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Describe an interesting animal that lives in water

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 456 with Model Answer:

Describe an interesting animal that lives in water.

You should say:
  • what animal it is
  • how you know about this animal
  • whether it is a common animal in your country
and explain why you think it is an interesting animal.

[Instruction: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Objective: The objective of this sample answer is to give you an idea so that you know how to answer if you get this or a similar topic in your exam. We expect that you'll be able to generate your own idea and talk about it after you read the sample answer.]

Model Answer 1:
From my childhood, I've always found the whale to be a fascinating creature. Due to its enormous size, I was a bit frightened of this sea animal in my childhood. However, I later learned in my school that it is never a ferocious or dangerous animal, but rather quite the opposite. For this topic, I've decided to talk about whales, which live in the sea and have many fascinating characteristics.

I believe I first learned about whales when I was just 4 or 5 years old. I saw them on TV, and my mom told me that they're the largest animals on earth and could grow as large as 30 meters long. I just imagined how large they really would be when I learned that an adult whale could be even 30 to 40 times larger than an elephant! I saw a whale for the first time when I was in high school and took a tour on a ship with my family.
Despite being aquatic animals, they're much different from fishes and other water animals. A science journal once compared them to humans, and the details of this article fascinated my young and inquisitive mind to a great extent. Whales could be found in the deep sea, and that is why they're not common in our country.

I can recall many fascinating features of this animal; however, their social belongings and highly developed instincts amaze me the most. Many whale species show strong family ties. In times of danger, they look after each other. Their maternal instincts are also highly advanced, much like a human mother. Specialists have found that whales can communicate over thousands of miles, and they contact one another through snores and groans. Isn't that fascinating?

Sample Answer 2:
One fascinating animal that lives in water is the seahorse. Its unique appearance and behaviour make it a captivating creature that has captured the attention and curiosity of many. Before I describe this interesting sea creature, I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to let me talk on this topic.

The seahorse is a small marine fish that belongs to the Syngnathidae family. It has a distinctive horse-like head and a long, curled tail, which it uses to anchor itself to seaweed or other objects. I first learned about seahorses through nature documentaries and books, and I have been fascinated by them ever since.

Seahorses are not particularly common in my country, as we are located inland and do not have direct access to the ocean. However, they can be found in certain coastal regions and aquariums. Despite their rarity, seahorses have captured the imagination of people around the world, including myself.

There are several reasons why I consider seahorses to be fascinating creatures. Firstly, their unique appearance sets them apart from other marine animals. Their horse-like head and intricate body patterns make them visually striking and enchanting to observe. Additionally, seahorses have a remarkable ability to change their colour and blend in with their surroundings, allowing them to camouflage and evade predators.

Another captivating aspect of seahorses is their mating behaviour. Unlike most other species, it is the male seahorses that carry and give birth to their young. This role reversal in parenting is highly unusual in the animal kingdom, making seahorses even more intriguing. Furthermore, seahorses have a unique method of swimming. Instead of using fins, they use a small dorsal fin on their back to propel themselves through the water. Their delicate and graceful movements add to their charm and make them a mesmerizing sight in their natural habitat.


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