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Describe a good law in your country

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 479 with Model Answer:

Describe a good law in your country that you know about.

You should say:
  • what law it is
  • how you know about this law
  • what mass people think about this law
and explain why you think that it is a good law.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
There are several good laws in my country which go a long way to help us become a part of the civilized world. Today, I would like to talk about one such good law and explain what this law is all about and what it does. 

Now, it is worth mentioning that the subject of wage discrimination or inequality between men and women has remained a rather contentious topic for most part of our human history. Of course, it is also true at the same time that societies around the world, including the ones in my country, have made some concerted efforts to address this important issue through different kinds of laws and regulations. 

Anyway, the law, we have, in our country clearly states both men and women should be paid the same wages for the same kind of jobs, provided that they have the same level of education, qualifications and skills. Of course, I came to know about this particular law only recently when I came across a news article that tried to highlight the plights of some of the single working mothers in my country because they are not being paid fair wages despite the fact that we have a fair and equal payment law in our country. 

Having said that, however, I don’t really believe that this wage discrimination situation in my country is as bad as in some other countries because most people here still think of this law rather favourably. In fact, that same article published a poll in which it showed that an overwhelming majority (the people who participated in the poll) of the people in my country wanted to see the law being enforced and implemented more strictly.  

Well, like the fact that the overwhelming majority of people participating in that poll think that it is indeed a good law, simply because it helps eliminate some of the naked injustices in our societies. Besides, this law goes a long way in ensuring mutual respect and a healthy relationship between men and women in general.

Model Answer 2:

We all know that laws are essential to maintain peace and order in a society. There are several laws in every country that protect people's rights and ensure social harmony. In my country, there are many laws that serve this purpose, but the one I find most useful is the "Child Marriage Restraint Act."

What law it is:
The Child Marriage Restraint Act is a law that prohibits marriage for girls under 18 years of age and boys under 21 years of age. This law aims to protect children from being forced into marriage, which is often harmful to their health, education, and future prospects.

How you know about this law:
I learned about this law during my secondary school social studies class, where we studied various laws related to human rights and social welfare. Besides, this law has been widely publicized by the government through various media channels, including television, radio, and social media.

What mass people think about this law:
The majority of people in my country support the Child Marriage Restraint Act. It is regarded as a necessary measure to prevent child marriage, which is still prevalent in some rural areas of the country. The media and civil society organizations have played a crucial role in raising awareness about the negative consequences of child marriage, which has led to widespread support for this law.

And explain why you think it is a good law:
I believe that the Child Marriage Restraint Act is a good law because it helps protect the rights and welfare of children, particularly girls. Child marriage often results in the premature end of a child's education, which limits their future prospects and can have serious long-term consequences. Besides, child brides often face significant health risks due to early pregnancy, and they are more likely to experience domestic violence and abuse. The law is a crucial step towards ensuring that all children have the right to a healthy and safe childhood, free from the burden of marriage.


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