizens speak in a standard language. Moreover, the televisions channels broadcast news of different types and the audiences become benefited with the information which ultimately helps the country to move forward.

There are many unemployed youths are available in the large country and the number of television channels is over 1000. All of the channels air news according to their respective language and at different times. So, the youths could get hired by the television channels if they have potentials to present news in different situations. If the educated unemployed youths could be engaged in this profession, the country will be able to reduce the rate of unemployment in the country. A large population in the country is lagging behind as they do not have proper guidelines to remove their unemployed status. So, news presentation on television channels could be a great source for them.

Sample Answer 2:
The majority of the Chinese people are hard workers and they love to do all types of jobs. The job market, at present, is divided into three segments, naming – service industry, manufacturing and marketing. The third one is the most popular among the other sectors. Thanks for the question and I am going to describe it here.

Marketing is one of the most sought jobs in China. Not everyone is fit for the job, rather it requires a special set of skills and expertise to accomplish the goals. In most of the cases, the jobs are goal-oriented and the employees have to reach their goals either by the end of the day, week or month. Hence, this is more challenging than the other types of job. A higher academic certification on the subject may help to make the situations better. On the other side, people with experience can also do better in this field. In that case, the experienced people are highly trained to achieve the goals.

This is a job that pays a higher salary to the candidates. But there are many challenges, ups and downs available in this job. So, everyone cannot prefer it and may place it on the last of the list. Marketing products or services is a tough job and only those who are courageous and perseverant are able to handle it. Many youths try to get involved in marketing at the beginning of their career. But a majority of them fail to attach to the job within the next six months. They fail to reach the goals and become frustrated. Finally, they give up the profession and move for something else. The career that began with marketing jobs finds its direction in the opposite ways. So, the job of marketing remains a mystery for them. They cannot taste the core of this job.   

This is not possible to describe the benefits of marketing jobs and how it contributes to the development of the country. In fact, newer products and services are marketed with the aim to expand them. Most of the times, the products and services come with the use of latest technology and innovative methods are applied as well. When people use the products and services in their daily life, they get an improved experience than before. It helps to increase their living standard. So, when they have a higher living standard, their consumption level increase. At the same time, to consume more, the producers need to produce or manufacture more goods and services. A chain is switched on and it helps to make a strong economy. As a result, the country moves for a better economy and in reality, China has occupied global markets with many of its products and services in the present day.

So, based on the aforesaid facts, it is clear that the job of marketing plays an important role in the improvement of my country. To make it simple – people come to know about the products and services through advertisement. And promotions, advertisements etc. are the key to market products. Youths and experts are involved in inventing innovative ways to market the goods, products and service for the end level users. If they give up the job, there would be no use of manufacturing goods and products. Because there would be no one to take the service to the doorsteps of the targeted population. Therefore, the role of marketing jobs is really important for the country.

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