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Describe an expensive activity you enjoy doing occasionally

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 544 with Model Answer:

Describe an expensive activity you enjoy doing occasionally.

You should say:
  • what activity it is
  • who you do it with
  • why it is expensive
and explain how you feel about this activity.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I believe that, as humans, we all have certain activities that we enjoy doing in our free time, and some of them can be quite expensive. One such activity that I enjoy doing occasionally is fine dining at a luxurious restaurant. For this cue card topic, I would like to talk about this expensive activity that I really enjoy doing occasionally.

What activity it is:
Fine dining is a high-end culinary experience at a good restaurant. In such good restaurants, food is prepared and presented in an artful and sophisticated manner and they offer exceptional service, high-quality ingredients, and elegant presentation. And despite being expensive, this is something I enjoy a lot.

Who you do it with:
I usually indulge in this activity with my partner or close friends. It is a great way to celebrate a special occasion or simply to treat ourselves to a memorable culinary experience.

Why it is expensive:
Fine dining is an expensive activity because it involves high-quality ingredients, skilled chefs, and exceptional service. The cost of running such restaurants is high, and they need to charge high prices to maintain the quality of the food and the ambience. Additionally, the overall experience of fine dining includes the ambience, service, and presentation, which is part of the cost.

And explain how you feel about this activity:
I feel that fine dining is a truly luxurious and memorable experience. It is not just about the food, but also the entire dining experience, from the ambience to the service. Fine dining allows me to indulge in a range of different culinary delights that I may not get to taste otherwise. I enjoy trying new dishes, and it makes me appreciate the art of cooking even more. Although it is an expensive activity, I believe that it is worth the cost for the exceptional quality and unforgettable experience it offers.

Model Answer 2:

I have always been interested in fashion and style, and one of my favourite activities is buying expensive branded costumes, shoes, watches and perfumes. I believe that looking good and dressing well is an important aspect of personal presentation and self-confidence, and I take pleasure in investing in high-quality, luxury items that reflect my personal taste and style. For this excellent topic, I would describe this expensive activity of mine which I occasionally indulge in.

What activity it is:
The expensive activity that I enjoy doing occasionally is shopping for branded clothing, watches, shoes and perfumes. I love visiting high-end stores and boutiques that offer a wide range of designer and luxury products and spending time exploring the latest collections and trends.

Who you do it with:
While I enjoy shopping alone, I also love going shopping with my friends who share my passion for fashion and style. We often plan our shopping trips in advance, looking for the latest designer launches and seasonal sales.

Why it is expensive:
Branded clothing, watches, shoes and perfumes are often expensive because they are made from high-quality materials and are designed by renowned fashion designers and luxury brands. These products are often associated with exclusivity and prestige, and their high prices reflect their status as luxury items.

And explain how you feel about this activity:
For me, shopping for branded stores is more than just a leisure activity. It is a way for me to express my personality and style, and to invest in high-quality products that make me feel confident and stylish. While I understand that this activity can be seen as superficial or materialistic by some, I believe that it is a valid form of self-expression and personal enjoyment. Overall, I feel fulfilled and happy after a successful shopping trip, and I look forward to continuing this activity in the future.


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