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Describe a time when you felt lucky

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 509 with Model Answer:

Describe a time when you felt lucky.

You should say:
  • when it was
  • what happened
  • where it happened
and explain why you felt so lucky at that time.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:

I think that luck has smiled on me on a number of occasions before except, of course, I haven’t either always realized it or appreciated it for what it really meant then. But, whether I appreciated it or not, the truth is, I have felt lucky before, and today, I would like to share the story of one of those moments when it really happened.

Well, it all happened about a year ago when I was living in the capital city of my country – a city which never sleeps, and which is always busy because hundreds of thousands of people are either visiting this place or getting out. Of course, during regular times, such a visit doesn’t really become an issue, but it certainly becomes one, more often than not, during the times of the holiday season since this huge population decides to leave the capital city on the same day.

And that’s exactly what happened about a year ago when I was trying to get out of our capital city to be with my family. But, the problem was, I failed to buy or collect any bus, train or aeroplane ticket on time. Of course, I tried everywhere to get a ticket, but I just failed since all the tickets were already sold by then. So I pretty much gave up my hope to unite with my family. But, then, I got a call from one kind "bus ticket counter clerk" who informed me that one of his passengers had cancelled his/her ticket, and I was more than welcome to collect that ticket from him.

Needless to say, I felt so lucky as soon as I got the news from that ticket counter clerk because I would be finally able to unite with my family on such an auspicious occasion. I also felt that the ticket clerk could have simply ignored my plea to arrange a ticket for me, but he chose not to do so, and instead, he actually remembered me and help me out with a bus ticket. Luck was definitely on my side!

Model Answer 2:

Our life is full of events that are so surprising and unexpected that we often consider them "luck". Some would disagree with "luck" and like to call it the "result of our actions". Today, for this topic, I will talk about one such luck or result of my action that made me feel so good and lucky.

I felt incredibly lucky about a year ago when I won the first prize in a lottery. It was a beautiful summer afternoon, and I had just finished work when I learned about it in a newspaper. A couple of days before that day, I went to a local convenience store near my workplace and bought the ticket because I did not have any "change" to pay my bill. I completely forgot about the lottery ticket until that day when some of my colleagues were talking about the lottery and its draw. To my wildest surprise, I found that I won the first prize. I checked my ticket number several times before I told anyone that I was the winner.

When I found out that I had won the first prize of more than 10 thousand dollars, I was ecstatic, and I couldn't believe my luck. This win was so unexpected. With the money, I was able to pay off a bank loan, take a dream vacation and invest in my future. I felt incredibly grateful and fortunate to have won, and it was truly an ecstatic moment for me.


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