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A health problem you or someone you know had

IELTS Cue Card Question 60 With Model Answer: 

Describe a health problem you or someone you know had.

You should say: 
  • what was it
  • how you had this health problem
  • what you or this person had to do to get better
and discuss how you felt about this health problem.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:
Smoking is a dangerous habit and causes different respiratory diseases. Asthma is one of them and my maternal uncle has experienced the disease for around two and a half years.

My maternal uncle, Mr David Daniel once was a chain smoker. As a result, different diseases developed inside his body and asthma is one of them and made him suffer for a long time. Asthma is a serious respiratory disease that affects over 250 million people in the world and in the USA it is around 25 million. Asthma affects people regardless of age but people who are smokers are likely to be the victim within a short time. Its prevalence in the USA is higher and statistics are shocking – it kills about 3500 people in the USA and costs a huge sum of money for health care.  

When Uncle Daniel started smoking from his early teens, nothing happened to him. But then he used to smoke cigarettes in hidden places and never exposed the smoking events, but it was exposed when he was in university for graduation, his girlfriend, Jullie (whom he married later) exposed it to all. Since then he continued smoking before everyone and turned into a chain smoker in our family. After his marriage, he started feeling respiratory troubles. Breathing became difficult for him and turned short with coughing. Hest congestion was a regular phenomenon and it happened mostly when he smoked cigarettes. At this point, he consulted with a doctor who diagnosed that he is affected with asthma. So, his treatment to get rid of the disease begins.

The doctor made an action plan for him to cure asthma but it was not so easy in the first days. The doctor told my uncle to avoid things that may trigger asthma and the most important condition was to say goodbye to smoking – his long companion. Then he also prescribed a medicine with a specific dose to be taken twice a day. The asthma specialist doctor also advised my uncle to change his lifestyle and suggested for inhaler if it is not controlled by the medications. Accordingly, my uncle gave up smoking, started taking the medicines and changed his lifestyle. Now his asthma is under control and he is leading a healthy life.

Asthma is a serious health hazard if not taken care of properly. When someone is affected with asthma, life becomes intolerable. Breathing turns too difficult in an association of chest congestions and shortness of breath. Moreover, people cannot work for long hours or cannot bear any heavy loads. If they start doing heavy works, the suddenly get affected with asthma. Unless the disease is controlled, leading a normal life becomes difficult. When I saw my uncle I was afraid looking his face – turned pale and he was trying continuously to have long breath but failed. So, asthma should be controlled for a healthy living.

Your ability to talk about this topic will enable you to answer the following IELTS cue card topics also:

  1. Describe an illness or health problem you have. 
  2. Talk about a tough time you had in your life. 
  3. Describe a time when you were depressed. 
  4. Describe a problem you faced in your life. 
  5. Describe a family member or friend who has a major health issue. 
  6. Describe a hospital you have visited.

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