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Describe an event that angered you

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 467 with Model Answer:

Describe an event that angered you.

You should say:
  • what event it was
  • when it was
  • why you got so angry 
and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
No matter how hard we try, we can't control our emotions all the time. Though I like to consider myself a composed person, I am only human. So, a few months ago, I got furious when a shopkeeper violated my rights as a consumer. Thank you for this topic and the time, and I will share the experience with you.

I purchased a rice cooker from a moderately large electronic shop last June. It was manufactured and marketed by a famous electronics brand. It cost me over 180 dollars, and the shopowner specifically mentioned that it came with a 2-year replacement warranty. To be sure about the warranty, I asked him again and he replied that if my rice cooker malfunctions or does not work as expected, he would replace it with a new one.

Unfortunately, just three months after the purchase, when my rice cooker stopped working, and I returned to the store with expectations to get a replacement, the shop owner denied giving any warranty! He even started lying that he never promised a replacement warranty. That's when I got mad. When I failed to reason with him, I got furious with rage.

At that time, I felt like I should call my friends and give this rogue businessperson a lesson. Initially, I was calm, but when he accused me of lying instead of keeping his promises, I lost my temper. My voice raised significantly, and a few curious eyes were looking at me! Within 10 minutes or so, I left the store and promised myself never to go to this shop again, and also make a written complaint to the Consumer Rights Federation - which I did and got a replacement warranty and an "apology" from the storeowner after a couple of weeks later.

Model Answer 2:
One of the events that really angered me happened a few years ago when I was taking a flight from New York to London. It was an overnight flight and I was really looking forward to getting some sleep during the journey because I had a busy day ahead of me upon arrival. However, as soon as the plane took off, the passenger sitting behind me started kicking the back of my seat continuously. At first, I thought it was just an accident or perhaps the passenger was just stretching, so I didn't say anything. But when it continued for several minutes and even got more intense, I turned around and politely asked the passenger to stop kicking my seat.

To my surprise, the passenger was very rude and aggressive towards me, saying that it was their right to do whatever they wanted on the plane and that I had no right to interfere. I tried to reason with them, but they kept on kicking my seat and making loud noises, making it impossible for me to sleep or even relax. I felt very frustrated and angry at the same time because I couldn't believe someone could be so inconsiderate and disrespectful towards other passengers on the plane.

I tried to speak to the flight attendant and asked for their assistance, but they seemed busy with other things and didn't really pay attention to my request. This made me even more angry because I felt like my comfort and safety as a passenger were not being taken seriously.

Overall, the experience left me feeling angry, frustrated, and disappointed. I couldn't believe that someone could be so selfish and disrespectful towards others, especially in a public place like an airplane where we all have to share a limited amount of space and resources. I think this event made me more aware of the importance of respecting others' boundaries and being considerate towards those around us, even in situations where we might feel entitled to act otherwise.


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